Last updated on September 12th, 2023 at 06:54 am
The strongest Baki characters of all time is actually a pretty tough list to make when you have so many characters that are so outrageously powerful.
Every day we get requests for more Baki characters to be added to our Anime Workouts Database and to grow out our Baki Inspired Workouts.
For the sake of this list I’ll be combining characters from both our Baki anime series (including our newest “Baki Hanma” series) – while also including [some] characters that have only been seen in the manga or had small mention to in the anime.
I’m proud to say we have build workouts around every single character on this list, and even put together a Baki Workout Placement Quiz if you guys need help choosing the best one specifically for YOU!
But, I’m not going to take up too much time before getting into our characters, I’ll just share a couple other awesome lists we’ve had here at SHJ just in case you want to hop around after you skim through this one.
If you like listicles like this one, here are a few more I think you might like:
- The Most Powerful Black Clover Characters
- The Most Powerful Attack On Titan Characters
- The Most Powerful One Piece Characters
Of course we’ve also done a handful of “Most Powerful” and “Most Popular” for other anime and comics so if you’d like to check those out you can visit our other listicles here.
In order to build this one out I used other outside sources including Reddit, other fan-made lists, CBR, and a ton of other sources to really see what everyone felt about the topic – while also combining that with what I know about the characters myself as a big time Baki fanboy.
As always, leave your comments below if you were expecting other characters!

Honorable Mention #1: Jun Guevara
Origin: South America
Fighting Style: Mu-kakure-ryuu, Ninjutsu
Height and Weight: 5’8-5’10 / 220-280 lbs.
To start off our list of the strongest Baki characters of all time we’re going to be taking a look at Jun Guevara.
Guevara, also known as “Number Two”, isn’t a character that would normally show up on your typical list, but if you’ve met him in our newest season of Baki on Netflix, called “Baki Hanma”, you know why he’s showing up as an honorable mention here.
Guevara, along with Biscuit Oliva, is one of the two men that are considered to be “free men” within Arizona prison. He’s also described as “one of the three men alive more powerful than a machine gun”.
Jun Guevara at SHJ:

Honorable Mention #2: Kaoru Hanayama
Origin: Japan
Fighting Style: Street Fighting
Height and Weight: 6’3 / 366 lbs.
Just missing our top ten strongest Baki characters of all time is Kaoru Hanayama.
Hanayama is one of my favorite characters from our original Baki series on Netflix, and known as the strongest Yakuza in all of Japan – along with one of the strongest characters in the entire series.
The craziest part? He’s between the ages of 15-20 each time we meet him!
His Wiki Fandom explains: “During a strength test with Pickle, Hanayama’s strength was compared to that of a Triceratops, a dinosaur that can weigh between 6-12 tons. Hanayama also fought a Great White Shark with his bare hands whilst underwater, and he managed to kill the animal by crushing its brain. His physical strength is great enough that he’s the first human that Pickle recognized as a rival, instead of food.”
And, we’ll talk about just how strong Pickle is a little later in the list.
Kaoru Hanayama at SHJ:
Kaoru Hanayama Inspired Workout

Number Ten: Doppo Orochi
Origin: Japan
Fighting Style: Shinshinkai Karate / Orochi-ryuu Karate
Height and Weight: 5’10 / 242 lbs.
Starting off our official top ten strongest Baki characters of all time is Doppo Orochi.
Doppo Orochi is a legend, and goes by titles such as “God of War”, “Man Eater Orochi” and “Tiger Slayer”. He is the 10th dan karate grandmaster, and the head of Shinshinkai Karate School. He’s also one of the few people in the series, along with Baki and Kaiou Kaku, to be able to stand toe-to-toe with Yujiro Hanma.
Some could argue that this slot could actually be given to his son, Katsumi Orochi, but there’s a strong argument as to why Doppo deserves the spot.
Doppo Orochi at SHJ:

Number Nine: Kaiou Retsu
Origin: China
Fighting Style: Chinese Kenpo
Height and Weight: 5’9 / 233 lbs.
Coming in at number nine on the list of the most powerful Baki characters of all time is Kaiou Retsu.
Retsu may not be the only character with the rank of Kaiou on this list, but he’s definitely the youngest.
His Wiki Fandom explains: “Retsu was an accomplished fighter who attained the rank of Kaiou, strong enough to beat Mount Toba in less than a minute and Katsumi with just one punch. In fact, his punch was powerful enough to permanently damage Dorian’s brain, reducing his mindset to that of a child. His most impressive feat was pounding a boulder into a perfect sphere using only his bare hands. During his engagement with the convict, Hector Doyle, Retsu also demonstrated himself to be very skilled with a wide variety of weapons ranging from throwing knives, ropes, a nine-section whips, and even a dao.”
And, for thos of you who don’t recognize the name, the Dorian they’re referring to is Kaiou Dorian, who was shown as one of the strongest characters in our “Most Evil Death Row Convicts” Saga.
Kaiou Retsu at SHJ:

Number Eight: Jack Hanma
Origin: Canada
Fighting Style: Pit Fighting
Height and Weight: 7’11 / 443 lbs.
Coming in at number eight on our list of the strongest Baki characters is our first Hanma: Jack Hanma!
Jack is a Canadian pitfighter and Yujiro Hanma’s son with a different mother than Baki. He also, like Baki, hopes to surpass his dad’s strength and martial arts ability.
Jack is also basically a science experiment, which is how he ended up being so gigantic.
His Wiki explains a bit about that here: “Jack trained so hard that his muscles became completely destroyed. He took an experimental drug known as the x4 to strengthen his body, regardless of a scientist warning it might kill him, he underwent extreme pain from the drug surviving due only to his Hanma blood line, the drug caused his muscles to become extremely large and strong. Unfortunately, a number of drugs eventually managed to destroy his body again, and drastically reducing his life expectancy in the process. But later, Jack managed to repair his body and he became even stronger. In the second series of the manga, he underwent surgery to make him taller and stronger. Kureha Shinogi carried out the operation, and thanks to that fact the desired effect was achieved. Kanji Igari stated that Jack is even bigger than Mount Toba.”
Jack Hamna at SHJ:

Number Seven: Biscuit Oliva
Origin: Cuba
Fighting Style: Brute Force
Height and Weight: 5’11 / 330 lbs.
Coming in at number seven on our list of the most powerful Baki characters of all time is Biscuit Oliva.
Like Jun Guevara, if you watched “Baki Hanma” (or even any season of “Baki” with Biscuit in it) on Netflix, you’re probably a big fan.
Oliva is absolutely ginormous. He’s so big, and his muscle mass is so dense, that he can actually repel a shotgun blast and katana swing just by flexing his muscles.
Oliva is known as “Mr. Unchained” for being unable to be chained down – essentially walking free even while being at Arizona State Prison. He also refers to himself as the strongest man in the United States.
Biscuit Oliva at SHJ:
Biscuit Oliva Inspired Workout

Number Six: Kaiou Kaku
Origin: China
Fighting Style: Chinese Kenpo
Height and Weight: 5’1 / 88 lbs.
Just missing the top five strongest Baki characters of all time is Kaiou Kaku.
Kaku is actually the last character on the list to earn the title of Kaiou, and also the last (outside of Baki himself) character we’ve seen be able to stand toe to toe with Yujiro Hanma and live to talk about it.
Kaiou Kaku is the greatest and most renowned Supreme Grandmaster of all for Chinese Kenpo, the Kaiou of Kaious, and the current champion of the Raitai Tournament spanning the last century.
When we see Kaiou Kaku in the manga, the first time we meet him he is around 146 years old – so the full extent of his power is slightly unknown – although there are some pictures of him being outrageously jacked in his younger years.
Kaiou Kaku at SHJ:
Number Five: Pickle
Origin: Unknown
Fighting Style: Brute Force
Height and Weight: 8’0 / 441 lbs.
Starting off our list of the top five strongest Baki character is our monstrous, Jurassic character: Pickle.
We haven’t had a chance to meet Pickle in our anime series yet (technically…), but his power is so overwhelming (like the next couple characters we’ll meet), that I couldn’t disregard their strength on this list.
Pickle is an inch above even Jack Hanma, making him 8’0 tall, and is said to have as much muscle development as Biscuit Oliva who is 330 lbs.
His Wiki Fandom describes with pretty good detail just how strong he is, using some characters on this list within the example: “His herculean strength has also been shown in various occasions, being capable of withstanding a strength test with Yuujiro Hanma himself, resisting a charge from Kaoru Hanayama, sending Baki Hanma flying through the Kourakuen arena with a single kick, chopping a leg from Kaiou Retsu after beating him, defeating Jack Hanma two times with only a few punches and breaking all of his teeth including his jaw too, jumping from wall to wall at imperceivable speeds in the same fight, and pulling a giant crocodile the size of a small dinosaur through a sewer tunnel (despite it supposedly was not big enough to contain said crocodile), which would’ve require the strength of a bulldozer. “
Pickle at SHJ:

Number Four: Musashi Miyamoto
Origin: Japan
Fighting Style: Niten Ichi-ryuu
Height and Weight: 5’11 / N/A
Coming in at number four among our most powerful Baki characters of all time is our legendary samurai Musashi Miyamoto.
Like Pickle, we don’t get to meet Musashi in the anime, BUT, they do make mention to him within the Baki Hanma series when Baki uses a technique and is said to resemble the old, legendary samurai.
Not only is Miyamoto said to be the strongest of his time, but he’s also acknowledges as potentially being the strongest samurai in history.
Miyamoto is so powerful that he was even able to kill Kaiou Retsu, our ninth most powerful character on this list, with a slash to the stomach. On top of that, he is so strong he could even cut through Pickle’s flesh and Motobe’s aramid fiber-chain-mail armor.
Musashi also doesn’t even need a sword…His Wiki page explains: “Even without a sword, Musashi maintains the ability to cut using his own hands. They are able to cut through 8 bodies and perfectly split a revolver in 2 along with the officer holding it, demonstrating no decrease in potency. “
Musashi Miyamoto at SHJ:
Musashi Miyamoto Inspired Workout
Number Three: Baki Hanma
Origin: Japan
Fighting Style: Mixed Martial Arts
Height and Weight: 5’6 / 156 lbs.
Starting a whole separate list of Hanma characters and coming in as our second Hanma on our current list, is Baki Hanma – coming in third among the strongest Baki characters of all time.
An argument could be made that Baki should come in second, and another could be made that we all know and hope he is going to surpass Yujiro – but at the moment it seems that he is definitely deserving of his third slot – even with the little known power of our Hanma in the second slot.
Baki is known as “the World’s Strongest Boy” and also “Champion” of the Underground Arena in Tokyo – but, like his brother Jack, really desires to be the strongest creature on earth; taking the title from his father Yujiro.
Baki at SHJ:
Baki Inspired Calisthenics Workout
Baki Inspired Jump Rope Circuit
Take The Baki Workout Placement Quiz Now!

Number Two: Yuichiro Hanma
Origin: Japan
Fighting Style: Judo
Height and Weight: 6’6 / 330 lbs.
Coming in at number two is Yuichiro Hanma, Baki’s grandfather, and Yujiro’s father.
Yuichiro comes in at number two on our list, but he easily could move up or down a slot if we had more information. His Wiki tells us a bit about the lack of information we have, but also goes on to tell us what we DO know about how powerful he is here: “The true depths of Yuuichiro’s strength is still currently unknown, but those who’ve come across him suggest he is inhumanly strong. As such shown in the battle of Okinawa to be the only other man in the world besides his son to single-handedly defeat the USA during WWII. It is unknown if Yuuichiro is stronger than Yuujiro, but it is stated that he was the only man he never defeated (however there is currently no evidence of them having fought at all in the past).”
If you guys have any arguments for why he should be higher or lower on the list I would genuinely love to hear them as I’m really curious about all our incredible Hanma characters.
Yuichiro at SHJ:
Yuichiro Hanma Inspired Workout
Grab The Unofficial Baki Workout Booklet and Unleash Your Inner Fighter!

Number One: Yujiro Hanma
Origin: Japan
Fighting Style: Mixed Martial Arts
Height and Weight: 6’2 / 265 lbs.
Coming in as the strongest Baki character of all time is Yujiro Hanma.
I’m pretty sure everyone saw this one coming, even if there was .01% hoping to see Baki or even Yuichiro’s name show up here.
Yujiro is “The Strongest Creature On Earth”, and even the strongest characters in the entire series – many of them on this list – acknowledge that.
Like Yuichiro, Yujiro was also able to defeat the American military forces by himself during the Vietnam War – and he was just 16 years old.
His Wiki also describes some of his other feats here: “Some of Yujiro’s greatest feats of strength include, pushing back 100 riot police, completely stopping the tectonic activity of an earthquake by punching the ground, tapping craters in concrete walls, easily knocking out a giant elephant that not even tanks could damage, cutting glass apart with his fingers, and crushing coal into dust. It is said that Yujiro’s hits are equivalent to that of a nuclear impact, with even entire armies trying their best weapons to stop him, but to no effect.”
Yujiro Hanma at SHJ:
But I’d also love to hear who YOU think should be on this list!
The Most Powerful Baki Characters of All Time (Runner Ups):
- Ryuukou Yanagi
- Izuo Motobe
- Gouki Shibukawa
- Nomi no Sukune II
- Katsumi Orochi
Don’t forget to comment your thoughts below.
As always, remember that all these routines should be paired with our Nutrition Pillars; and you can even check out our article on The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities as well.
If you want to step it up a notch on top of these workouts then you can also check out our Superhero Academy and Superhuman System as well.
Now get out there and begin unleashing your inner superhuman!
Until next time,
SHJ’s Nick Fury / Master Roshi
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.

More than 10 Workouts for users of Chinese Kenpo, Street Fighting, Pit Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Brute Force, Judo and more!
(Unofficial Workouts Inspired by Characters)