Last updated on October 15th, 2021 at 02:10 pm
Edge is back in the WWE and he is SHREDDED.
Back in the day Edge had a great physique and was obviously extremely strong and fit to be able to do the job of being a professional wrestler, but now he’s back on a whole new level.
Edge collaborated with Men’s Health on their YouTube Channel to bring us what he’s referring to as his WrestleMania Shoulder Workout!
In the video Edge says:
“I’m preparing for WrestleMania, so the prep for that has changed a bit. Training is obviously very important to the job of being a professional wrestler. Aesthetically, but also in terms of the preparation for the abuse you’re going to take.
He also goes on to talk about the importance of his shoulders and training them.
He says:
Today I’m going to do shoulders, and shoulders are important to me because I’ve had two neck surgeries. I have a triple fusion in my neck and then a rubber disc at the c4 level. So I need to be able to protect my neck, and shoulders are a huge part in that.
From there he goes into describing some of the movement, but we’ll get into a full breakdown in a bit!
Edge isn’t the first wrestling superstar we’ve seen at SHJ, and they’re actually quite popular among The SHJ Army!
Here’s a handful you guys love (based on popularity):
- Dwayne Johnson Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- Bautista Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- Stone Cold Steve Austin Workout and Diet
- Seth Rollins Workout and Diet
- Becky Lynch Workout and Diet
And the list actually goes on from there.
Seems like we need our own WWE and professional (or ex-professional) wrestler mini-workout database within our Workout Database, huh?
Maybe next time you check back it’ll be here waiting…
Edge Shoulder Workout

Training Volume:
One Day of Training
(To Be Repeated and Varied w/ Other Training)
Upgrade This Workout:
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Edge Shoulder Workout
This workout is shared by Men’s Health and Edge!
Neck Warm Up:
Iron Neck Movements
Core Warm Up:
Plank with Leg Raise
Side Plank
Star Plank
Hanging Leg Raises
Shoulder Workout:
Viking Press
4×12, 10, 10, 8->Blowout
**Run for 30 Seconds after each set**
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
4×12, 10, 10, 8->Blowout
**Run for 30 Seconds after each set**
Lateral Raises
4×12, 10, 10, 8->Blowout
**Run for 30 Seconds after each set**
Front Raises
4×12, 10, 10, 8->Blowout
**Run for 30 Seconds after each set**
Barbell Shrugs
4×12, 10, 10, 8->Blowout
**Run for 30 Seconds after each set**
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