Last updated on June 1st, 2022 at 07:31 pm
This week we’re going to be looking at two different artists with our celeb workouts.
Starting with Machine Gun Kelly’s workout routine, that Men’s Health titles his “transformation workout”.
We haven’t see an overwhelming amount of artists here so adding another two will bring us closer to making a bit of an impact.
We’ve seen some others like Adam Levine’s Workout, J-Lo’s Workout, Ariana Grande’s Workout, Nick Jonas’ Workout and even Demi Lovato’s Workout.
Actually, now that I think about it, we have seen quite a few and I’m sure there are a ton more hidden within our Workout Database!
For these next two we’ll be doing a bit of a shortened article from what we’re used to strictly because we’re working with a specific workout each artist shared directly with Men’s Health that they’re currently utilizing while training from home!
So, all of you who think you can’t get jacked during some of the lockdown status: think again!
Brandon has even tried this workout already on our YouTube channel, so you can also check it out there (link directly to video here).
To be fair, MGK does have a pretty freakin’ awesome home gym, BUT that doesn’t take away from this workout in any way.
In his video he says:
“We’re going to train a little bit today. For those who were wondering if I even trained…fair enough, because this wasn’t the case years ago but a lot of years of doing a lot of stuff has led me to believe that I gotta keep on living, gotta get stronger!”
He then goes on to say:
“I think when you’re climbing 60 foot metal scaffolding, arm strength, and leg strength and mental strength matters…so let’s get a workout in!”
And I have to agree.
Those are definitely all things I would want to have if I was doing any of the stunts that MGK does while performing for us.
He is out of this world and on his own level.
From there he gets right into some stretching, but more on that below..!
Machine Gun Kelly Workout Routine

Training Volume:
One Workout
(To Be Repeated)
You will need:
KBs and/or DBs and Medicine Ball
Upgrade This Workout:
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Machine Gun Kelly Workout
Warm Up:
Adductor Rockback w/T-Spine Rotation
3×30 seconds each side
Staggered-Stance Squats
Standard Push Up w/ Shoulder Tap
3×10 total reps
Three-Way Hip Flexor Stretch
3×9 reps “each way” (swap to 3 different angles) per side
Staggered-Stance Deadlift (MGK uses 2 KBs)
3×8 reps each side
Incline Bench Press
Medicine Ball Throw + Boxing
(Slam ball against wall and then combo heavy bag then repeat)
5 Rounds of 30 Seconds each Side [Throw]
Jammer Row
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