I absolutely LOVED this book.
To the point where if book two was already out I would put all other books to a halt (including Book Club pick) and continue on with the series.
The four "main" characters, Zélie, Princess Amari, and each of their brothers, Inan and Tzain, were just developed and created so well I couldn't stop reading.
It had a mixture of magic, culture and deeper meanings that is really what I'm in love with.
This one reminded me of Harry Potter, X-Men and The Red Queen Series.
It had the metaphorical mix of magic and powers that also divided cultures for the deeper meaning against racism, but also did it in a way that was extremely fun to read and follow.
While the division of power and suppression was strong in this one, there was also inner battles within families that really took it to another place. The constant being Princess and Prince Amari and Inan against each other and/or their father (the King), but even Zélie and Tzain had their scuffles to deal with.
There were definitely moments of intensity, and enough to where it was never boring. Not even for a minute. Even when the intensity of battle came to a halt there was always more going for the characters adventure, and always moments when you think you know what is going to happen...but really you have no idea.
And, while extremely intense and fun to read because of that aspect, there were also plenty of tear jerkers in here as well. So prepare yourself for that if you plan on picking this one up.
I definitely recommend this one and cannot wait for Children of Virtue and Vengeance on June 4th.
My next reads will be The Book Club Choice: Mortal Engines Book #3 (Infernal Devices), and Throne of Glass Book #4: Queen of Shadows, if you'd like to keep up with what I'm reading.
Please share your thoughts and keep the Book Club Discussion going in the comment section below!
Review Conclusion
Amazing. I love stories with deeper meanings and metaphors, and I also love stories of magic and standing up for what is right, but also one's family. And this had all of that. Including intense battles and adrenaline spewing through every page - with a mixture of heartbreaking moments that keep you in check.
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