Last updated on December 22nd, 2016 at 12:04 am
If you haven’t already noticed, I like to travel!
From Boston and New Orleans, to closer and smaller vacations like Montauk and Fire Island like I’ve been doing recently (It’s Summer, c’mon!); I still always need to get in my SuperHuman Fuel and intermittent fast.
Actually, if we want to get real nerdy and in-depth, I’ve even been looking into a VW Westfalia or some kind of camper van to plan a long [possibly a year or more] trip around the US and Canada! So, when I said I like to travel, I wasn’t kidding! But, I also love, and quite possibly NEED my SuperHuman Fuel.

Why is this even a question?
Well, I’m glad you ask. Unlike the Flash, regardless of if I’m traveling or just getting ready for my day, it usually takes me longer then 0.2 seconds to get each task done…
The reason I’m explaining my travel SuperHuman Fuel is for a couple reasons actually.
- To help people make SuperHuman Fuel when traveling (the obvious one…)
- To show people you can still get some “On-the-Go” coffee
Sometimes when I explain SuperHuman Fuel people can be turned off by the fact that they will have an extra step or two in their morning coffee. Whether this means an extra step in your own house making coffee on your Keurig – or even another thing to do when you stop for coffee at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts on the way into work.
I’m here to tell you that making your SuperHuman Fuel daily is not that hard of a task. I make it part of my morning ritual and can EASILY get it done even when vacationing.
What are your options?
So, while everyone was at ComicCon watching the new Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justine Trailer, I was jumping around from Fire Island, NY and then over to Montauk. You best believe I still watched my fair share of trailers and stayed up to date with what’s going on, though!

The reason I mention this is because I easily find time to be a nerd on my vacations, so I definitely have no excuse to not get in my daily fuel [and fast].
And, thankfully for you, there’s a couple options for how to do this!
1. Simply make your coffee and blend it at home
This one doesn’t need to be explained, but I had to add it because that’s what I do on normal days!
2. Ask your barista to blend it for you
I do this a lot actually. I get my regular black coffee from Starbucks (or really anywhere that serves coffee and has a blender) and then I add the coconut oil and butter from my little zip-lock baggy. You could easily wait for it to melt and swirl your spoon around, but normally the barista won’t have a problem doing this for you!
3. Bring a travel blender or blender cup
I mention the fact that you can obviously just wait for the butter to melt in and then swirl it around in the coffee with the coconut oil, but another obvious solution is using a travel blender or blender cup. I’m sure a lot of you love making protein shakes – so just start viewing your SuperHuman Fuel as an equivalent!

Why not just skip it?
Well, if you’re asking this question you clearly aren’t a big coffee drinker, or you just haven’t experienced the amazingness of SuperHuman Fuel.
While that makes it a bit harder to explain why you can’t just skip it, I’ll still try my best. We all know how important it is to make a diet a lifestyle rather then a “cop-out”. I talk about it all the time when discussing the SuperHuman Diet and nutrition pillars, so why would one of the core components of our diet be any different?
That being said, you’re not going to want to skip it. SuperHuman Fuel is not only the backbone behind our intermittent fasting, but it also is the leading force for our increased brain function and ketosis/fat burning. I mean, we call it SuperHuman Fuel for a reason people!
What if we have to skip it?
Alright, alright…I knew this one would come.
The easy way to get around your SuperHuman Fuel is to plan when you’re not going to be utilizing it. You’re already going to be planning your carb reload days, and guess what…those are the days you’ll be able to skip your SuperHuman Fuel.
You will still want to get a good amount of healthy fats in, but it’s always good to incorporate the carb reload – which also allows you to cut out your intermittent fasting for a day or two.
If you don’t even know what SuperHuman Fuel is yet…shame on you! Just kidding, here’s another link if you missed the one at the beginning of the article. I hope all you #SuperHumans enjoyed your weekend, but it’s time to continue SMASH-ing our fitness goals.

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