Last updated on February 28th, 2023 at 09:01 am
The Most Powerful Fairy Tail Characters of All Time is a list of the strongest characters from the series. This is a comprehensive list as the series ended its final season in late 2019.
We’ve already seen our most popular Fairy Tail characters of all time – and a handful of them will also be making this list.
The characters on the top ten deserve their slot, but their power levels are so close together despite having different abilities. However, many sites that I searched did find a common list as to who the top 5 were and I’ve included these characters in this list.
BUT, before I rant about the power levels too much, I just want to say that Fairy Tail has been one of the most popular anime in recent history – scoring a 7.6 out of 10 and ranking #42 from a poll of more than 1.5 Million anime fans.
We have our Fairy Tail Inspired Workouts in a mini-database within our larger Anime Workouts Database like we’ve now been able to do for a handful of the most popular shows.
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Of course, we’ve also done a handful of “Most Powerful” and “Most Popular” for other anime so if you’d like to check those out you can visit our other listicles here.
For this one, I scoured the internet for help and almost every single listicle has a different take on who The Most Powerful Fairy Tail Characters are so what I decided to do was compile ALL of them together and place each character in the slot they averaged most as well as keeping the list to base TEN most popular and then increasing the length of the normal runner-up slots I normally do in no specific order.
As always, leave your comments below if you were expecting other characters!

Honorable Mention: Gajeel Redfox
To start off our list we have Gajeel Redfox who I’m bringing in as an honorable mention.
In terms of overall power level among our Fairy Tail characters Redfox would likely just skim his way into a list of the top twenty most powerful Fairy Tail characters (if we were going that high), BUT he deserves a mention since this is Superhero Jacked.
In terms of overall physique we have some JACKED Fairy Tail characters, and Gajeel was one of the most requested workout routines among the entire anime; so considering that with his overall power level means he’s a great way to get us started.
Gajeel Redfox at SHJ:
Gajeel Redfox Inspired Workout

Number Ten: Laxus Dreyar
Coming in at number ten and starting off our real list of the most powerful Fairy Tail characters of all time is another character who is jacked and has been requested a ton at SHJ: Laxus Dreyar.
Laxus is Makarov’s grandson and he is one of the most powerful characters, rivaling even Erza, Natsu and Mirajane – but seeing as how we have so many other insanely powerful characters on the list – he’s just the start!
Laxus Dreyar at SHJ:

Number Nine: God Serena
At number eight among the most powerful Fairy Tail characters is the most powerful Mage on the entire continent: God Serena.
He is the strongest of the four gods of Ishgar and is adept at using 8 different kinds of Dragon Slayer magic. This is manifested in battle when he is able to call upon 8 different types of energy dragons that sprout from the ground thus causing massive damage. God Serena can manifest and control fire, earth, water, wind, and lightning magic. Using each of these, he can consume them to regain energy stores to continue fighting or unleash them on his opponent.
God Serena at SHJ:
Number Eight: Erza Scarlet
Next up among our most powerful Fairy Tail characters is the 7th leader of the Fairy Guild, Erza Scarlet!
Erza is an S-Class Mage of the Fairy Guild and specializes in the use of Sword Magic and specifically in the use of Requip, a kind of Spatial magic that allows her to equip different weapons from her inventory at will during the heat of battle. She is known for having nearly 100 types of armor and weapons at her disposal that people have called her “Titania” for being so strong in her use of this kind of magic and her skill at using it.
Erza Scarlet at SHJ:

Number Seven: August
Making it to the top five among the most powerful Fairy Tail characters is the strongest male member and General in the Alvarez Kingdom’s army, August!
August is a member of the Spriggan 12, the Elite Guard of Emperor Zeref of the Alvarez Kingdom. He is known as the “Wizard King” because he can effectively copy and master any kind of magic he encounters. He has command of Ars Magia, an ancient spell that allows him to expell a huge wave that destroys all inorganic matter while evaporating the blood of living beings. With this spell, he is capable of being able to destroy an entire country single-handedly if he so chooses.
August at SHJ:
Number Six: Irene Belserion
At number four among the most powerful Fairy Tail characters is the strongest female in the Spriggan 12, Irene Belserion!
Irene Belserion is a powerful mage and the creator of Dragon Slayer magic. She was the one who used Sage Dragon Slayer magic during the Dragon Festival. She also happens to be Erza Scarlet’s mother. She is a user of Universe One or World Reconstruction magic, able to alter the landscape however she wishes. She has used this to her great advantage in battle, literally shifting the environment to the benefit of her peers.
Irene Belserion at SHJ:

Number Five: Gildarts Clive
Coming in and making the top three among the most powerful Fairy Tail characters is the 5th Guild Master, and one of the most powerful S-Class mages, Gildarts Clive!
Gildarts is an exceptional magic-user and specializes in Crush, a Caster magic that literally crushes other magic and landscapes he uses it on. With Crush, Gildarts can nullify the effects of others’ magic simply by touching it. He can also use Crush to send shockwaves towards his opponent upon hitting the ground with a Crush-infused punch. Like many of the Fairy Guild Masters, Gildarts is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and has enhanced strength and durability.
Gildarts Clive at SHJ:
Gildarts Clive Inspired Workout
Number Four: Gray Fullbuster
Coming in at number four on the list of the most powerful Fairy Tail characters is someone that might surprise some people, but will be right on the money for others: Gray Fullbuster.
Some lists have Gray just making it into the top fifteen most powerful, while others have him around 5-10, and then others coming in top three! The average of which had him sneaking into the top five most powerful characters, which is why we have him at number four.
It also helps that he is definitely one of the most requested Fairy Tail characters at SHJ.
Gray Fullbuster at SHJ:
Gray Fullbuster Inspired Workout

Number Three: Zeref Dragneel
I should make a point to say: Zeref is the most powerful mage in the series.
This is in part to his use of forbidden magic, the Black Arts which can be used to reshape reality into whatever he sees fit – in Zeref’s case, a darker world full of demons. He can use his Black Arts in different ways, either to kill any being he touches, or use it as a propulsive force that decimates all in the vicinity. He also is able to use Living magic, being able to breathe life into any object he creates.
Zeref Dragneel at SHJ:
Grab The Unofficial Fairy Tail Workout Booklet and Unleash Your Inner Mage!

Number Two: Natsu Dragneel
Coming in at number two on the list of the most powerful Fairy Tail characters is the younger brother of Zeref, Natsu Dragneel!
Natsu is a mage of the Fairy Guild and is a loyal friend and companion. He is willing to go down fighting for his friends even if the pursuit is futile. He is masterful in his use of Dragon Slayer Fire Magic, which he is able to use in various ways in combat to either enhance the strength of his blows or replenish his energy reserves and keep him in the fight. His strongest move is Dragon Force, where he has nearly the same strength as that of a real dragon and can keep on fighting longer than he normally can and his reflexes are enhanced to the point he can dodge any attack and keep on hitting his opponent with devastating blows.
Natsu Dragneel at SHJ:
Natsu Dragneel Inspired Workout Routine
Natsu Dragneel Inspired Jump Rope Workout Routine
Take The Fairy Tail Workout Placement Quiz Now!

Number One: Acnologia
Coming in at number one among the most powerful Fairy Tail characters is the powerful Dragon, Acnologia!
Acnologia has over 400 years of experience using Dragon Slayer magic and can enter and exit his Dragon form at will. What makes him the most powerful is the fact that even the members of the Spriggan 12 and the Wizard Saints couldn’t defeat him. Using Dragon Slayer magic, Acnologia is able to replenish his life force with the energy from other dragons and magic users. He can use his magic as a huge energy blast from the palm of his hand or use his Dragon Roar, whereby he lets loose a ball of fire infused with his elemental energy from his mouth.
Acnologia at SHJ:
Acnologia Inspired Workout Routine
But I’d also love to hear who YOU think should be on this list!
The Most Powerful Fairy Tale Characters of All Time (Runner Ups):
- Mirajane Strauss
- Wendy Marvell
- Kagura Mikazuchi
- Makarov Dreyar
- Larcade Dragneel
Don’t forget to comment your thoughts below.
As always, remember that all these routines should be paired with our Nutrition Pillars; and you can even check out our article on The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities as well.
If you want to step it up a notch on top of these workouts then you can also check out our Superhero Academy and Superhuman System as well.
Now get out there and begin unleashing your inner superhuman!
Until next time,
SHJ’s Impulse/Aqualad
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.

More than 10 Workouts for All Different Guild Members and Mages of All Rankings from Normal, S-Class and SS-Class all the way to 10-Year and 100-Year Jobs!
(Unofficial Workouts Inspired by Characters)