You guys liked the last Boruto inspired burger so much you essentially demanded we bring on the super sour lemon burger - which I'll admit to have been avoiding at first.
We had Boruto's favorite Green Chili Burger added into our Anime Inspired Recipes not too long ago, and I was surprised how many of you immediately gave it a go.
Now let's see if you'll take this one on!
Anime: Boruto
Inspiration: We've been on a Naruto spree with our recipes, but these last handful have technically been from Boruto, with this one being another Boruto favorite. Similar to the way Naruto loves ramen, Boruto loves his burgers, and they happen to be pretty unique...
SHJ Naruto Bonuses:
- 1 Moroccan Preserved Lemon, Deseeded
- 100ML Oil
- 175g of 90 percent lean ground beef
- Iceberg Lettuce
- Low Calorie Burger Bun (Not Included In Calories)
- 1 Lemon, Super Super Thinly Sliced and Deseeded (for Garnish)
- Start by prepping your sauce. Deseed your preserved Moroccan lemon and throw it in a blender with 50-100ML of oil, depending on the size of your lemon. You'll need to eye it, but you should be able to blend to a creamy sauce finish.
- Now it's time to prep your garnishes for after your burger is done. Grab your regular lemon and begin slicing and deseeding it. You'll want to slice this extremely thin being that we'll be garnishing your burger with essentially a full lemon to recreate the Boruto burger. If you leave seeds or don't slice thinly enough this will be nearly impossible to eat.
- Time for your burger. We're going to be trying to increase the protein and cut some calories off here since we have some different garnishes for this one. Grill your burger to your preferred finish.
- Spread your creamy lemon sauce on the top of your bun or on top of your burger, place your burger on the bun, garnish with iceberg lettuce and your extremely thinly sliced lemon and voila!
Serving Size: 1 Serving (The Bun You Choose Needs To Be Added)
Calories: 385 Calories
Fat: 23g
Carbs: 7g
Protein: 35g
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