Last updated on January 10th, 2017 at 05:54 am
Do you think Batman [Affeck – Bale] just suddenly had a lightbulb go off and decided tomorrow he’ll be able to save Gotham?
Do you think Hawkeye and The Green Arrow just picked up a bow and started shooting?
Every Superhero goes through their training, and it’s the same for you.
So, the question becomes… What are your fitness goals?
Or better yet, what SuperHuman Transformation goals do you have planned for yourself?
Why is it important to define your goal?
There are actually a few reasons why you’re going to want to have a clear cut goal for yourself. They might seem obvious, and they might not…but regardless – we’re going through them!
1. To train properly to reach your goal
Think about it for a second. What if Hawkeye was training to become Black Widow when in reality he wanted to be Falcon. Okay, now we’re all over the place, but do you kind of get it?
If you don’t define your goal, you could end up training yourself in the opposite direction of where you really want to be.
2. To give yourself proper motivation
What motivates you?
Maybe it’s something other then your achievements, but I know for me – the mirror and the body-fat scale play a big role!
I know where I want to get, I know how I want to live, and I know what kind of SuperHuman I want to be. For that reason I’m able to take each small win throughout my journey and celebrate and use it as more motivation to keep going.
3. More of 1 and 2…
I really cut to the chase on the this, but in reality it’s a HUGE part of how your journey is going to unfold. You really want to get your goals straight and find out where you want to get.
As you all know, I ask you to respond to my initial email when you sign up for the newsletter and I ask you what you’re struggling with and if you need help with anything. Well, if you ask me to define your goal I’ll never be able to… BUT, if you ask me for help achieving your already drawn out goal – I’ll definitely be able to point you in the right direction!

What are your options? How do you figure it out?
It’s like choosing a college major! How are you supposed to pick what kind of SuperHuman Physique you want?
Well, let’s make it a bit easier and get some options going.
1. Decide whether you want to bulk, cut, cross-train or all of the above!
If you want to bulk up like Bane, Kingpin or the Hulk, then you probably want a specific diet and routine to match.
If you want to cut and get shredded like Daredevil, Green Arrow or even Ant-Man, then you’ll need to start with something a bit different.
If you want to cross-train or get bulky but toned at the same time like Thor, Superman or Captain America – well then it’s probably smart you train like them!
And of course, if you want to get a ladies Superhero physique like Black Widow or Wonder Woman, then you’ll need to adjust your training as well.
2. Decide how your nutrition is going to match
You’re going to need your nutrition to match how hard your training. Actually, you probably are going to need to rely on your nutrition even more-so. Nutrition is about 70+ percent of the battle, while your training will be around 10-20 percent.
Are you going to dirty bulk and gain fat while you increase your mass? In that case, chipotle it up, dude!
Do you want to stay shredded throughout the whole process?
You more then likely are going to want your diet to match whatever road you choose. You may need to increase or decrease calories depending on your overall goal (you’re going to have to force food down your throat if you’re in a hard bulk like Hugh Jackman!) – but regardless of the situation, you should check out our Nutrition Pillars.

How can I help?
I promise I won’t be as harsh as Cap was to Falcon when they became running buddies! 😛
Seriously though, how can I help you?
Do you need help defining your goal? Laying out a path to achieve it? Or maybe you just need some extra motivation. Either way, you can email me [respond to my emails] or comment below.

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