Superhero Jacked's Anime Workout Routines
The most comprehensive database of free anime inspired workout routines anywhere!
We have hundreds of celebrity researched and superhero, anime and character inspired workout routines here on the site, and even books, packets and programs for you to utilize as well. For that reason all of our workout routines are also broken down more neatly into different categories and listicles all over the site as well.
Below you'll find the full list of both male and female anime character workout routines. If you'd like to narrow down your search you can head back to the full Workout Database or you can use the search function below.
You can go into any mini-database to sort by weight training and calisthenics among that specific anime's characters - or you can scroll down and scroll through thousands of characters that have landed on the site (as well as the newest characters).
We also have more than 50 Anime, Superhero and Fandom Workout Booklets, as well as Fandom Cookbooks, and the option to unlock unlimited access to ALL workout downloads, coaching, app functionality and more within Plus Ultra, The Ultimate Fitness X Fandom Membership.
Can't find your favorite anime character? Anime workout not listed? Search below:
(and make sure to scroll a bit to find the specific training style you want after you search!)
Want to sort by overall popularity among The SHJ Army or newest routines?
Want to sort by your favorite anime that have their own mini-workout-databases?
Join hundreds of thousands of members of The SHJ Army and immediately receive access to over 1000 celebrity and character workout routines, loads of new workouts every week, celeb meal plans, mini coaching series, and so much more.
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Can't find your favorite anime character? Anime workout not listed? Search below:
(and make sure to scroll a bit to find the specific training style you want after you search!)
You can also sort by specific anime, the most popular anime character routines, the most popular calisthenics anime routines, and more!