Last updated on January 23rd, 2022 at 06:58 pm
I am really fond of heroes who don’t have powers.
It makes it feel achievable, maybe?
I’m talking about guys like Green Arrow, Black Widow, Batman, Punisher, even Ironman – to be more specific!
We’ve seen Green Arrow take shape in Smallville, and now most famously on The CW’s Arrow with Stephen Amell doing an amazing job of bringing him to life.
And now it’s time for US to bring him to life.
Green Arrow Stats:
Height: 5’11
Weight: 195 lbs
Real Name: Oliver “Ollie” Queen
Powers: No
Green Arrow is actually pretty short.
Right with Spider-Man, Green Arrow shares the shortest spot among the heroes we’ve seen thus far. Just above him are Aquaman and Punisher standing only an inch taller.
We’ve had Superman at 6’3, and both Captain America and Batman at 6’2, with Thor towering over them at 6’6 – and Aquaman right below at 6’1 with Punisher.
But, don’t worry if you’re not the same height or weight range.
We write these routines to be utilized by anyone and everyone.

Grab The Unofficial DC Comics Workout Booklet and Unleash Your Inner Superhero!
Green Arrow Diet and Nutrition
**Keep in mind: this section will be nearly identical for each hero, unless I mentioned differently (for example someone like The Hulk may get something specifically different**
Every hero needs to still have a good diet.
Unfortunately we can train like them, but I don’t think any of us are suddenly getting their powers, or the ability to magically stop caring about nutrition.
You can’t out train your diet, so I want to still give some pillars for nutrition.
You can start by checking out The Nutrition Pillars on the site, but I’ll break down some more information for you guys as well.
Guys like Hugh Jackman and Terry Crews utilize intermittent fasting daily, and I also use it myself in conjunction with cyclical ketosis.
That being said, I also recommend tracking and paying attention to protein intake.
BUT, there are a thousand different ways to reach your goals, so finding the most sustainable way is what’s important.
Which is why our Academy utilizes multiple different Nutrition Classes (Vikings, Spartans, Hunter Gatherers, Monks, Samurais, Minimalists, Superhumans) to allow people to choose what is right for YOU!
Oh, and if you’re down with calorie counting instead, that’s always an option as well. It’s just important to be aware of specific rules and precision while counting.

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Green Arrow Workout Routine Research
Alright, I say it every time, but I’m going to say it again: here’s the fun part!
This is where we do some background research of the hero to understand how to program the actual workout routine.
So for any of you who have watched Arrow on The CW, you’ll have seen Green Arrows awesome training and upcoming.
That being said, there’s also things I want to acknowledge. For one, his DC Wiki tells us this about his training in Infinite Crisis:
Once healed from his injuries, Oliver spent a fortune to hire the world’s foremost martial arts masters to come to the island. Over the course of many weeks, Ollie trained under the masters’ tutelage until he was in peak physical condition. He further hired an assassin named Natas (the man who trained Deathstroke) to mentor him in the killing arts
The man who trained Deathstroke!
If only I had the money…
And The Green Arrow Wiki page tells us his abilities as follows:
- Expert archer
- Skilled hand-to-hand combatant
- Utilizes high-tech equipment, compound bow, and various types of arrows
I mean, yeah, these definitely make sense.
Expert archer we knew, and hand-to-hand combat one would have to assume knowing his background and training!
We have some mixed martial arts type training and Green Arrow type Paths in The Academy as well, but I’m excited to get to the full routine for this one!
Check out all The SHJ Programs and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.
The Green Arrow Workout Routine

Training Volume:
4-6 days per week
We’re talking about Green Arrow here. This routine is pretty brutal. BUT, it’s effective and will leave you sore and wanting more. There are 3 days of programmed training, and the other 1-2 days can be added as activity or mixed martial arts training. All heroes should know how to defend themselves.
What you need to know:
A Superset means you’re performing those movements back to back. If a movement is part of “Superset 1” it’s part of the grouping of movements in that superset and you perform them back to back and then proceed to break and do another set [of those movements] after.
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. Do one minute ON (sprint 6-10mph) and one minute OFF (walk 2.5-3.3mph) for 25 minutes. That means you go back and forth every minute for the duration. On, off, on, off, etc.
When lifting your initial lifts/compounds (especially), you should be using pyramid training.
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & traditional pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Day 1: Calisthenics and Power Cleans
-10 min cardio (row, bike, treadmill, elliptical)
-Pull Ups: 3X10-circuit 1
-Dips: 3X10-circuit 1
-Pistol Squats: 3X10(each)-circuit 1
-L Sit Hold: 3X30 sec-circuit 1
-Toes to Bar: 3X10-circuit 1
-Power Clean: 3X10-super set 1
-Push Ups: 3X20-super set 1
-One Arm Dumb Bell Row: 3X10(each)-super set 2
-Forearm Plank: 3X1 min-super set 2
-Shadow box: 3X1 min interval-circuit 2
-Jump Rope: 3X1 min interval-circuit 2
-Lunges: 3X10(each)-circuit 2
-Leg Lifts: 3X20-circuit 2
Day 2: Front Squat and Man Makers
-10 min cardio (row, bike, treadmill, elliptical)
-Chin Ups: 3X10-circuit 1
-Man Makers: 3X10-circuit 1
-Pistol Squats: 3X10(each)-circuit 1
-L Sit Hold: 3X30 sec-circuit 1
-Toes to Bar: 3X10-circuit 1
-Front Squat: 3X10-super set 1
-Diamond Push Ups: 3X10-super set 1
-Dumb Bell Side Raises: 3X10-super set 2
-Forearm Plank: 3X1 min-super set 2
-Heavy Bag: 3X1 min interval-circuit 2
-Jump Rope: 3X1 min interval-circuit 2
-Incline Sprint: 3X30 seconds-circuit 2
-Scissor Kicks: 3X20-circuit 2
Day 3: Deadlift and Wall Climbs
-10 min cardio (row, bike, treadmill, elliptical)
-Wall Climbs: 3X10-circuit 1
-Box Jumps: 3X10-circuit 1
-Pistol Squats: 3X10(each)-circuit 1
-L Sit Hold: 3X30 sec-circuit 1
-Toes to Bar: 3X10-circuit 1
-Deadlift: 3X10-super set 1
-Wide Arm Push Ups: 3X20-super set 1
-Romanian Deadlift: 3X10-super set 2
-Forearm Planks: 3X1 min-super set 2
-Shadow box: 3X1 min interval-circuit 2
-Jump Rope: 3X1 min interval-circuit 2
-Stair Sprints: 3X30 seconds-circuit 2
-Sit Ups: 3X20-circuit 2
Day 4: Bench Press and Man Makers
-10 min cardio (row, bike, treadmill, elliptical)
-Man Makers: 3X10-circuit 1
-Box Jumps: 3X10-circuit 1
-Pistol Squats: 3X10(each)-circuit 1
-L Sit Hold: 3X30 sec-circuit 1
-Toes to Bar: 3X10-circuit 1
-Bench Press: 3X10-super set 1
-Handstand Push Ups: 3X10-super set 1
-Farmers Walk: 3X30 seconds-super set 2
-Forearm Planks: 3X1 min-super set 2
-Heavy Bag: 3X1 min interval-circuit 2
-Jump Rope: 3X1 min interval-circuit 2
-Lunges: 3X10(each)-circuit 2
-Hollow Rock: 3X30 seconds-circuit 2
Bonus 1-2 Days: Activity, Parkour and MMA
All heroes should know how to defend themselves.
Just ask MMA Coach Derek in The Academy.
Add in an extra day or two of MMA style training to take your inner Superhero unleashing to a new level.
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.

More than 10 Workouts for Future Justice League Members, Titans, Watchmen, Members of The Shazam Family and More!
(Unofficial Workouts Inspired by Characters)