Last updated on February 4th, 2021 at 08:51 am
Lord of the Rings, AND Marvel?
I mean…c’mon…could it get any better?
Whatever. Don’t answer that.
Cate Blanchett is our Galadriel, and soon to be what could be one of the top Marvel villains we’ve had to date with her performance in Thor Ragnarok as Hela!
We’ve already seen her team of opposers portrayed by Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Tom Hiddleston, and The Hulk (Hulk is just The Hulk…), and I’m stoked to see how the fight goes down.
Blanchett looks absolutely incredible, and I’m sure her performance will be the same.
Cate Blanchett Stats:
Height: 5’9
Weight: (approximate) 124 lbs.
Age: 48 years old
Blanchett is not only one of the oldest, but also one of the tallest we have at SHJ.
Still stunning at 48 years old makes her right there with the gorgeous Halle Berry who is 50 herself.
Her height also puts her right around the range of women like Gal Gadot, Sophie Turner, and Zendaya.
She’s much taller than women like Emilia Clarke, Natalie Portman and Olivia Munn, and even the average height range around 5’5-5’6 with women like Jennifer Aniston, and Margot Robbie.
Don’t worry, though, like I say each time: these routines are made for everyone and anyone to take advantage of.
You do not need to be the same height or build!

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Cate Blanchett Diet and Nutrition
In an amazing article with The Cut, Cate Blanchett tells us a ton about her fitness routine, and her diet.
But, before we do a deep dive into her daily life, I will say that People Magazine gives us a good snippet of her diet that we should recognize first.
Cate says:
“We eat organic food and I don’t eat red meat.”
And, in The Cut, Cate proceeds to tell us how she starts her days off:
How I start my day: I usually start anywhere between 6 and 6:30 a.m. I would love to say it’s because I go and have a run, but it’s because the baby wakes up and the kids wake up and I need to get them to school. After that, the plan is that I go exercise, but then one thing happens and then another thing happens, so I usually don’t exercise. I might get to exercise one time a week, but it usually involves a snatched cup of coffee, making children’s lunches, changing out of my pajamas, feeding the dog, having a glass of hot water with lemon, and running out the door.
I find it interesting that she is telling us what she would love for the plans to be for, and what she wants to get done, but often times life gets in the way.
And, that’s okay.
Here’s another great line from the interview:
How I eat when I’m alone: I have a cup of coffee in the morning and it’s always a bit rushed, but I really like to sit down and read the paper. I really enjoy that.
Did someone say intermittent fasting and possibly even SuperHuman Fuel!?
Well, even if not, a guy could dream.
The type of diet Blanchett utilizes is definitely one where she worries less about having it to be perfect, and more about finding what works for her needs.
Similar the The Academy’s Nutritional Classes (Vikings, Samurais, Monks, Hunter Gatherers, Spartans, Minimalists), where we have tons of different options to adhear to our specific goals and wants, allowing us to find what is definitively the most sustainable.
You go Cate Blanchett!

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Cate Blanchett Workout Routine Research
Pulling from the same Cut interview is a useful tool for us for Cate Blanchett’s workout routine as well.
Here’s a key piece:
How I like to sweat: I really like Pilates. I feel like it’s made for actors’ bodies. For me, I need to do it one-on-one. I find that when you go into a big class, you actually need a guiding hand. At home we have an elliptical trainer, which is good because that’s often the only exercise I get. But my job is very active — I end up stretching each day before I go on, so I feel very taken care of in that way.
Some key points to notice are the fact that Cate Blanchett is literally telling us that she feels Pilates is perfect for her body type. She can’t even be more blatant if she wanted to. She also mentions the fact that she stretches daily.
Knowing what we know about Marvel and having covered a ton of their routines I will also be utilizing some things that we’ve seen from the Thor Ragnarok teams training as well.
Don’t worry though, we will utilize Pilates and training, and if you want some yoga videos and stretching help you can use the Jedi Path within The Academy as well!
That being said, the routine will revolve heavily around having the ageless Cate Blanchett physique.
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Cate Blanchett Workout Routine

Training Volume:
3-4 days per week
In interviews Blanchett talks about training and getting active 3-4 times per week. I’m going to be programming you a day of circuit and toning based around Thor routines, and another for cardio that can be subbed if you won’t be utilizing Pilates like Blanchett.
Please see the article on calisthenics if you need help with progression.
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Day One: Circuit and Toning
Warm Up:
800m Jog
3×5 Pull Ups (or Pikes)
3×10 Push Ups (or Knee Ups)
3×15 Pistol Squats (or Air Squats)
3 Rounds for Time:
5 Burpees
10 V-Ups
15 Jump Squats
20 Second Plank Hold
Day Two: Pilates or Cardio
Cate Blanchett lives by her Pilates class (which she actually does one on one training style).
This day should be utilized for that, some time of extra cardio, or the above circuit again.
Cardio can be a long distance run (2-5 miles depending on your performance level), or 15-30 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training!
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