Last updated on August 6th, 2021 at 08:10 pm
Legends of Tomorrow is one of the superhero TV shows that was developed due to the success of Arrow, but it has since become the comedic series of the entire CW slate, and taken on a life and fan base of its own. While some humor is put in The Flash and Supergirl, Legends really takes the cake in terms of humor and funny moments.
The show has had many characters from different timelines revolve as part of the crew. Originally, it was composed of White Canary, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Captain Cold, Heatwave, Firestorm, and The Atom. Initially recruited by Rip Hunter to save the future of Earth, Team Legends has since had their fair share of adventures and hero team-ups with both Team Flash and Team Arrow to save not just the timeline, but their Present Day situation as well.
If you’re interested in seeing more superhero workouts from your favorite TV series, I suggest you check out this list of 50+ CW Superhero Workouts.
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Over the course of its several seasons, many other heroes and characters from other timelines rotated as part of the Legends crew. Currently, the only original team members remaining on the team are Sara Lance and Mick Rory. The team at this point consists of two former characters mentioned, Nate Heywood, Zari and Behrad Tarazi, Ava Sharpe, Astra Logue, John Constantine, Esperanza Cruz, and Gary Green.
Many characters have come and gone on the show and listing them all down would eventually be another list that could be released in the future. We’ve already released several celebrity workouts for the series including the Caity Lotz Workout, Manu Bennett Workout, and the Stephen Amell Workout. As the show continue to evolve and new characters are introduced, you can be sure we’ll be updating these lists as well. For now, here’s a list of the Top 10 Most Popular Characters in Legends of Tomorrow.
As always, be sure to let us know if you agree with our list, or if you would place another character in the Top 10.
Okay. Enough lollygagging. Let’s get this list started. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this read. Captain (Lance’s) orders.

Number Ten: Martin Stein and Jefferson Jackson (Firestorm II)
Coming in at number ten is one of the most powerful superheroes in the Arrowverse (listed at #4 in gamerant), Firestorm. Formed by the fusion of the consciousness of both Professor Martin Stein and Jefferson Jackson, Firestorm is capable of flight, flame blasts, and the power of transmutation (turning matter into other objects). Incidentally, they are both part of the original Legends recruited by Rip Hunter.
What really stands out about this character is the relationship that the two persons who form the hero have. Martin Stein is an academic who never had any children of his own, and Jefferson is an out-of-school youth who had to support his mother working odd jobs. These two people come from polar opposite backgrounds, yet they develop a father-son kind of relationship.
Firestorm at SHJ:

Number Nine: Ava Sharpe
In ninth place, we have the current co-captain of the Wave Rider, Ava Sharpe.
Ava is a smart, courageous, and driven person. She debuted as one of the Time Bureau’s top agents, and was at first doubtful of the capabilities of the Legends team. Over time, she developed a respect for them because of their ceaseless optimism and grit. She later on joined them in a quest to save Rip Hunter, and developed a very close relationship with Sarah Lance, aka. The White Canary.
Ava Sharpe at SHJ:

Number Eight: Nate Heywood (Steel)
At number eight on our list, we have Nate Heywood aka Citizen Steel. Nate is a historian specializing in deductive historical reconstruction (aka a time detective). He was the first person to recognize an anomaly in the historical records, which led him and Oliver Queen to the sunken Wave Rider and to the plight of the Legends team. He later joins them and gains super powers after being injected with a biomolecular enhancer courtesy of Ray Palmer. Steel has the ability to turn his skin into well, steel (very similar to the powers of the mutant Colossus).
Never without a historical factoid for the time period the Legends end up in, Nate has proven his value to the team not only as their historian, but as a loyal friend and a formidable ally to have in any scrape. Willing to lay his life down for his team and his friends, Nate has truly come into his own as a hero and is well-deserving of his spot on this list.
Steel at SHJ:

Number Seven: Nora Darhk
At number seven, we have the beautiful and deadly mystic Nora Darhk. The daughter of Damien Darhk, Nora was initially a villain in the show and was groomed at a young age to be a Master of the Dark Arts. She is capable of casting spells and conjuring illusions to avoid detection and capture. Later in the show, she develops a relationship with Ray Palmer, and they eventually fall in love. Ray does his best to save Nora from her father, and later save her from possession by the demon Mallus.
Nora’s evolution from villain to hero is one of the most interesting and heartfelt character developments in the show. Nora proves that everyone is capable of change, and that having one person who truly believes in you is all you need to become a hero in your own right.
Nora Darhk at SHJ:

Number Six: Zari Tomaz/Zari Terazi (Isis)
In sixth place, we have Zari Tomaz, who was introduced in season 3 of Legends of Tomorrow. She is a freedom fighter and hacktivist from a dystopian 2042. Zari has no meta-powers to speak of, however, she does have a mystical totem passed down in her family that grants her the power to project air blasts at her foes. She crossed paths with the Legends while they were on one of their missions in the future, and later on joins them on their time adventures.
As the one of the ship’s mechanics along with Jefferson, Zari brings more than her totem skills to the table as she is also able to keep the ship in “ship-shape”. In the season four finale, her backstory is however altered and a new version from a non-dystopian time replaces her on the Wave Rider.
Isis at SHJ:

Number Five: John Constantine
Coming in the number five spot on this list, we have none other than our favorite chain-smoking magician, Constantine. According to his Arrow Wiki page, “John Constantine (born May 10, 1982), nicknamed El Diablo (the Devil) by the gangsters of Mexico City, is an exorcist, demonologist, and warlock, self-styled as “master of the dark arts”.
He was originally not a member of the Legends but nonetheless accompanied them on some of their adventures. In season 4 he officially joins the team as they track down mystical creatures that were scattered across the timeline due to the team destroying the demon Mallus. Actor Matt Ryan, who plays Constantine, had his own show with the same name, but it was short-lived and was canceled after only one season. However, because of his portrayal, fans clamored to see his version of Constantine again- thus resulting is his appearance in Arrow and a few other shows before joining the Legends cast.
Constantine at SHJ:

Number Four: Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)
Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold was one of the original members of the Legends of Tomorrow crew.
He was recruited along with a handful of others to save the future by time traveller Rip Hunter. Later on, Rip reveals the true reason why he recruited them was because their deaths would make the least impact on the timeline. Regardless of the revelation, the crew agrees to fulfill their mission and save the universe before disbanding. However, in the process, Snart sacrifices his life to save his team – bringing the team closer and cementing them as Legends.
Captain Cold at SHJ:
Number Three: Ray Palmer (The Atom)
Ray Palmer aka The Atom is a billionaire sans playboy who was first introduced in Arrow as the business competitor of Oliver Queen. As the show progressed, many fans loved actor Brandon Routh’s portrayal and wanted to see him in more episodes. The result is his casting in Legends of Tomorrow, and his promotion to a series regular on the show.
Ray has always brought a sense of optimism in every mission the Legends undertake, and is ‘Time Bros’ with Nate Heywood. Despite the bleakness of any situation, his team mates could always count on quick witty remark or pun to make them feel more optimistic. It’s no wonder many fans were sad when his character finally decided to leave the Legends team after his marriage to Nora Dahrk.
The Atom at SHJ:

Number Two: Mick Rory (Heatwave)
The irreverent Mick Rory is the partner-in-crime of Leonard Snart. One of The Flash’s rogues, Rory and Snart were recruited by Rip Hunter to save the timeline. While not one for space travel, Rory is convinced by Snart to join the team so that they could later steal the time ship. Ever gleeful at the prospect of raiding the Earth across multiple time period and the prospect of getting rich in the process, Rory agrees and joins the team.
As the show evolved, Rory’s character has seen several developments. He is now the father of a teenage daughter and a celebrated fiction author. He still maintains his surly attitude, but he is more open towards his team mates now, and is not afraid to let them know that no matter what happens, he has their back.
Heatwave at SHJ:
Dominic Purcell Workout Routine

Number One: Sarah Lance (White Canary)
At the number one spot on this list is Sarah Lance – The White Canary. It’s not surprising that Sarah is on this list as she has proven herself worthy of her mantle and has led the team to countless victories across all of time. Initially hesitant to take up the White Canary title and go on a time ship, she is convinced by her sister Laurel to take the leap and make a difference in the world.
Sarah is a born leader and a formidable warrior, which makes her the ideal candidate to lead a team of misfits like the Legends. No matter who is on the roster of the team, Sarah makes it a point to get to know them and make them feel like valued members, regardless of the tenure of each person on the ship.
While initially not having any powers, Sarah recently got a power upgrade courtesy of season six’s latest baddy. While trying to escape her alien captors, she is fatally wounded and killed. However, thanks to future tech, her memories and personality are implanted into a new fresh hybrid clone capable of regenerative healing powers and increased strength.
White Canary at SHJ:
But I’d also love to hear who YOU think should be on this list!
The Most Popular Legends of Tomorrow Characters of All Time (Runner Ups):
- Rip Hunter (played by Dr. Who’s Arthur Darvill, he’s the man responsible for getting the Legends together – but wasn’t well liked because of his propensity to lie to them)
- Behrad Tarazi (the replacement of Zari Tomaz after the season four finale, the timeline was altered so that he was always the totem’s bearer instead of his sister)
- Wally West/Kid Flash (the son of Joe West, Wally gets his speed after being encased in one of Alchemy’s cocoons)
- Astra Logue (Astra Logue is the daughter of Natalie Logue, Constantine’s ex-girlfriend, and her death is one of John’s biggest regrets)
- Mona Wu (The Time Bureau’s food delivery girl, Mona gets scratched by one of the mystical creatures and develops the ability to turn into a Scottish version of the werewolf)
- Amaya Jiwe/Vixen (Coming from the time period where the JSA were the heroes of the world, Amaya joins the team for a time, but later returns to her own time)
- Charlie/Clotho (actually one of the famed Three Fates, the weavers of everyone’s destiny, Charlie rejects her sisters and decides to help the Legends defeat them and restore free will to the cosmos)
Don’t forget to comment your thoughts below.
As always, remember that all these routines should be paired with our Nutrition Pillars; and you can even check out our article on The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities as well.
If you want to step it up a notch on top of these workouts then you can also check out our Superhero Academy and Superhuman System as well.
Now get out there and begin unleashing your inner superhuman!
Until next time,
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