Last updated on June 1st, 2022 at 07:30 pm
Jude Law recently had to bulk up for his role in Rhythm Section after coming off other roles that required a more slim and natural physique.
And lucky for us we have all the details from an interview Men’s Journal had with his trainer Johnny Silmon.
Jude Law has been in incredible roles (especially for nerds like us) like Dumbledore in Fantastic Beasts, Watson in Sherlock Holmes, Yon-Rogg in Captain Marvel and so much more.
But for this one he did his bulking to portray, how Men’s Journal describes it as: “retired-yet-still-deadly British Secret Service agent Ian Boyd”.
But before we get into all things bulk-up to prep to become military muscle, I should make mention to the fact that this isn’t the first time we’ve researched Jude Law.
We also have our original Jude Law Workout Routine and Diet Plan article where we broke down a whole slew of research to break down training methods and dieting we from other outside research.
With our Workout Database reaching upwards of 1,000+ workouts ranging from Superhero Workouts and Anime Workouts all the way to hundreds and hundreds of different Celebrity Workouts it’s becoming harder and harder for The SHJ Army to find specific routines within our updates to older research articles.
For that reason we’ve decided to create follow up articles like this one when new research comes to light with specifics on follow up routines.
For example, we also just recently saw some new research on Brad Pitt’s Snatch Workout, and we’ve seen a handful of different Michael B. Jordan Workout Routines (along with other celebs).
But, jumping back to Law’s bulk, Men’s Journal shares some information on his program designed by Silmon:
The program that Silmon designed for Law included eight weeks of bulking and 12 weeks of more quick-moving, functional exercises utilizing kettlebells or hammers. This is a sample day from the bulking phase, where they integrated Olympic lifts and heavy cable work. During this process they were able to put 5 to 7 pounds of muscle on Law, further defining his shoulders and core.
The workout routine Silmon specifically shared consists of three trisets that we’re going to be using to go heavy and bulk up as well!
Jude Law Rhythm Section Workout Routine

Training Volume:
One Workout
(To Be Repeated)
Instructions from MJ and Silmon:
“Workout Finisher and Cooldown: End the session with 3 minutes of heavy bag striking, 3 minutes of focus pad work, and 3 minutes of jump rope. Cool down with a light jog and 10 minutes of stretching.”
Upgrade This Workout:
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Jude Law Rhythm Section Workout
Triset One:
A. Cable Rear Delt Flyes
B. High Barbell Pulls
C. Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Triset Two:
A. Reverse Cable Flyes
B. Low Cable Pullovers
C. Dips
Triset Three:
A. Cable Curls
3×12 each arm (or with cable-bar)
B. Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls
3×12 each arm
C. Lying Tricep Extensions (Skull Crushers)
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