For those of you who have been around, you might know that Don has been part of The SHJ Army from day one.
He’s also already been featured on our Academy’s success stories, having been a member there since day one as well.
But, now he’s back to tell a more in depth story about his transformation, coming off of another incredible bulk while utilizing the new Bulk and Strength program.
He shares insight into his routine, his life, and I even ask some nerdy questions we probably all would like to know.
But before I continue on into the questions, congrats on another awesome bulk. The mass you’ve put on is INSANE, and thanks for sharing your experience with the rest of The SHJ Army!
Don’s Stats:
Height: 6’0
Weight: 190-205
Age: 28 years old
1. Who are you? (If you’d like, tell us about you. Age, Work, Etc.)
I’m a 28 year old working in law enforcement. I work the overnight shift. I’m from NY. I like gaming, gambling, and all things nerdy and fitness oriented.
2. Tell us about your transformation (weight loss, goals, etc)
Growing up I was always skinny-fat. I had a hard time gaining muscle, but also a hard time toning and being skinny or lean. It was the worst of both worlds. I’ve always wanted to be BIG. I admire guys that you look at and right away can see them standing out in a crowd because of their size.
I’ve been an Academy member since day one. I started by using intermittent fasting and calorie counting that you helped me, in unison with The Men’s Bodybuilding Path workout (switching on and off between that and The Powerlifting Path) to tack on the initial mass when you first had my transformation pics added to the site.
From there I started using the Bulk and Strength Program when you released the new Superhero Programs (fairly recently), and the mass just poured on with the specific counts and the training regime that I applied myself to.
3. How did you find SHJ?
Unfortunately I’m cursed to have known you through this whole process of creating Superhero Jacked.
4. What program did you start with?
My first program on the site was Chris Hemsworth, but the first program in The Academy was Men’s Bodybuilding Path followed by The Powerlifting Path and then Bulk and Strength.
5. What is your favorite superhero?
Easy one. Punisher, hands down.
6. Favorite Superhero or Nerd Show/Movie (Can give top 3 of each)
All of the Lord of the Rings movies. Another easy one.
7. Whatever else you’d like to add (Maybe some of your own tips for the SHJ Army)
It takes time to adjust to new things. I think you just recently sent an email out about this, but I definitely agree. I know a lot of people in The Academy struggle with adapting to certain things and I definitely want to just say to take your time. Your body needs to adjust. I intermittent fast every single day and I make it work while working the overnight shift at work. It took a couple weeks to get used to but now it’s my go-to tool and I couldn’t think of dieting without it.
There’s a million different ways to reach your goals, and finding the most sustainable one is the trick.
That’s what we strive to allow people to do inside The Academy and at Superhero Jacked.
Feel free to congratulate Don on gaining enough mass to look like freakin’ Bane [in the comments below].
His favorite hero might be Punisher, but he’s big enough to play the next villain role in any movie coming out!
And, I’ll leave off by saying that I really hope you never have to experience a Frank Castle prison scene while at work…
SHJ’s Nick Fury