Last updated on January 8th, 2025 at 07:05 pm
I don’t think there’s a person reading this that wouldn’t want to be a Kingsman.
There’s not, right?
Okay, well Kingsman isn’t Taron Egerton’s only gig – he’s also been in Sing, Eddie the Eagle, and some others – but Kingsman is definitely him being his most badass.
It also doesn’t hurt that he struts a pretty killer physique in Kingsman as well, which goes hand-in-hand with the badassery portrayed.
Oh, and Kingsman is SO elite that having the nickname Eggsy doesn’t even hurt your standing of awesomeness.
Taron Egerton Stats:
Height: 5’10
Weight: (approximate) 175 lbs.
Age: 27 years old
Egerton isn’t the shortest, but also isn’t the tallest we’ve seen at SHJ.
He stands right around the middle of the pact, but not really high enough to consider him the “average”, which is generally the 6’0-6’2 range with guys like our triple Chris threat AKA Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, and Chris Evans.
Standing above even those guys are the monsters we’ve seen like The Mountain, Batista, Dwayne Johnson, Jason Momoa and Ben Affleck!
Egerton is more around the range of guys like Matt Damon, Chris Pine, and even pretty close to Mark Wahlberg – standing a bit above the shorter handful like Tom Holland, Zac Efron, and Kit Harington.
But, hey, you can be a Kingsman regardless of your height and starting point.
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Taron Egerton Diet and Nutrition
Taron Egerton’s workout routine is what is often highlighted by the few interviews that he has done for both Kingsman and Eddie the Eagle.
That being said, we all know there’s no out training or out running your diet.
It just doesn’t work like that.
One thing that Egerton says about his training and diet that I think is extremely important is:
“Well I didn’t look how I look in the underwater scene when I got the part, that’s for sure. I lost a lot of weight and built a lot of muscle. It was full-on, martial arts, gymnastics, all the time, for the nine weeks between getting the part, every moment when I wasn’t shooting on the show I was doing, I was training with a stunt team. I had a diet plan, a training regime, all of it. It was a very physical part.”
He had a diet plan, and he was training basically every day for nine weeks.
Well, thankfully we’re going to be shooting for sustainability with this routine.
Similar to how The Academy’s Nutritional Classes (Vikings, Hunter Gatherers, Spartans, Monks, Samurais, Minimalists) are designed to promote sustainability, we still always shoot for that in every write up we have on the site as well.
Another great quote for Egerton’s diet comes from his trainer here:
We made sure he had chicken and fish and reduced his salt and sugar intake. Try telling any 25 to 26 year old guy to avoid pizza and alcohol, it’s not easy.
As I do often, I’m going to suggest intermittent fasting in conjunction with some of the other things we talk about within our free nutrition pillars.
Oh, and some pretty damn good workout routine programming to go with it!

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Taron Egerton Workout Routine Research
I already gave you guys a nice quote from Egerton on his grueling workout routine, but we’ll talk about it more now.
To put that grueling training into words, here’s another quote from his trainer:
Hugh Jackman is in training for Wolverine. His life is about training and I think that only helped Taron. Their schedules are so grueling and changing all the time. You want them to train hard in the time you have with them but if Taron didn’t get to bed till 2am and he’s training at 5am, you have to be realistic. If he’s exhausted we do core pilates training where we keep him in one place but still do something.
Well, we know how incredible Hugh Jackman’s training for Wolverine was….and oh…did I mention he also utilized intermittent fasting for that role?
And finally, the finale of all quotes from Egerton’s trainer comes in with this one:
For the Eagle he had to be strong, for the Kingsman, defined. So what he has to do is much more rigorous. He would have to do a lot more cardio. If you do a strength based exercise and don’t have rest in between that’s very effective to up your metabolic rate. With Taron we use resistance exercises but not much break in between. We try and set up as many different exercises so we don’t get bored. For instance 3 minutes of boxing, 3 minutes of core, 3 on the bike. For Eddie the Eagle his body had to move in a certain way. There’s certain tightness and weaknesses his body has. All those postural issues must be addressed before we add weight. It’s not a case of saying work as hard as you can because he already worked so hard for the Eagle he’s in a good place to get Kingsman ready. We are making sure he doesn’t skip on his training.”
Now we’re cookin’!
I think we have exactly what we need for this one.
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Taron Egerton Workout Routine

Training Volume:
3-5 days per week
You heard the man. Egerton is training daily when he’s on very limited schedules, but thankfully we’re not on a 3 week limit, and we’re training to get his physique for the long haul. That being said, I’m going to program you 3 days a week, and give the option for another 2 to be implemented like Taron would.
Day One: Conditioning, Combat, Circuit
Warm Up:
Jog 1600m
Bench Press
Front Squats
Clean and Press
3 Rounds:
3 Minute Boxing (Heavy Bag or Shadow)
3 Minutes Core Work:
1 Minute Sit Ups, 1 Minute V-Ups, 1 Minute Plank Hold
3 Minutes on Bike or Treadmill
Day Two: MMA, Activity, Pilates, etc.
Both Egerton and his coach mentioned both the use of MMA, Gymnastics, and Pilates in his training.
That being said, this day is implemented as an option for you to take advantage of one of the three.
You can utilize Coach Derek and The Fighter’s Path for MMA, or even The Nightwing Path for Gymnastics – or you could get out there and get involved in an outside class.
If none of these are an option, fitting in the circuit for another day, and implementing training here always works as well.
Day Three: Conditioning, Combat, Circuit
Warm Up:
Jog 1600m
Military Press
Pull Ups
Back Squats
Power Cleans
3 Rounds:
3 Minute Boxing (Heavy Bag or Shadow)
3 Minutes Core Work:
1 Minute Sit Ups, 1 Minute V-Ups, 1 Minute Plank Hold
3 Minutes on Bike or Treadmill
Day Four: MMA, Activity, Pilates, etc.
Both Egerton and his coach mentioned both the use of MMA, Gymnastics, and Pilates in his training.
That being said, this day is implemented as an option for you to take advantage of one of the three.
You can utilize Coach Derek and The Fighter’s Path for MMA, or even The Nightwing Path for Gymnastics – or you could get out there and get involved in an outside class.
If none of these are an option, fitting in the circuit for another day, and implementing training here always works as well.
Day Five: Conditioning, Combat, Circuit
Warm Up:
Jog 1600m
Push Ups
Leg Press
3 Rounds:
3 Minute Boxing (Heavy Bag or Shadow)
3 Minutes Core Work:
1 Minute Sit Ups, 1 Minute V-Ups, 1 Minute Plank Hold
3 Minutes on Bike or Treadmill
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