Last updated on March 10th, 2021 at 09:53 am
Did you know there is three different Mountain’s in Game of Thrones?
Well, there’s technically ONE Mountain, but there has been multiple actors.
Conan Stevens played the original Mountain in Season 1.
You remember, when he got made at the horse and cut it’s head off?
He also has been in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey as Bolg, and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies as Keeper of the Dungeons, which fits perfectly with our Tolkien/LOTR themed week.
On top of those roles he also starred in some other fun ones like Vikingdom (which he played Thor), Son of God, Spartacus, Man-Thing, and more.
Conan Stevens Stats:
Height: 7’0
Weight: 320 lbs
Age: 43 years old
Conan Stevens is definitely one of the tallest we’ve seen.
Right there with our other Mountain, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, who is 6’9.
The average height falls in the range of 6’1-6’3 with celebs like Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Adam Driver, Stephen Amell, Clive Standen and so many more.
Guys around 5’10-6’0 are dudes like Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Jason Statham, but the ACTUAL shorter range is filled with guys like Mark Wahlberg, Zac Efron, Kit Harington, Tom Holland and more.
Even taller than them are guys like The Mountain, Joe Manganiello, Ben Affleck, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Winston Duke, Alexander Skarsgard and a few others.
But, don’t worry either way.
We write these routines to be utilized by any shape and size.

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Conan Stevens Diet and Nutrition
I’m actually really excited to share this part of Conan Stevens’ article.
He follows a set of diet restrictions that are not only sustainable, but also restrictive in a way that we haven’t seen before.
How often do you come around that?
Stevens calls his diet “The Grandpa Diet”, and I love it.
He breaks down a ton of information for us in an interview with Hindustan Times, stating:
If your Grandfather saw it and knows it as food from when he was young then eat it. A girl friend went to visit her 94 year old Grandfather in the province, she put a package of hotdogs in his bag for him to have for lunch. When he got back at the end of the days work he said he was hungry, she asked why he did not eat the hotdogs. He pulled them from his bag, looked at them and honestly asked “Is this food?”
I eat a lot of fresh and boiled vegetables, salads, eggs, some fish, and some meat. When I was younger I ate a lot of meat but now I know my body better it really is not good to keep stuffing heavy meat in 3 times a day, your body gets too toxic and it’s not good for your health and it’s not even good for your muscle growth.
I also take one or two whey protein shakes a day with two raw eggs (make sure your eggs are fresh and from a trusted source. Smell them, check they are good before consuming). The raw eggs contain Lipase, an enzyme required to digest fat. Without lipase you cannot digest fat, you only get lipase from raw fats. Heating above 45 degrees C destroys the lipase.
I know a lot of diets count the ‘macronutrients’ and I have done this but I also discovered that there is a MASSIVE difference between carbohydrate types, fat types and protein types. I find it very hard to get fat on coconut oil, but very easy on the western style vegetable oils we were told were healthy.
And there’s even more awesome information
Stevens continues saying:
Sugar is a definite no in all circumstances, for a workout drink I’ll use a teaspoon of raw unprocessed honey from a farm, or blackstrap molasses – it’s sugar but with concentrated nutrition, and it is part of a concoction – these drinks are on my YouTube channel. Sugar makes you fat, no if’s, no but’s, no part of a healthy diet. Sugar directly increases insulin which pumps carbohydrates into fat cells and the fructose component is processed by the liver just as alcohol is meaning it does the exact same metabolic damage. Doctor Robert Lustig from UCLA goes into the metabolic pathways of this in his famous lecture ‘Sugar, the bitter truth’ available to watch for free online.
If I eat wheat I get a bloated gut, feel tired and can gain weight easily (search online for “wheat belly”), if I eat rice I find it much harder to gain weight.
I also find there is a big difference between raw milk (unpasteurised, unhomogenised direct from the cow, goat, etc) milk and the stuff they sell at the supermarket. Raw milk, butter and cheese I do enjoy, the supermarket stuff I tend to avoid a lot.
I can count calories and get fat quickly if I eat Western style take out food on the exact same calorie count as eating natural foods where I get muscular but don’t put on noticeable fat.
Your traditional foods are often the best. For more information the Weston Price foundation has a lot of information that is very similar to what and why I eat the foods I do. I experimented over years, weighing food, counting calories and macronutrients (fat, carbohydrate, protein) by the gram for everything I ate.
He seems to find it more sustainable to add in these fun restrictions rather than consistently count calories, although he does make mention to tracking.
We see a lot of celebs opt for a sustainable approach like this.
That’s why our Academy Nutrition Classes (Monks, Minimalists, SuperHumans, Vikings, Spartans, Hunter Gatherers, Greek Gods, Samurais) revolve around helping you find the specific diet that is right FOR YOU.
Of course, there are a lot of reasons to HAVE the strict guidelines.
We’ve seen a lot of celebs opt for specific restrictions.
For example: Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart incorporate 80/20 dieting with big weekly cheat meals, Hugh Jackman, Benedict Cumberbatch and Terry Crews utilize intermittent fasting(something I use daily as well), Mustafa Shakir and Madelaine Petsch are vegans, Brandon Routh and Frank Grillo opt for paleo, and tons of others utilize their own variations as well.
And, that’s just to name a few celebs from each, by the way.
You can check out our Nutrition Pillars for more information and articles on all of the above and more.

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Conan Stevens Workout Routine Research
Conan Stevens love bodybuilding.
And, the same way he shares a ton of amazing information about his diet and nutrition, he also shares information about his actual training.
On his official website Stevens shares a bodybuilding training journal (it’s not very consistent, considering there’s only 6 updates since 2006, but there’s a decent amount of information we can use) and other details about his bodybuilding.
He also continues to share a ton of juicy knowledge in the interview with the Hindustan Times.
Stevens starts by talking about his sleep schedule, stating he goes to bed early to avoid the urge to go out with friends, and also to allow him to wake up before filming to get in a swim and workout while the gym is only full of serious lifters (usually).
He says he goes to bed between 8-9pm to be able to wake up around 5am each morning.
He continues with a big chunk of information about his style of training:
Why did you choose to get into such an extreme form of body-building? What makes you stick to your routine and do what you do for so many years?
Originally I saw Conan The Destroyer at the cinema with some friends who had started lifting bricks and concrete in their basement – that changed everything.
I was a skinny kid and had long wished to have a muscular body. After seeing the film I joined the gym the next day as I wanted to look like Arnold and I had found a way to change my 70 kg (144 lb) skinny 6’7” body.
We watched Pumping Iron and Conan the Barbarian on VHS the next week, I was hooked.
I never had any expectation back then that I’d be huge, I thought I had a slim athletic body and I was working at trying to get that, but my biceps grew quickly from 11 1/4” to 15” circumference in the first three months and I put on 20kg (44 lb). I guess that’s what happens when you stop long distance running and go to the gym. Unfortunately the gains stagnated there as we were training too long, too often, and not eating as well as we should have. Back then we thought we had to eat calories (calories will make you fat, nutrition will make you the body you want).
I had been a skinny, unpopular kid playing D&D and war games and spending a lot of time in the library reading everything. The gym had given me a better, stronger, more attractive physique – with it came confidence. I joined the rugby union and basketball teams, the local professional basketball team coach coached me on the side for free, I started skate boarding, girls started paying attention to me.
I just had to add the parts about how awesomely nerdy Stevens is.
And he continues by basically stating he NEEDS to gym at this point of his life:
I am currently living in Venice Beach, LA, California, 100 meters from the beach and I train at Gold’s gym and my friends and training partners are world top professional body-builders, world renowned personal trainers, Olympic and International athletes, well known actors, WWE wrestlers, and a sprinkling of powerlifters.
In short I have become one of the guys I idolised as a teenager, and my career now depends upon me keeping good shape so in short I no longer have a choice but I enjoy it the friends, the endorphin rush (like runners high) and I get agitated and depressed if I do not exercise in some form.
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Conan Stevens Workout Routine

Training Volume:
6 days per week
We’re going old-school bodybuilding with a 6 day split. Conan Stevens is old-school with his diet, and also with his training. Time for us to step it up a notch and be the same!
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Conan Stevens Workout: Monday and Thursday
Bench Press
5×6-10 reps
Incline Press
4×6-10 reps
Flat Dumbbell Flyes
4×8-10 reps
Dumbbell Pull-overs
3×10-12 reps
Wide-Grips Chins
4×10 reps
Barbell Rows (overhand wide grip)
4×6-10 reps
T-Bar Rows
4×6-10 reps
Seated Cable Rows
3×8-10 reps
Conan Stevens Workout: Tuesday and Thursday
Roman Chair Sit-ups
4×100 reps each set
Lying Leg Raises
4×50 reps each set
Seated Twists (machine or Russian Twists)
3×50 reps each set
Barbell Squats
5×6-10 reps
Vertical Leg Press
4×8-10 reps
Leg Curls
4×8-10 reps
Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts
4×8-10 reps
Standing Calf Raises
4×6-12 reps
Donkey Calf Raises
4×12-20 reps
Conan Stevens Workout: Wednesday and Saturday
Seated Press Behind the Neck
4×8-12 reps
Side Lateral Raises
4×8-12 reps
Bent Over Lateral Raises
4×8-12 reps
Barbell Upright Rows
4×8-12 reps
Barbell Shrugs
4×8-12 reps
Tricep Pushdowns
4×8-12 reps
Lying Triceps Extensions
4×8-10 reps
Seated One-Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
4×8-12 reps
Incline Curls
4×8-12 reps
Barbell Curls
4×8-10 reps
One-Arm Concentration Curls
4×10-12 reps
Reverse Barbell Curls
4×8-12 reps
Barbell Wrist Curls
4×10-12 reps
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