Last updated on September 27th, 2022 at 04:20 pm
Stephen Amell’s ab workout routine actually already made it to our Top 10 Celebrity Ab Workouts List, just in another format.
This ab routine is part of his first workout variation we hosted on our Stephen Amell Workout Routine and Diet Plan from when he was making his initial transformation into The Green Arrow!
Stephen Amell’s workout and physique is one that has allowed tons of members in The SHJ Army to transform their physique, and it has even kickstarted a handful of amazing success stories that we’ve seen here at SHJ.
Being that we’re making expansions into our Workout Database, which now hosts nearing 800 celebrity and character workouts routines, I want to make sure all our great workout routines (regardless of body part and focus) are accessible for everyone.
Part of this is the addition of our listicles, articles like:
As one example of many.
But, we’re also beginning to add specific body-part workouts and other categories to our Workout Database like ab workouts and circuit workouts (to stay on point with my current example).
For that reason you might see a re-appearance of your old favorite workout routines, just back and ready to take on specific aspects of your training!
So feel free to add this Stephen Amell Ab Workout into your everyday schedule and even mix and match with some of the other awesome ab workouts we’ve already hosted.
Think you’re ready for Green Arrow abs!?
Stephen Amell Ab Workout

Training Volume:
One Day or Portion of Training
[Can Be Repeated Multiple Times a Week]
You can add this one in a few times a week (I normally recommend 2-3 times per week) and/or mix and match with some of the other celebrity ab workouts we have (listicle, or in The Workout Database) as well.
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Stephen Amell Ab Workout
Initial Burn:
3×25 TTB (Toes to Bar)
Short Circuit: 3 Rounds
(Try not to touch your feet to the floor until you finish each set)
20 Lying Leg Lifts
20 Scissor Kicks
20 Second Hollow Rock
3×25 Sit Ups
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.