Last updated on December 12th, 2019 at 09:55 pm
Instead of doing that thing they do in posts where you have to wait until the very end to find out what you can learn – I’m going to give you the gist of it right off the bat:
Fitness doesn’t have to be all sacrifice and no fun.
Fitness doesn’t have to be just lifting weights and intense dieting.
Daisy knows this. She knows how to combine fitness with other things. Sure, she still lifts heavy weights, but she combines that with other activities, training, and a lifestyle that allows for fitness to be fun.
Daisy Deadlifting 176 lbs.
A lot of people get lost in the mindset that fitness has to be this scary thing. People email me all the time telling me how intimidating it is to go to the gym. Fitness is supposed to be fun, regardless of where you’re at in your journey. In my last post I wrote about “Where the Game of Thrones Characters get their Motivation” in hopes that people can draw from it and make use of it in their own transformations. You need to find what motivates you and use it to keep you going – but at the same time, if you hate the journey it becomes that much harder to stay on track.
Learn from Daisy! Make it enjoyable!
Fitness Isn’t Just About “Working Out”
There’s another lesson you can take from Daisy. She knows that fitness isn’t just about lifting weights, running and the “normal” regime – she incorporates fun activities…including training to be a Jedi Master!
So @liangstunts (TRAITOR) is WUSHU FRICKING MASTER and I always try to get him to teach me things… This was today!!! Obvs not great but HE’S amazing and he’s also featured at the end ??? our stunt team are the most incredible group of people, so lucky I get to train with them!
A video posted by @daisyridley on
Now, don’t get me wrong, I know you don’t have access to a trainer like Daisy does (who happened to also train Oberyn Martell from Game of Thrones) – BUT the point is that you can involve other forms of fitness outside the norm. Personally, I like to incorporate hikes, tennis and intense video gaming into my fitness schedule :).
Are there things you can do to get active that you really enjoy?
Maybe it’s time to get into that hobby you’ve been talking yourself out of for quite some time. Take to the mats and become a jiu-jitsu artist; hit the calisthenics and train like an American Ninja Warrior; take up the sword and train to someday take on Daisy in a Jedi duel.
I can’t tell you what you like or what you’re going to want to incorporate, that part is your job, but what I do know is that fitness can be fun, and it can also be varied.
Your Brain Grows like a Muscle too
Because brain fitness is INSTA WORTHY TOO! Reading, reading is my faaaaaave!!! #fitnessfriday #kindof #mybodyissotired #restissuperimportant #justhadaburger #ohyeswin #hashtag GUYS relax! I’m reading The Fountainhead out of interest, I don’t agree with the philosophy!
Oh, yeah, and just in case you forgot: your brain grows like a muscle too. Your brain gets stronger with practice, and since Daisy is into it: you dudes better get your read on if you’re going to have a shot!
Kind of kidding…
I always talk about brain function when it comes to SuperHuman Fuel and even supplementation, so I’m sure you all know how important I find it…but how many of you are right there with me? If you want to be healthy and you’re on this site learning to get fit, well it’s okay to also pick up a book and get your brain-fuel on too.
I give you permission.
A video posted by @daisyridley on
And, while she still squats and adds in some circuit training, fitness can be more than just training and devoting your life to the inside of a gym. (Although, to be fair, I have a lot of fun when I hit the gym…)
The point is: switch it up, have fun with it, you don’t have to make yourself miserable in your fitness journey. If you want to look like Charlie Cox’s Daredevil, Ryan Reynolds Deadpool, or even any of the other Superhero Workouts I bring to the site – it’s all possible while still enjoying yourself.
And, as always, if you need a boost, some extra accountability, or are finally ready to take that next step…Check out and join me in The SuperHuman Program today.
Pictures/Videos: Daisy Ridley’s Instagram

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