Last updated on August 2nd, 2020 at 11:20 pm
We’ve already seen the Top 5 Pre-Workout Supplements.
Now it’s time for the Top 5 Protein Powder Supplements.
If you want to learn more about protein intake, nutrition, and all things dietary awesomeness here at SHJ you can check out our Nutrition Pillars to get started.
And we also have a list of all our articles that are based around our fitness equipment and supplement lists here.
But alright, alright, let’s get on with the main topic here.
In our article about how much protein you need in a day we shared that you should be shooting for .75-1g of protein per pound of bodyweight.
So, protein powder supplements are EXTREMELY useful in helping people hit their goals.
Most days I actually do a double scoop of protein powder in a shake with water.
Which is why it’s important to get protein that follows the guidelines that I’ll be utilizing within this list:
- The Top TASTING Protein Powder
- Remember, we’ll be having 1-2 scoops a day, so when you’re restricting calories and 100-300 calories are coming from it DAILY, you want it to taste good.
- The Lowest Calorie Protein Powder
- As stated above: your protein powder is going to be a consistent thing in your diet. You’re usually not going to want to give up many calories within your diet for the powder itself, because it’s just as easy to add to it with milk, fruits, peanut butter, oats and a ton of other things if you want MORE calories.
- The Most Effective Protein Powder
- By “most effective” I mean I’ll be also taking a look at the ingredients and making sure they’re up to par. If not, they’re immediately off the list.
- The Best Bang For Your Buck
- And, finally, we’ll take the four categories above and put them together just to break them down into the top five proteins, with the least expensive price ranges.
There you have it.
Those will be the categories in which I follow to give you the Top Five Protein Powders on the market.
Of course, much of this is opinion based, so you’ll need to trust me in order to take my advice!
Starting with number one…
**You guys might see a trend with the brands that were used within our Top 5 Pre-Workout’s as well.**

1. PEScience Select Protein
PEScience Select Protein is actually my NEW favorite and go-to protein powder.
For A LONG time my go-to was Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard Whey, which comes in at number three; but PEScience recently surpassed it for multiple reasons.
When I was choosing ON it was because they make an extremely good product, at an extremely affordable price.
BUT, the one downfall of it is that the flavors are just good.
They’re not great.
PEScience comes in with an amazing product AND incredible taste…and then also competes with them at that affordable price.
Which makes them my clear number one option among protein powders on the market right now.
You can grab some of their protein here.

2. Ghost Whey Protein
Ghost is a master of flavors and effectiveness.
The ONLY reason you’ll see them come in at number two in some categories is that due to their awesomeness, they do tend to be slightly higher in price.
I will admit that I have skipped Ghost on some orders just because I feel like I can get some awesome flavoring and effectiveness with a little less hit on the wallet, BUT, when I need a go-to for the BEST flavors guaranteed, they are it.
They’ve had collaborations with Chips Ahoy, WarHeads, Sour Patch Kids, Sonic, Welch’s Grape, and more; so it’s really hard to compete with them on taste.
Oh, and don’t worry, Chips Ahoy is the only protein collab listed there, but the rest of their protein options are just as incredible.
They also have a vegan protein line here.
As mentioned: this would be my first choice if it wasn’t for the fact that they’re a little bit out of the affordable price range we see from the protein options I have listed at the number one and three slots.
You can grab some of their protein here.

3. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Protein Powder
ON Gold Standard Whey was my go-to protein for years.
And when I say “go-to” I mean that whenever I was running low on protein, without any hesitation I would just simply go and restock my cabinet with another 2-5 lbs. of Gold Standard.
It was that simple.
In the last few years, though, companies like PEScience and Ghost who I listed above have really stepped it up a notch and been able to break me from my go-to option.
It still comes in at number three being that I think it is a no-brainer choice for the price range, effectiveness and a reliable taste.
You can grab some of their protein here.

4. NAKED Whey Protein
Minimalism anyone?
If so, this one is for you.
Naked whey protein powder takes everything out but the whey itself—no additives or sweeteners!
The supplement is also cold processed, which the company claims makes sure that no contamination occurs from chemical detergents, synthetic additives, or heavy metals.
I knew I wanted to add a protein powder that was very minimalistic, while still tasting great (and one that makes it super easy to mix to make it even better); and recently while I was testing different products I found NAKED and it beat every single other protein powder like it…hands down.
This one is the easy choice if this is the type of protein you’re looking for.
You can grab some of their protein here.

5. BPI Best Protein Powder
BPI Best Protein Powder comes in at number five because it’s a safe option.
Similar to ON Gold Standard, they are great on calories, and usually have some kind of deal going to make their prices fall in a good range as well.
The only downfall is I am not the biggest fan of their flavors and overall taste; but I know a lot of members of The SHJ Army are.
I’ll tell you there’s no way they’re beating the taste of our first two on this list, but they definitely surpass a ton of other brands out there, and they’re constantly innovating and getting better; so BPI is generally a brand I like to recommend.
You can grab some of their protein here.
And there you have it.
The Top 5 Protein Powder Supplements!
Keep in mind you do not HAVE to use a protein supplement. Protein options like chicken, steak, fish, Greek yogurt, eggs, beef, cottage cheese and so much more can get you to your overall protein levels needed everyday, but I like to supplement it to make it easier to hit my protein while still having leftover calories.
I call these my free calories! 🙂
SHJ’s Nick Fury

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