Last updated on June 1st, 2022 at 07:33 pm
If you guys were not aware: many people are stuck at home right now, and don’t have access to typical training styles at a gym.
That’s why we’ve been running a calisthenics and bodyweight training theme for the workouts we build and research for a few weeks now, and also launched wrote our Ultimate Calisthenics Workout & Guide for The SHJ Army as well.
That being said: Chris Hemsworth’s workout routine is one of the most popular at SHJ.
We’ve even had multiple variations show up for his training styles just on that one article.
And being that we’re currently looking for any and every home workout routine we can get our hands on, we’ve also been adding in some of these shorter articles to give you guys an opportunity to switch it up and add in some other styles of training.
You know, aside from the growing list of calisthenics workouts I consistently add to The Ultimate Calisthenics Workout & Guide…
We’ve already seen a workout routine like this from Zac Efron’s trainer, AND Tom Holland’s trainer.
Efron’s was completely bodyweight, Holland’s used some extra equipment, and Hemsworth’s only needs dumbbells, but can easily be subbed for anything you have that’s weighted around the house.
For this one I’ll be sharing a workout that was put together by Chris Hemsworth’s personal trainer, Luke Zocchi!
If you want Chris Hemsworth’s full workout, or more information about his nutrition and diet (which we also covered), your best bet is to head over to his original workout routine and dietary article and check that out.
To help you out even more we had Brandon test it out!
Chris Hemsworth Home Workout

Training Volume:
One Day Worth of Training [That Can Be Repeated]
This is a warm up and circuit that is great as a full body workout to be added into your programming any day you need to switch it up and get a great quick and dirty full body workout!
Training Duration:
Luke Zocchi, Chris Hemsworth’s personal trainer builds this circuit to be 3 rounds with no rest in between rounds.
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
The Warm Up:
Bear Crawl
20 Seconds On 10 Seconds Off X 10 Rounds
Bodyweight Squats
20 Seconds On, 10 Seconds Off X 10 Rounds
The Workout:
Complete Circuit 3 Rounds [No Rest Between Rounds]
Weighted Burpee X 8 reps
Dumbbell Curl to Press X 8 reps
Goblet Squat X 8 reps
Standing Tricep Extensions X 8 reps
Reverse Lunge Curl X 8 reps
Lateral Raise into Front Raise into Upright Row w/ Dumbbells X 8 reps
Plank Punch Out X 8 reps
Plank Pulses X 8 reps
Plank Pikes X 8 reps
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.

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