BONUS: Workout Database (the my book. Although, there is going to be much more information to take away from this article than just a list of what diets celebrities use. This will also give me a chance to both break down resources all over the site that might be otherwise hidden with the tons and tons of workout routines we have for you, as well as give a slight breakdown of our Nutrition Classes within [Strict] High Protein Diet *Most Popular Among Male Celebrities* Now I should also mention … [Read more...] about The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities: Over A Dozen Different Diets and Nutrition Restrictions Used Among The World’s Top Performers
Ryu Hayabusa Cosplay Workout and Guide: Train to Become the Super Ninja from Ninja Gaiden
BONUS: This is a good ol' fashion video game inspired week. We saw our first ever Blizzard Entertainment inspired workout (and cosplay guide) this week as well. That came in the form of Tracer from Overwatch! Of course we've seen a ton of video game inspired characters at SHJ, but I wanted to jump back into it and hit two since we've been slacking on them for a few weeks. Plus, who doesn't want to train to look like a Ninja? By the way, if you don’t already know, this is our … [Read more...] about Ryu Hayabusa Cosplay Workout and Guide: Train to Become the Super Ninja from Ninja Gaiden
Tracer (Overwatch) Cosplay Workout and Guide: Train to Become Tracer from Blizzard’s Overwatch
BONUS: Tracer's workout and cosplay guide will be the first ever video game character from Blizzard! Many of you might know: I'm a Blizzard Fanboy! We've had a ton of other video game inspired workout routines on SHJ, but this will lead us down a whole new realm of characters (assuming you guys like it). Tracer is from Blizzard's game Overwatch (and technically Heroes of the Storm), which is a is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter. It's freakin' awesome, although I … [Read more...] about Tracer (Overwatch) Cosplay Workout and Guide: Train to Become Tracer from Blizzard’s Overwatch
The Naruto Inspired Circuit Workout [Video Guide Included]
BONUS: Welcome back to our newest category and playlist: The Superhero (or character) Inspired Workout Routine and Video Guides! We've been going in a nice zigzag order thus far. Our sequence currently goes like this: Marvel Character -> DC Character -> Anime Character And, we've also seen all these characters before as well. This new category is strictly quick circuits to also give you the video guide. Here's a breakdown of what we've seen thus far: Thor Workout … [Read more...] about The Naruto Inspired Circuit Workout [Video Guide Included]
Simu Liu Workout Routine and Diet Plan: Train to go from Accountant to Marvel’s Shang-Chi
The Top Five Pre-Workout Supplements (That Are Also Intermittent Fasting and Keto Friendly)
BONUS: We also shared The Top 5 Protein Powder Supplements on the market as well. I don't always take pre-workout....but when I do....I opt for these favorites. The great part about my top five pre-workout list is that I might have attached the fact that they're intermittent fasting friendly to the title to help you guys out; but they're also my top five overall as well. Flavor, usability, pump, and more! These are definitely my go-to all around. It just so happens that their … [Read more...] about The Top Five Pre-Workout Supplements (That Are Also Intermittent Fasting and Keto Friendly)