One of my favorite parts of the Avengers: Age of Ultron was watching them fight over who [or what] they thought was worthy enough to lift Thor’s hammer.
While I may not be a God like Thor, I can still train to become as strong as those who are worthy!
Every once in a while I like to add a little extra nerd into the site. This allows us to take a deep breath and not be so serious! It’s okay for us to have some fun while talking about our fitness….
That being said, I want to talk a little bit about some of the Superheroes that are worthy enough to lift Thor’s hammer, and what makes it so special!
With the help of an IGN article that I really enjoyed, we’ll go a bit more in-depth when talking about Thor’s Hammer, Mjolnir.
Here’s how they break it down for us:
Thor’s hammer Mjolnir is enchanted so that only the worthiest of heroes can wield the weapon and the awesome powers it bestows. For everyone else, the hammer becomes too heavy to budge. While the hammer is Thor’s signature weapon, a handful of other characters have actually been able to pick it up, one way or another.
I want to be this badass…I mean worthy…
The article then goes on to discuss “12 Other Characters Who Have Lifted Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir“. And guess what, we’re going to discuss a bunch of them right now! And, I guess I’ll even tell you the others at the end instead of leaving you in suspense!
Avengers: Age of Ultron Clip
I mentioned how much I love the fight over worthiness, but this clip will bring my opinion to justice. The first minute of this clip gives you a quick teaser into what I’m talking about!

Other Characters Who Have Lifted Thor’s Hammer
Oooo ahhhhh. The suspense.
I’m sure [if you watched the clip], you saw Captain America was able to budge the hammer, leaving Thor to cringe for a split second. For that reason, we’re starting with none other then the Cap.
Captain America

Chris Evans made a huge jump going from The Human Torch and then becoming JACKED for his role as Cap… and that’s exactly why we even broke down his nutrition to go along with the routine!

Talk about worthy…
We’ve talked about a couple actors who have gone through Superman transformations, but more specifically would be Henry Cavill, the Man of Steel. Cavill put on a ton of lean muscle mass for this role and we discuss how you can too. That hammer is probably damn heavy, so you’re going to need all the strength you can get!
For those interested, we’ve also discussed Brandon Routh in his role as the Atom, but he has also starred as Superman in his day.
Side Note: Superman became worthy in #4, JLA/Avengers.
Hulk and Red Hulk

The only reason I feel like I can get away with it is because I just recently did an article on a Hulk workout routine! This means that you’d be lifting the same big weights for the same big physique that the Hulk and Red Hulk have.
Only difference is the color you paint yourself…
Side Note: The Hulk lifted Mjolnir in #4, The Avengers Ensemble (2012) and The Red Hulk did it #5, Hulk V. 2 (2008).

So, instead of just immediately going into the rest of the worthy characters, it’s only fair we take a second to discuss the one and only God of Thunder.
Chris Hemsworth definitely plays the role of Thor amazingly. We know that already. But, what not everyone knows is how he got into God-Like shape. Yes, I’m talking about his God-Like Thor Workout Routine.
Thankfully for us, we can mimic it and train just like him!
Side Note: This is where I’d tell you what comics Thor lifted Mjolnir. If you can’t figure this out on your own, you may not be worthy of this article…
The Other Characters Who Have Lifted Thor’s Hammer
Okay, seeing as how we don’t have a workout routine for you to get as strong as the rest of the characters, we’ll just do a quick run through. That being said, there are 1-2 of them that I will definitely need to cover in the future! (I’ll be sure to update with a new link)
[SPOILER ALERT] – Instead of giving it fully away, I will tell you that I am not adding someone to this list who may be a new addition from the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie. [END SPOILER ALERT]
The other worthy characters:
- Conan
- Awesome Andy
- Beta Ray Bill
- Bor
- Magneto
- Throg
- Thunderstrike
- Wonder Woman
I hope you all enjoyed this little bit of extra nerd in the article, and if you want to find out more about the events of each character, be sure to check out the rest of the IGN article here.

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