What’s up SuperHumans…aka Fan-Boys-&-Girls?
1. What’s new with SHJ this week?
I guess we should start here:

How We’re Joining The Justice League:
2 – We have two new Celeb/Superhero Workout Routines up:
And, if you missed the rest of The Justice League:
2. What are you guys watching?
TV Shows:
I decided I have to just start listing these out instead of making you read full sentences. 😛
Flash: Up to date
Supergirl: Up to date
Arrow: Up to date
The Magicians: Up to date
Iron Fist: DONE!
Let me know in the comment section if you’re watching these shows and if you’re up to date. OR, have a full on convo with everyone in The NEW Academy Forums.
I didn’t get any movies in this week (yet), but I’m supposed to be seeing Kong or Beauty and the Beast tonight. So, I guess this part will have to wait until next week!
3. What are you reading?
Finally finished King’s Cage this week! (I know…it’s about time..)
I freakin’ loved it! The series is just so good.
Thinking about starting Black Widow Forever Red now, but I might do it nice and slow because I have a lot of work going on.
4. What are you fanboying over?
The Superhero Academy Changes
No “Extras” to add, other than the amount of people who signed up for The Academy with the new changes. We have a ton of SuperHumans that took advantage of all the changes, and it’s great to get that feedback.
Spider-Man Trailer #2

And now it’s your turn!
Use the prompts and tell me what’s going on! I’m interested!

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