Last updated on December 12th, 2020 at 04:04 pm
We all know how much I love my Bulletproof Coffee. Â It really had such a huge impact on my life and the way I feel, and because of that, I want to make it possible for everyone to get the benefits of it.
I mean, if you’re becoming a Superhero, one thing that makes life much easier is being Bulletproof…
If you haven’t already read the original recipe article, then by all means you can go back and check it out here.
Dave Asprey, the author of the BulletProof Diet [Amazon Link], is amazing at hacking. Â And by that I mean hacking our diets to allow us to lose fat, gain muscle, and function to our highest levels of performance. Â The great part about this is that I’m not only talking about physically, I also mean mentally. Â For that reason, tons of people are utilizing BulletProof Coffee, not only for the improvements you can receive in your weight loss battle, but also for the kick it gives your brain without the mid-day coffee crash.
That being said, I’d love to name just a few of the amazing celebrities that become Bulletproof every single morning. Â The first one is actually someone we’ve covered previously. Â He’s played Superman and more recently The Atom on the CW’s Arrow. Â Yes, we’re talking about Brandon Routh. Â Lucky for you, you can even check out his diet and workout regime right here on Superhero Jacked. Â But there’s more! Â Actor Jeremy Piven, actress Shailene Woodley and even Ex-MTV star become CrossFit Super-trainer Emily Shromm all start there day with this kick as well.
Not that I need to sell it more, but the reason I am naming these stars is because I was working my way to someone who’s had a huge impact in my life.  Now we’re talking about Tim Ferriss.  Ferriss is the author of The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Chef.  He has done much more then that, but since this site is about me and you, we’ll cut the dramatic introduction and get on with the point!  Recently Ferriss has started his own TV show representing “The Tim Ferriss Experiment”.  The most recent clip I’ve seen from Tim is one regarding his morning tea.  He makes a connection to BulletProof coffee because of the similar ingredients, but finds that it’s just as awesome (if not better) if you use his variation!
Tims Tea and Bulletproof Coffee are best paired with Intermittent Fasting to get the full effects with a ketogenic response.
You can check out the clip from Vessel below:

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