We’ve already seen some of the best fitness gear choices, and my top suggestions, but now The SHJ Army wants more.
Specifically the best portable fitness equipment!
Just in case you missed it, here are some of the most recent fitness gear articles we’ve had hit the site recently:
- Build Your Superhero Home Gym Under $100
- Build Your Superhero Home Gym Under $250
- The Best Work From Home Fitness Set Up
- The Top 10 Things You Should Have In Your Gym Bag
On top of a couple more articles that can be found here as well.
And if you’re interested in supplementation, you can also find that here.
But for this article we’re going to be talking specifically about the best portable fitness equipment; two in particular.
One of them is an item I consistently mention within our programming inside The Academy and The Legacy Program; on top of in all of our home gym builds.
It’s also an item that continuously shows up as a high intensity interval workout and circuit on a regular basis.
The second item is one that can essentially be used to scale nearly any workout routine on the site into a portable or home workout!
Both these items were also voted on as the best pieces of portable fitness equipment inside our Academy Private Community as well.
Let’s start with number one, which I assume everyone here already knows: The Speed Rope (or Jump Rope)!

The Speed Rope (or Jump Rope)
I use my speed rope almost every single day.
Regardless of whether I’m using it as a warm up, a way to increase the overall intensity of a circuit or workout, for it’s own high intensity interval training (I’ll share one below), as a leg and/or calf exercise, or even as a way to work on my endurance training; my speed rope is always a go-to.
If fat loss is the goal, and you’re looking for effectiveness and efficiency within your training, I can’t think of a better piece of all around fitness equipment; portable or not.
The fact that you can easily transport it wherever you go is just a bonus.
My Personal Recommendations for Speed Rope(s)
and Jump Rope(s) are:
The Best “Jump Rope” Just Handles, No Rope
High Intensity Interval Jump Rope Workout:
Complete 5 Rounds
30 Jump Ropes
20 Air Squats
30 Jump Ropes
20 Plank Shoulder Taps
30 Jump Ropes
20 Plank to Push Ups
30 Jump Ropes
20 Sit Ups

The Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are essentially the most versatile piece of equipment.
While my handy jump rope is always there to increase the intensity, resistance bands can be used to scale a workout both up and down depending on your fitness level. To be more clear: you can literally use a resistance bands for assistance (probably the best way to get better at pull ups), OR resistance (add “weight” or load to a movement to make it harder).
On top of that you can essentially scale (up or down) any movement you want; or at least any variation of certain movements with bands.
The fact that they are just as easy to grab and go as a jump rope is just another bonus!
My Personal Recommendations for Resistance Bands and Glute Bands:
The Best Overall Resistance Band Package
The Best Overall Glute Band Package
Beginner Resistance Band Circuit Workout:
Circuit One: Full Body
Complete 3 Rounds
10 Assisted Pull Ups
15 Resisted Squats
10 Assisted Bodyweight Rows
15 Resistance Band Thrusters
10 Close To Wide Knee Push Ups
Circuit Two: Booty Blaster
Complete 3 Rounds
10 Resisted Walking (Side Walk) Squats
20 Resisted Fire Hydrants (10 each leg)
10 Resisted Pulse Squats
20 Resisted Donkey Kicks (10 each leg)
10 Resistance Band Leg Kickbacks
20 Resistance Band Glute Bridges
That’s a wrap.
Remember that all these routines should be paired with our Nutrition Pillars; and you can even check out our article on The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities as well.
If you need extra help creating your plan you should also check out our Superhero Academy and our SHJ Legacy Program (here’s the differences between the two).
Either way, get out there and begin unleashing your inner superhuman!
Until next time,
SHJ’s Nick Fury

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