Last updated on October 15th, 2021 at 06:21 pm
I’m not sure if you guys know this or not…
I’m a huge Alicia Vikander fan!
I think she was absolutely incredible in Man from U.N.C.L.E. and Ex Machina, and I cannot wait to see what she does in this new role as Lara Croft…aka Tomb Raider!
Why did I give that a weird “Bond…James Bond”…twist?
Sorry Daniel Craig…
Although she’s not the first to hit the site under the name of Lara Croft, I will give credit to where credit is due (Angelina Jolie), I do think she has to potential to make quite possibly our best ever!
Oh man, I said it!
Alicia Vikander Stats:
Height: 5’5
Weight: (approximate) 118 lbs.
Age: 28 years old
That puts Vikander right around the average height we see for the ladies here at SHJ.
She stands right there with the women coming in around the 5’4-5’6 range like Olivia Munn, Jennifer Aniston, Katie Cassidy, Emily Bett Rickards, Margot Robbie and a bunch more!
That’s above the others like Emilia Clarke, Natalie Portman, and Scarlett Johansson, but way below ladies like Gal Gadot, Sophie Turner, Zendaya, and more!
But, that’s not to say this workout routine isn’t for you if you’re not around her same stature.
This workout and diet plan will be for anyone and everyone looking to get Superhero Jacked!
Alicia Vikander Diet and Nutrition
I want to first start by chatting about the fact that, like many actors, Vikander’s diet and nutrition habits are much different depending on if she is or isn’t prepping for a role.
That being said, her physique seems to be always fantastic.
A fun quote from Vikander in an interview with E! News where she states:
“People don’t eat! There’s a lot of food everywhere and I’m like, ‘Where are the plates?’ It’s always like that. It’s not like that in Sweden where I come from. You sit down and have a meal and celebrate properly.”
It’s fun because it shows Vikander comes prepared to eat. Just because she struts a skinny and toned physique doesn’t mean she’s lacking in the good eats department!
A quote from her personal trainer Magnus Lygdbäck in SELF magazine has Magnus saying:
“Seven months before filming, I started Alicia on a nutrition plan for her to gain muscle and to boost her metabolism,”
Talk about commitment!
The point is: Vikander keeps her physique with a sustainable and fun diet, but takes it up a notch when it’s time to get ripped for a role like Tomb Raider.
We shoot for this sustainable approach WHILE getting ripped (aka Superhero Jacked) within our nutrition pillars and in all the Nutritional Classes within The Academy (Vikings, Samurais, Monks, Hunter Gatherers, Spartans, Minimalists).
Regardless if you’re looking to get ripped or not, I suggest a sustainable approach that allows for it, utilizing intermittent fasting and other pillars that we discuss at SHJ all the time.
We see a lot of celebs opt for a sustainable approach like this.
That’s why our Academy Nutrition Classes (Monks, Minimalists, SuperHumans, Vikings, Spartans, Hunter Gatherers, Greek Gods, Samurais, & Eat Fat, Lose Fat) revolve around helping you find the specific diet that is right FOR YOU.
Of course, there are a lot of reasons to HAVE the strict guidelines.
We’ve seen a lot of celebs opt for specific restrictions.
For example: Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart incorporate 80/20 dieting with big weekly cheat meals, Hugh Jackman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hopper, and Terry Crews utilize intermittent fasting(something I use daily as well), Mustafa Shakir and Madelaine Petsch are vegans, Brandon Routh and Frank Grillo opt for paleo, and tons of others utilize their own variations as well.
And, that’s just to name a few celebs from each, by the way.
You can check out our Nutrition Pillars for more information and articles on all of the above and more.
Take The Free Workout Placement Quiz and find the best free workout for you.
Alicia Vikander Workout Routine Research
Continuing on into Vikander’s workout routine isn’t that hard being that we already know who her personal trainer is.
Magnus Lygdbäck has a lot to say about the routines he uses, thankfully for us, and I personally think his way of training is a lot of fun.
Another quote from SELF has him saying:
I also sent her video workouts consisting of mostly weight lifting to build muscle and movement training to help build her into the Lara Croft character.”
Which he eventually followed up by saying he put Vikander on:
“a new eating plan and cut her to shorter workouts—30 minutes of HIIT in the morning, and 45-minute gym sessions in the afternoon.”
When’s the last time you heard a personal trainer say it’s time to cut the workouts shorter!?
That’s what we like to here. Talk about minimalist training style.
So here’s the outcome of Alicia Vikander’s workout and training throughout the months:
The fitness component, in a nutshell she could probably crush between her palms by the end: weight-lifting seven months out from filming, then boxing, MMA, heavy lifting, and climbing three months later. After two months of that full-time, Lygdbäck pared her workouts back to 30-minute morning HIIT sessions and 45-minute afternoon gym sessions. Nine years in ballet school probably wasn’t a bad foundation.
Freakin’ awesome!
Check out The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.
Alicia Vikander Workout Routine
Training Volume:
3-5 days per week
Vikander was likely putting in a long week of 5+ days of training. Thankfully we have time, and sustainability is key. If you’d like to step it up a notch, you can take this routine to 5+ days, which I’ll account for. The rest of it will be based around the hit and training as described earlier.
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Alicia Vikander Workout Day One: Morning HIIT and Afternoon Weights with Core Work
Morning HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill as follows:
1 minute off – 2.5-3.5 mph walk
1 min on – 5-10 mph fast jog/sprint
Afternoon Weights
3 Round Superset:
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press x 10
Dips x Failure
3 Round Superset:
Front Shoulder Raises x 10
Pull Ups (or Assisted/Pike Push Ups) x Failure
3 Round Superset:
Dumbbell Rows x 10
Push Ups x Failure
3 Round Superset:
Front Squats x 10
Box Jumps x 20
Core Work
3 Rounds (Break Between Each)
50 Crunches
25 Leg Lifts
20 Flutter Kicks
15 Second Reverse Superman Hold
3 Rounds (Break Between Each)
1 Min Plank Holds
Alicia Vikander Workout Day Two: MMA, Climbing, Boxing, Activity Day
Today it’s up to you.
Get out there and use your fitness.
You can take advantage of our fighting Coach Derek in The Academy if you’d like, or you can take an outside class, go hiking, play sports, etc!
Alicia Vikander Workout Day Three: Morning HIIT and Afternoon Weights with Core Work
Morning HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill as follows:
1 minute off – 2.5-3.5 mph walk
1 min on – 5-10 mph fast jog/sprint
Afternoon Weights
3 Round Superset:
Chest Flys x 10
Dips x Failure
3 Round Superset:
Arnold Presses x 10
Pull Ups (or Assisted/Pike Push Ups) x Failure
3 Round Superset:
Deadlifts x 10
Push Ups x Failure
3 Round Superset:
Leg Press x 10
Box Jumps x 20
Core Work
3 Rounds (Break Between Each)
50 Crunches
25 Leg Lifts
20 Flutter Kicks
15 Second Reverse Superman Hold
3 Rounds (Break Between Each)
1 Min Plank Holds
Alicia Vikander Workout Day Four: MMA, Climbing, Boxing, Activity Day
Today it’s up to you.
Get out there and use your fitness.
You can take advantage of our fighting Coach Derek in The Academy if you’d like, or you can take an outside class, go hiking, play sports, etc!
Alicia Vikander Workout Day Five: Morning HIIT and Afternoon Weights with Core Work
Morning HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill as follows:
1 minute off – 2.5-3.5 mph walk
1 min on – 5-10 mph fast jog/sprint
Afternoon Weights
3 Round Superset:
Barbell Bench Press x 10
Dips x Failure
3 Round Superset:
Power Cleans x 10
Pull Ups (or Assisted/Pike Push Ups) x Failure
3 Round Superset:
Lateral Pull Downs x 10
Push Ups x Failure
3 Round Superset:
Back Squat x 10
Box Jumps x 20
Core Work
3 Rounds (Break Between Each)
50 Crunches
25 Leg Lifts
20 Flutter Kicks
15 Second Reverse Superman Hold
3 Rounds (Break Between Each)
1 Min Plank Holds
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.
way too vague on the nutrition info…
Hey Claudia,
Not all the actors put a lot of info out there so I do my best to make suggestions based on what I can find and their specific physique.
We also shoot for sustainability over everything !
Each of the articles I link to go way way more in depth if you’re interested in help with your nutrition.
Let me know if you need any help,