Now, I want to preface this review by saying that by no means do I think this book was not a great read. What I will talk about is merely something I feel after reading a ton of Self Help books and also being in a position where I didn't really feel that impacted by the format and specific purpose of the book.
That being said, I imagine that in the hands of the right person this book would receive a much higher scoring.
Either way, I'd like to go through some of the book and break it down into some sections (which I normally don't do for our fiction stuff), because I think that will better help you decide if it's for you.
And, of course, I'll talk a bit more about why I specifically don't think it was for me.
The book is basically broken down in such a way that it attempts to get you to overcome your fears.
If that wasn't already obvious.
Jeffers also breaks it down into "Five Truths", in which you're supposed to always remember, in order to help you overcome these fears of ours.
Basically, what if your house burns down? You'll handle it. What if your car blows up? You'll handle it. What if I just keep talking about things burning down and blowing up for some reason, instead of things like "What if I go broke", or "What if I fail"? Well, I suppose we'll all handle it, right?
I think you're getting the point here.
Anyways, let's talk about the Five Truths:
Truth 1: The fear will never go away as long as you continue to grow!
Truth 2: The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and…do it!
Truth 3: The only way to feel better about yourself is to go out and…do it!
Truth 4: Not only are you afraid when facing the unknown, so is everyone else!
Truth 5: Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the bigger underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness!
Part of it honestly started to make me think of Shia Labeouf's "Just Do It".

Which leads me into the part of why it wasn't really for me.
Some of my favorite Self Help books are Malcolm Gladwell's; books like Outliers, The Tipping Point, Blink, etc. Those spoke to me. If any of you have read even one of them, you probably know what I'm talking about. If not, I should probably continue trying to explain.
Some Self Help books contain a lot of the same information.
"It's okay, just do it, you'll get through it. "
"Everyone experiences this."
"You can do it."
That kind of stuff.
In my opinion, this one kind of felt like that.
Of course, there were specific points that I could absolutely take from it and utilize, but I don't know if it was enough to warrant telling you to go out and buy it for some motivation.
At that same take, it was still decent enough to give it a 2.5 out of 5 (which I say, as I mark it as the least scored book yet...).
I'm curious to see what you guys have to think!
I'm still finishing up Mortal Engines (Book 1), which, if you're an Academy member, you know I spilled Monster Energy Drink all over - and then we start next month's Book Club Choice and more!
Please share your thoughts and keep the Book Club Discussion going in the comment section below!
Review Conclusion
I think this book would do good in the right hands. For me, I don't think it was right. I didn't feel the spark I get when I really really truly love a Self Help book (and I swear, I love a lot of them)! I would recommend it for people who resonated with the above Five Truths!
Purchase Feel The Fear...And Do It Anyway: Amazon Link
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Last updated on January 5th, 2019 at 11:41 am

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