Last updated on February 28th, 2023 at 09:01 am
The Top 10 Most Powerful Yu Yu Hakushu Characters of All Time is a list of the strongest characters in the anime with the same title!
Yu Yu Hakushu or Ghost Fighter is a show about a Spirit Detective by the name of Yusuke Urameshi and chronicles his exploits in finding and stopping demonic activities in the Human Realm. Think of him as a John Constantine but for the anime world and also if he has to fight in Street Fighter-like fight tournaments. He is aided by his friends and fights with the use of his Rei Gun, a spirit weapon that fires bursts of aura from his index finger.
Both Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter X Hunter are among Mike’s favorite anime of all time – and they were both created by the same person: Yoshihiro Togashi!
Which is why we even get some easter eggs among Hunter X Hunter!
But these characters aren’t just some of Mike’s favorites – they’re also some of the most popular at SHJ.
We have our Anime Workouts Database that lists the workouts of several characters across many anime shows – and we also even have our Workout Placement Quizzes to help SHJ Army members find the best workout for them.
If you like listicles like this one, here are a few more I think you might like:
- Most Powerful Anime Characters of All Time
- Most Powerful Hunter X Hunter Characters
- Most Popular Anime Inspired Calisthenics Workouts
Of course, we’ve also done a handful of “Most Powerful” and “Most Popular” for other anime so if you’d like to check those out you can visit our other listicles here.
For this one, I scoured the internet for help and almost every single listicle has a different take on who The Most Powerful Yu Yu Hakushu Characters were so what I decided to do was compile ALL of them together and place each character in the slot they averaged most as well as keeping the list to base TEN most powerful and then increasing the length of the normal runner-up slots I normally do in no specific order.
As always, leave your comments below if you were expecting other characters!

Number Ten: Kazuma Kuwabara
Team: Urameshi
Hero or Villain: Hero
Starting off our list of The Most Powerful Naruto Characters of All Time we have our first member of Team Urameshi – Kazuma Kuwabara! Kazuma (or Alfred in the English dub) is a brawler and a human with access to a lot of spiritual energy. He has high spiritual awareness even as a human, as he was able to sense ghosts and could actually see them whenever he fell asleep. His signature move is his Spirit Sword, and after some training with Genkai, he was able to refine it and was able to form double Spirit Swords to aid him when fighting. What makes him powerful is that he has the ability of pre-cognition, and is able to see future events which definitely aids Team Urameshi in analyzing their opponents’ team members.
Kazuma Kuwabara at SHJ:

Number Nine: Elder Toguro
Team: Toguro
Hero or Villain: Villain
Coming in at number nine on the list of the most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is the Elder Toguro brother, and one of Sensui’s most crucial team members. Thanks to his powers of shape-shifting, the Elder Toguro brother can manipulate his body to create an infinite arsenal of weapons. He can also possess other beings and take control of their powers. He has immense regenerative abilities, which is what makes him essentially immortal. However, that didn’t stop him from being trapped forever in Kurama’s Sinning Tree and meeting his eternal demise.
Elder Toguro at SHJ:

Number Eight: Younger Toguro
Team: Toguro
Hero or Villain: Villain
At number eight among the most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is the Younger Toguro brother!
Toguro’s signature move is Percentage Power, where he can manage the output of his raw strength and increase his strength, speed, stamina, and durability even more with each increase. At 100%, he was able to withstand a direct hit from Yusuke’s fully-powered Spirit Gun. To make a character comparison, think of him as Yu Yu Hakusho’s version of Bane.
Younger Toguro at SHJ:

Number Seven: Yoko Kurama
Team: Urameshi
Hero or Villain: Hero
Next up among our most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is our second member of Team Urameshi and one of the most intelligent characters as well – Kurama! Kurama is extremely intelligent and very precise is his movements and attacks. He is so accurate that he can spot an opponent’s weak point and is able to think of several ways to beat them during the fight. He can also harness his demon energy to summon plants from the Demon Realm. His signature is the use of his Rose Whip, in which he can store several kinds of other plant seeds that can deal devastating damage and even kill an opponent.
Yoko Kurama at SHJ:

Number Six: Hiei
Team: Urameshi
Hero or Villain: Hero
Just missing the top five and coming in at number six among the most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is the Demon Ninja, Hiei!
Hiei (or Vincent in the English dub) is a C-Class Demon and fights alongside Team Urameshi. He is a Master Swordsman and is incredibly agile to the point it seems like he’s capable of teleportation. With his Jagen Eye (Evil Eye), he can call on literal dragons to the fight and has access to psychic abilities. You don’t want to be on the bad side of this character!

Number Seven: Yoko Kurama
Team: Urameshi
Hero or Villain: Hero
Next up among our most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is one of the most intelligent characters as well – Kurama! Kurama is extremely intelligent and very precise is his movements and attacks. He is so accurate that he can spot an opponent’s weak point and is able to think of several ways to beat them during the fight. He can also harness his demon energy to summon plants from the Demon Realm. His signature is the use of his Rose Whip, in which he can store several kinds of other plant seeds that can deal devastating damage and even kill an opponent.
Yoko Kurama at SHJ:

Number Six: Hiei
Team: Urameshi
Hero or Villain: Hero
Just missing the top five and coming in at number six among the most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is the Demon Ninja, Hiei!
Hiei (or Vincent in the English dub) is a C-Class Demon and fights alongside Team Urameshi. He is a Master Swordsman and is incredibly agile to the point it seems like he’s capable of teleportation. With his Jagen Eye (Evil Eye), he can call on literal dragons to the fight and has access to psychic abilities. You don’t want to be on the bad side of this character!
Hiei at SHJ:
Number Five: Mukuro
Team: Three Demon Kings
Hero or Villain: Villain
Making it to the top five among the most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is the 2nd member of the Three Demon Kings, Mukuro!
Mukuro is a powerful psychic and demon who is able to harness dimensional energy. She uses this to cut the fabric of the Third Dimension, and can also use it to create a Dimensional Web that cuts anyone who comes into contact with it. Aside from this, she has earned a reputation in the Demon World as a ruthless fighter, which makes any lower-class demon think twice before getting into the ring with her. Talk about girl power!
Mukuro at SHJ:

Number Four: Genkai
Team: Urameshi
Hero or Villain: Hero
At number four among the most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is the Master of both Sensui and Yusuke – Genkai!
Genkai is a powerful spirit warrior and uses a unique style of fighting called Spirit Wave. Using this, she is able to draw spiritual energy into herself, thereby making her body her weapon. With it, she can heal wounds, purify beings, and even unleash a spiritual wave of energy that decimates demon opponents.
We’ve also mentioned Genkai in other lists like The Most Powerful Female Anime Characters and also The Greatest Anime Mentors of All Time!
Genkai at SHJ:

Number Three: Shinobu Sensui
Clan: Uchiha
Hero or Villain: Anti-Hero
Coming in and making the top three among the most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is the predecessor of Yusuke as Spirit Detective, Shinobu Sensui!
As a former Spirit Detective, Sensui has massive spiritual energy and is able to use this energy effectively in his own brand of a fighting style called Spirit Light Fissure Kick Fist, which uses his entire body. With this, he is able to land devastating kicks to his opponent’s body and use his hands to block his enemy’s attacks. Aside from his physical prowess, Sensui is able to use his spiritual energy to create either an offensive or defensive battle armor, enhancing his already peak physical abilities.
Shinobu Sensui at SHJ:

Number Two: Raizen
Team: Three Demon Kings
Hero or Villain: Hero
Coming in at number two among the most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is the ancestor of Yusuke, and the most powerful of the Demon Kings in the Demon Realm – Raizen!
Raizen was once an extremely powerful demon who fed on humans, but after falling in love with a human woman, he vowed never to eat another human being. Despite being a demon, Raizen is honorable and has kept his word to the woman he loves, even after her passing. He’s powerful enough that he can create blade-like energy slashes that wound his opponents even at a distance. Also, when he possessed Yusuke, Yusuke’s spirit gun embodied Raizen’s lightning abilities.
Raizen at SHJ:

Number One: Yusuke Urameshi
Team: Urameshi
Hero or Villain: Hero
Coming in at number one among the most powerful Yu Yu Hakusho characters is the primary protagonist of the series and the successor of Raizen in being the clan leader, Yusuke Urameshi!
Once a brazen, impulsive, and brash teenager, Yusuke has gone through many trials that have allowed him to hone his power and utilize all of the spirit energy stored within him. With Raizen’s training, he has been able to unlock so much of his spiritual capacity and is the strongest character in the series.
Would you place Yusuke at number one or does Raizen give his descendant a run for his money?
Who else would you pull from the honorable mentions to bring up to this list?
Yusuke Urameshi at SHJ:
Yusuke Urameshi Inspired Workout
But I’d also love to hear who YOU think should be on this list!
The Most Powerful Yu Yu Hakusho Characters of All Time (Runner Ups):
- Enki
- Koenma
- Botan
- Kurama
- Kujo
Don’t forget to comment your thoughts below.
As always, remember that all these routines should be paired with our Nutrition Pillars; and you can even check out our article on The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities as well.
If you want to step it up a notch on top of these workouts then you can also check out our Superhero Academy and Superhuman System as well.
Now get out there and begin unleashing your inner superhuman!
Until next time,
SHJ’s Impulse/Aqualad
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.
Have you been smoking something lately?
Lol Timmy has gotten some criticism on some of his lists. He doesn’t write for SHJ anymore. What would you change?
Koenma is a god, if I remember correctly he won his dark tournament battle with one hit. That would make Koenma one of the most powerful. Is Yoko Kurama him as Kurama human or Yoko fox demon? I’m the fox demon form he has a lot more power than his human form.