I probably should have been on top of this one for the release of Wonder Woman 1984, but to be fair we have a decent amount of information on Gal Gadot’s diet already…!
In our original Gal Gadot Workout Routine and Diet Plan article we learned that Gadot strives for the healthy option first, and also indulgences as well.
BUT, being that we’re really expanding on our new Celeb Diet Plan Database we’re going to take another zoomed in look at Gadot’s diet and try to break it down into as much of a meal plan as we can.
Here’s a quote from Gadot I shared in our original article highlighting her diet and workout:
“I’m a big fan of a good diet and healthy lifestyle,” said Gal. “It’s important to eat a lot of vegetables, drink a lot of water, and stay active. I believe that what we put in our bodies will reflect on the outside.”
Now the main source we’re going to be getting some new information from is actually Harper’s Bazaar who did a ton of research of their own and really broke down a lot for us.
Gadot told Marie Claire UK:
“I want to know that what she [her 5-year-old daughter Alma] feeds her body does her good. We make smoothies in the morning with parsley, celery, green apples and ginger – basically, we throw in whatever we have.”
So be prepared for a nice super green smoothie to start your day with this plan!
She also told Marie Claire UK:
“I eat a lot of fish and chicken, and I make sure that around 30-40% of our family diet is made of cooked or raw vegetables,”
That’s one thing we did notice about Gadot when putting together our article The Top Diets Among Celebrities; she definitely still gets a healthy amount of protein in while still mainly following what we referred to as a “Basic Healthy Diet”.
And Gadot told Harper’s Bazaar:
“I’m a foodie and I love to experience food, but at the same time I look at food as fuel and I want to give the best to my body. I don’t restrict myself, I can eat everything. It’s all a matter of measurements and quantity of the food. Just give the food the respect and give yourself the respect to enjoy it.”
This is reinforced in a quote from E! Online:
“I try to eat healthy. But sometimes though, I eat cheeseburgers. That’s good for the soul. I make sure to balance everything out. I drink tons of water.”
So while she does prioritize healthy eating, clean protein and vegetables, she also realizes the importance of indulgences and remembering that we’re only human.
Fitness doesn’t have to suck. We can strive to unleash our inner superhero and become superHUMAN.
Now let’s build out a plan based on Gadot.
Gal Gadot Diet Plan

The Overall Diet Plan:
One Meal Template To Be Eaten Every Day
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Gal Gadot Diet Plan
Overall Restriction:
Healthy choices with protein coming from eggs, chicken, fish, and main diet consisting of vegetables, and lots of water throughout the day. Gadot also follows an 80/20 style of nutrition and believes in indulgences.
Morning Smoothie:
Superfood Smoothie
Gadot shares that her and her daughter add: “parsley, celery, green apples and ginger” and other things they love!
Eggs, vegetables, carbs
Gadot has shared pictures of herself out to breakfast having poached eggs with a side of vegetables (tomatoes) and some toast.
Lunch and Dinner:
Fish and/or Chicken as protein with vegetable/fruits on the side!
Gadot mentions: ““I eat a lot of fish and chicken, and I make sure that around 30-40% of our family diet is made of cooked or raw vegetables.”
Fruits, vegetables and other indulgences!
Gadot has shared pics snacking on fruits and vegetables with avocado toast, strawberries, and more; but also believes in indulgences like cheeseburgers and other foods that she likes to add in from time to time.
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