On Friday I shared how SHJ Army Member Bri lost 110+ pounds and I was absolutely blown away.
Today I’m sharing Nick’s transformation of over 120, yes you read that right, 120 pounds of weight loss so far!
Just when I thought The SHJ Army couldn’t amaze me anymore than it already has.
Nick’s story is one that is not only incredible from the standpoint of what he accomplished through his weight loss journey, but also through the journey of changing his entire life.
I’ll let him put it into words below, but his story is one that involves a full lifestyle transformation that, to me, changed and built a new life for him.
Overcoming depression, alcoholism, and more: Nick is a pure example of motivation and drive to crush anything that stands in your path and achieve your goals.
I shared that we had Mike lost over 60 lbs and get absolutely shredded, Chuck lose over 100 lbs, Alexis losing more than 40 lbs, Marcus getting shredded losing well over 50, and then Bri’s 110+ pound weight loss story, but I am SO excited to be sharing Nick’s full story because I think this will help soooooo many people out there struggling with things outside of just needing to lose weight.
Before we even get into the full story: Thank you, Nick!
1. Who are you? (If you’d like, tell us about you. Work, other hobbies, Etc.)
My name is Nick. I am 27 years old. I live in Bloomington, Indiana. I went from 365 pounds to 245 pounds in a year and a quarter. I work for a medical device factory, Cook Medical in Bloomington. My hobbies besides the gym include reading comic books, playing video games, sports analysis (especially football), cosplay, and playing guitar.
2. Tell us about your transformation (weight loss, goals, etc)
When I started, I was 365 pounds.
I wasn’t healthy.
I was bordering on alcoholism which contributed to my depression. I always had high blood pressure and almost needed medication for it. My family has a history with diabetes, too. I had to make a change. So I searched for a diet that would suit me. I chose a ketogenic diet and I stopped drinking, and the pounds started dropping. But I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted to find a gym routine that would take me to the next level. But none were keeping me dedicated.
But that changed when I found SHJ. I started developing my muscle and started to get more toned.
3. How did you find SHJ?
I looked up Ben Affleck’s routine for his preparation to play Batman and I found SHJ on Google.
4. What program did you start with?
I started with the Ben Affleck Batfleck program and haven’t looked back since.
5. What is your favorite superhero (or character)?
Batman, by far. The fact that he took the darkness from his tragedy and used it as a force of good to protect those in need.
6. Favorite Superhero or Nerd Show/Movie (Can give top 3 of each)
- Batman: The Animated Series (Kevin Conroy is the GOAT)
- Game of Thrones (besides season 8, of course)
- The Witcher
- The Dark Knight trilogy
- The original Star Wars trilogy
- The Lord of the Rings trilogy
7. Whatever else you’d like to add (Maybe some of your own tips for the SHJ Army)
Never give up.
If life seems meaningless, find that meaning.
You are worth it.
You are loved.
Keep up the dedication.
Nick, you are incredible.
Those final words were definitely something I want to re-share over and over:
Never give up. If life seems meaningless, find that meaning. You are worth it. You are loved. Keep up the dedication.
And, Nick, the same goes for you!Â
I can’t wait to have you join us in our Private Community and spread the love the way you did in this article.
I look forward to seeing where you take this journey and seeing how many people you motivate to do the same!
SHJ’s Nick Fury