Last updated on February 5th, 2021 at 11:22 am
Charlize Theron is a badass!
No, seriously.
She’s been in incredible movies like Fate of The Furious, Mad Max, both The Huntsman movies, Prometheus, Hancock – most recently Atomic Blonde – and so much more.
Not only has she been absolutely stunning in all of these movies, but she stepped it up a notch and trained like crazy for her role as an undercover MI6 agent.
We’ve had multiple women from The SHJ Army and The Academy ask for this routine, and I think it’s not only been a long time coming, but she’s highly deserving of a spot here at SHJ, and should have had one a long time ago!
And, I’m here to bring you some of that training (from Atomic Blonde), and combine it with even more of Theron’s regime.
Charlize Theron Stats:
Height: 5’10
Weight: (approximate) 120 lbs.
Age: 42 years old
Theron stands in as one of the taller women we’ve seen at SHJ, right along with ladies like Gal Gadot, Jennifer Lawrence, Sophie Turner, and Zendaya.
The average is a bit shorter; right around the 5’5-5’6 range, with women like Jennifer Aniston, Margot Robbie, Katie Cassidy, and tons of others.
Just shorter than that are women such as Emilia Clarke, Natalie Portman, Olivia Munn, and Scarlett Johansson.
But, don’t worry if you’re not tall like Theron…
These routines are made for anyone and everyone to utilize.

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Charlize Theron Diet and Nutrition
So I’m unsure how the first link I made my way to for research got so high on Google, but just about everything they said is the opposite of how you should be dieting…
That being said, I was able to remedy this event by doing further research and actually finding some useful information about Charlize Theron’s weight-loss.
Here’s what her trainer has to say in an interview with Shape:
When it comes to diet, De Santis advises to slowly lower your calories and focus on proteins, vegetables, and dark-colored fruits and greens. Make sure everything you eat is clean and organic, and stay away from fried foods, bread, rice, and pasta, as well.
“A lot of women make the mistake of changing their diet too quickly —in one day. Lower your calories slowly so you can avoid causing emotional and mental trauma to yourself,” recommends De Santis. “As long as you don’t reduce your calories too suddenly, your body will acclimate, your stomach will adjust, and you’ll get to your goal easier.”
We definitely stay pretty low carb within our nutritional pillars, and love to keep that added in with our intermittent fasting (especially if it’s keto fasting), so that part I’m right on board with.
As far as lowering your calories, sometimes I can dig it, and other times I say meh.
The SuperHuman Diet, which is not only given through the use of our pillars for free on the site, but also the backbone of our Nutritional Classes (Samurais, Monks, Hunter Gatherers, Vikings, Spartans, Minimalists) within The Academy, focus on sustainability and less on calories in calories out – and has been used by not only myself to drop 50+ lbs, but now many others to transform as well.
…I’d say that was a pretty good plug…
Either way, though, finding what works most specifically for you is going to be absolutely key to your success, which is just another reason we give so many options for our SHJ Army.

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Charlize Theron Workout Routine Research
One of the routines that I’ve found the Charlize Theron utilizes is based around ballet, and works every muscle group.
Here’s what Shape has to tell us about it:
De Santis’ workout for Theron is ballet-based and works every muscle group. Use dumbbells 5 lbs. and under to avoid getting bulky. Complete a minimum of 35 minutes of cardio in addition to these moves.
I plan on using the full routine from Shape for one of the days I’ll provide for you within the full workout routine.
Something else I was able to find about Theron’s workout routine was very informative, telling us:
Revealing that she does two 90-minute sessions of power yoga a week along with two spin classes up to four times, she told Red magazine: “I’ve always believed if you find something you love, exercise won’t be a chore. I love anything outdoorsy. My mom recently got me to play tennis, which I wasn’t good at, but really enjoyed. If you do exercise you enjoy you’re keeping yourself fit without even realizing it.”
We love yoga!
Just ask our yoga coach Sam who provides us with awesome videos for The Academy’s Jedi Path !
Finally, I’ll also be adding some video footage of Charlize Theron’s fight training for Atomic Blonde.
DEFINITELY something Coach Derek would like.

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Charlize Theron Workout Routine

Training Volume:
4+ days per week
Theron works out four or more days a week. All of the programs below with be in the style of her training, and it’s your job to choose which one you’ll be using on a given day.
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Charlize Theron Workout Day One: Personal Trainer Training from
Here’s what gives us:
You’ll Need: 3 and 5 lb. dumbbells, exercise mat, bench, 18 lb. exercise ball, tricep pushdown machine.
Pliés in Second Position:
Begin with your legs and arms in second position, and lower your body as you do for a grand plié in first position. As you do, be especially careful to keep your upper body aligned, without sticking out your rear end. At the bottom of the motion, make sure that your hips never go lower than your knees.Complete 1 set of 35-50 plies.
Seated Bicep Curls:
Sit with your back against a backrest so that your head, shoulders and butt make contact with the bench and your feet firmly on the floor. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand with thumbs wrapped around the handles and put your arms at your sides. Pull the shoulder blades down and back.Exhale and slowly bend your elbows bringing the dumbbells toward your shoulders. Do not allow your back to arch or your elbows to move forward. Keep the wrists in line with your forearms (neutral). Do not allow the wrists to bend throughout the exercise. Your head, shoulders and butt should stay in contact with the bench. Keep your feet firmly on the floor. Do not allow your shoulders to shrug.
Inhale and straighten your elbows and lower the dumbbells back to your start position in a slow and controlled manner.Complete 1 set of 60 reps with 5 lb. dumbbells.
Side Laterals:
Grab your dumbbells and stand with a straight torso and the dumbbells by your side at arm’s length with the palms of the hand facing you. This will be your starting position. While maintaining the torso in a stationary position (no swinging), lift the dumbbells to your side with a slight bend in the elbow and the hands slightly tilted forward. Continue to go up until your arms are parallel to the floor. Exhale as you execute this movement and pause for a second at the top. Lower the dumbbells back down slowly to the starting position as you inhale and repeat.Complete 1 set of 35 reps with 3 lb. dumbbells.
Lie down on your back and place your feet hip-distance apart with knees bent. Place your arms beside your hips with your palms down. Inhale and as you exhale, tilt your pelvis and squeeze your glutes as you slowly lift your hips up as high as they will go.At the peak of the contraction you will be resting on your shoulder blades only with your body in a straight line from your knees to your head. Lower and raise your buttocks about eight inches and repeat.
Complete 1 set of 75 reps.
Bicycle Crunches:
Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground and contract your core muscles. With your hands gently holding your head, lift your knees to about a 45-degree angle. Slowly, at first, go through a bicycle pedal motion, alternately touching your elbows to the opposite knees as you twist back and forth. Breathe evenly throughout the exercise.Complete 1 set of 60 reps.
Modified Plank:
Place your body face down on your hands as if you’re about to do a push-up. Contract the abs as tight as you can, keep the body in a straight line from head to toes and hold in this position.Hold for a minimum of 60 seconds.
Bench Press with 18 lb. Exercise Ball:
When you perform a bench press on a ball, try to keep your body as straight as possible from your shoulders to your knees. Keep your head and shoulders on the ball and your feet flat on the ground. Start with weight at chest level and press towards the ceiling until your arms are straight.Complete 1 set of 60 reps.
Tricep Pushdowns:
Face the tricep pushdown machine and grasp the horizontal cable bar with an overhand grip. The bar should be at about chest level. Tuck the elbows into the sides and position the feet comfortably, slightly apart. Brace the abdominals. Push down on the handle bar until elbows are fully extended yet without snapping the elbows straight and by keeping the elbows close to the body on the way down.Bend the knees slightly on the pushdown but stay as upright as possible with back straight. Don’t recruit the back and shoulder muscles by bending too far forward. Allow the bar to return to the starting point under control, and try not to clash the weights.
Complete 35 reps with 20 lbs., using a narrow grip.
Charlize Theron Workout Day Two: Fight Training
You can mix this up yourself, or you can take advantage of Coach Derek in The Academy.
Shadow boxing, bag work, core, and all things MMA training (including outside classes) are awesome!
Charlize Theron Workout Day Three: Power Yoga and Spin
This is another day you’ll have to implement on your own, likely going to a class – unless of course you’re ready to join us in The Academy and take advantage of Sam’s videos.
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