Last updated on December 21st, 2016 at 11:51 pm
So, we all know what SuperHuman Fuel and Intermittent Fasting are, but I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the combination and how it all works.
For that reason, I decided it’s time to do a post on the combination.
We also know that SuperHuman Fuel and Intermittent KETO Fasting are both part of our nutrition pillars for becoming SuperHuman. Since I’ve already covered the main objectives of both, this post will more then likely be a quick refresher and a short “How To” for those of you who need help combining them.
What’s the Purpose?
One thing we need to know is the purpose of combining our SuperHuman Fuel with our intermittent fast. We’ve already seen what the intermittent fasting can do for us, and we already know what it is, but why would we add calories to it?
The reason for our SuperHuman Fuel is to turn our fast into a ketosis fast. I talk about ketosis when I introduced cyclical ketosis to our nutrition pillars and talked about how a carb reload and cheat meals can actually benefit you.
You forgot what ketosis is?
Okay, so as I try to tell you the purpose of this awesome combination I came to a halt because some of you don’t remember what ketosis is. For that reason, we’ll do a quick rundown. If you already know what it is, go ahead and scroll down a bit more.
Here’s the definition provided to us from Google:
a condition characterized by raised levels of ketone bodies in the body, associated with abnormal fat metabolism and diabetes mellitus.
Now let’s quickly discuss [the simplified version of] how we get ketone levels raised in the body. Ketone levels are raised when our diets lack carbohydrates. Our bodies react by producing ketones and we become a fat burning machine. Ironically enough, diets that are based around ketosis are high in FAT (the macronutrient) and burn more FAT (the crud around our waist).
Moving on
We know all the benefits of intermittent fasting from the other article, but a quick recap is: Increased fat burning, growth hormone release and metabolic rate while also improving our appetite and blood sugar control, and cardiovascular function.
Who wouldn’t want that?
Another reason we are using the SuperHuman Fuel throughout our Intermittent Fast is because fat satiates us much more and much faster then any other macronutrient. For this reason we will be full and satisfied throughout our entire fast without having cravings. We will also be giving our bodies something to run on (ketones and fat calories). It’s like back when you inserted cheat codes into your favorite video game and just dominated the rest of the time. It’s a hack for burning fat and achieving amazing fasted results!
Quick Answer
To wrap that all up, the reason we’re using both SuperHuman Fuel in unison with our Intermittent Fasting is so that we will remain satiated while giving our bodies the necessary fuel to run on, while turning ourselves into a fat burning machine using ketosis AND also gaining the benefits of an intermittent fast.

How do we do it?
Alright, so now we know how amazing this combination can be…but how do we do it?
Every morning you wake up and it’s not your cyclical keto reload day you will be drinking your SuperHuman Fuel. Your SuperHuman Fuel will support you and keep you satiated while also increasing your performance and brain function, until it’s finally time to break your intermittent fast.
Here’s my format:
- Stop eating at 8pm
- Wake up and drink SuperHuman Fuel
- Wait until 2-3pm until I eat (completing an 18-19 hour fast)
- Rinse and Repeat until carb reload day(s)
- Live like a SuperHuman
Simple enough, right?
Alright, honestly…I have no idea why it’s so much easier to find DC Superheroes in pictures with coffee. I wish I had an explanation. It just happens that way.
If you have anymore questions regarding the combination of SuperHuman Fuel and Intermittent Fasting to utilize Intermittent KETO Fasting, please post in the comments below :)!

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To some guys and maybe even ladies reading this, for some people IF can be taxing on the adrenals and hormones which is why a fat burning beverage listed above works wonders in the morning. It’s technically not full blown IF, but it can help you stay in ketosis without harming your system. Second, be sure to get enough fiber to feed those good bacteria inside of you- a keto diet can starve them out leaving home base open for a massive takeover by the bad guys. A keto diet may be low in carbs, but fiber is another matter. Supplementing with something like acacia fiber helps, especially when it comes to evacuating (if you know what I mean), or even flax and chia, which are good qualitity fats. Just remember that the long term matters most; the short term is just a honeymoon that gets old really fast once things start to fall apart.