A time of contempt indeed. The title of this one definitely hits the nail right on the head.
The Kings apparently aren't dealing with the Mages anymore, the Nilfgaardian army is still getting ready for war, and the Scoia'tael (Squirrels) are attacking humans in forests and villages.
We get back our favorite characters (I automatically assume we have the same favorites) in Geralt, and Ciri, and we even have our Yennefer, Triss, and Dandelion.
For me, Geralt and Ciri are my favorite, so I would say a good three quarters of the narrative were great to read - even when it was slightly slower character building of these characters (and Yennefer and Triss).
However, I did say three quarters of the book for a reason.
The three quarters of the book that I really thoroughly enjoyed reading was awesome. There were some amazing battle scenes (which was an upgrade from the first book, which I only remember one or two small scenes), and the heart of the "time of contempt" took place through these characters as well.
This time of contempt included the same political feel that we got from the first one. And, I happen to like it, when it's done in a manner that's fun and involving the character's we want to be reading from (their point of view).
Then, at times, we get a swap to other characters who are much less known to us. In my opinion the book becomes harder to follow and it's almost info dumping. I'm not an editor, so I don't know how we would get this information without these sections, but they seem to take up a quarter of the novel.
Without these scenes I think I would have ranked it even higher than Blood of Elves, but unfortunately I will admit there were some sections in that quarter of the book that I couldn't even fully comprehend. It was hard to make complete sense of who was on what side. Thankfully, it ended up being the three quarters of the book that I enjoyed following that really mattered, and I look forward to seeing more out of Ciri and Geralt.
With all that said I'm going to rank it at a 4 like Blood of Elves. I was almost inclined to give it a 3.5, but I really do enjoy the parts of the book that are good, and do want to continue the series because of that.
I'm curious to see what you guys have to think!
My next two books are going to be Feel the Fear...and Do it Anyway, and also Mortal Engines.
**Mortal Engines will be coming a bit late as I am getting it as a Christmas present.**
Please share your thoughts and keep the Book Club Discussion going in the comment section below!
Review Conclusion
Overall really fun read for the vast majority of the book. There were some sections slow and harder to follow, and I will admit it took away from the fun ever so slightly, but I definitely want to continue reading through the series because of the characters that make you love it.
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