Last updated on June 30th, 2017 at 05:20 pm
Hello again SHJ True Believers!
Dave here and let’s get the intro out of the way again for those who missed it last time.
I’ve always had a passion for good tasting food, and while I could list of kitchen related jobs of my past, I find it easier to tell this community that I pushed a rebellious teenager out of the way of a gamma bomb infusing me with kitchen skills well beyond the reach of mortals… And on to the truth. I’m a self taught average joe who’s been gifted a superhuman sense for what tastes great and I’m here to share my findings. Each recipe will feature a minimum of one of the elusive superfoods because what else do you think superhumans consume?
Today’s Featured Recipe:
No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bars
This recipe is for the Superhuman in need of a meal replacement, a pre/post workout snack, or are looking for an alternative way to satisfy a diet destroying craving. Be warned though, while I do sell this as a nutrition dense alternative it also rings in at 19 grams of sugar, not something you want to overload on if you are seeking superhuman results. I’d limit my daily portion to 1 (maximum a day). Now with that warning out of the way this recipe brings a number of nutrient dense superfoods to the table. Most heavily featured (sorry paleo fans) is the humble Oat. A gluten free whole grain loaded with antioxidants and high in protein. A half cup of oats (typical recommended serving) rings in at approximately 303 calories, but loaded in those carb heavy calories we also find 13 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, 8 grams of fiber, and enough nutrients to amp up a God of Thunder. Added to our lead superfood the Oat, we will also be utilizing coconut oil, chia seeds, and antioxidant rich dried cranberries, cherries, and blueberries.
Coconut Oil should be familiar to those of you who’ve discovered the joys of SuperHuman Fuel. But if you’ll allow me a Flash like explanation of why you want this fat in your diet, three words (or letters for the next level speedsters) Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs). Coconut oil has all four naturally occurring MCTs, and these fatty acids have been shown to raise your energy level, improve your thought clarity, and can hijack your metabolism to burn stored body fat quicker. While I wouldn’t utilize this recipe as a primary way to consume this awesome superfood, it’s important to note that it’s in there ready to help you kick some ass.
This recipe makes anywhere from 20-24 bars.
Here’s the per serving stats (20 bar batch):
Calories | 299 |
Fat (g) | 16.5 |
Carbs (g) | 29.2 |
Protein (g) | 10.1 |
Nutrition Pillar Info:
This recipe meets the standards of our Mediterranean Pillar and our Vegetarian Pillar. Cavemen, sorry bros, gotta move on. If you are vegan replace the honey and chocolate chips with a vegan friendly options.
- ½ Cup of Coconut Oil
- 1 Cup Peanut Butter (Natural, Unsalted – If you have doubts look at the ingredient list, there should only be one, Peanuts. Anything else is full of shelf stabilizers and sweeteners you should avoid)
- ½ Cup Honey
- 1 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips
- 128 grams ( Approx. 4 Scoops) Protein Powder (Chocolate)
- 2 Cups Oats (Not the quick cook kind)
- ¼ Cup Chia Seeds
- ¾ Cup Dried Berries (I prefer an antioxidant mix, this is optional)
- In a large mixing bowl combine and mix your Protein Powder, Oats, Chia Seeds.
- Add your coconut oil, peanut butter, and honey to an appropriate sized sauce pan (9” Cast Iron Skillet featured below)
- Using medium-low heat, melt and stir until combined.
- Add the dark chocolate chips, and stir until melted and combined.
- Add the melted chocolate, peanut butter, and coconut oil mixture to your oat mixture and combine. Once combined, add your dried fruit (optional).
- Grab a 9”x13” glass pan, and lightly oil the inside of it using coconut oil. A paper towel can be used to help coat the pan without leaving too much excess oil. Transfer the mixture to this pan. Spread the mixture until it is flat and smooth.
- Move the pan to the fridge, and let Ice Man have his frigid way with it for at least 2 hours. I’d encourage a minimum of 4, and if you are patient enough overnight works as well.
- Cut into manageable sized bars and Excelsior and Enjoy!
Full nutritional stats, courtesy of MyFitnessPal:
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