Last updated on October 15th, 2021 at 02:07 pm
We usually try to stay clear of fighters on SHJ due to their routines being extremely diverse and hard to try to replicate in just one article.
But enough people want to know more about Conor McGregor’s workout and diet that we have to make an exception.
McGregor is an Irish professional mixed martial artist and boxer. He is a former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) featherweight and lightweight champion.
He’s also very famous, very rich, and very imhuman.
Which means that this training regime is INTENSE, and both his diet and training are extremely diverse and ever-changing.
For that reason we’re going to do our best to switch up the training by sharing as many resources as we possibly can for you.
Conor McGregor Stats:
Height: 5’9
Weight: (approximate) 154 lbs.
Age: 31 years old
McGregor is actually in the shortest range of men we’ve seen at SHJ.
Although he is technically at the tallest spot among that range.
The average height falls in the range of 6’1-6’3 with celebs like Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Adam Driver, Stephen Amell, Clive Standen and so many more.
Guys around 5’10-6’0 are dudes like Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Jason Statham, but the ACTUAL shorter range is filled with guys like Mark Wahlberg, Zac Efron, Kit Harington, Tom Holland and more.
Even taller than them are guys like The Mountain, Joe Manganiello, Ben Affleck, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Winston Duke, Alexander Skarsgard and a few others.
But, don’t worry either way.
We write these routines to be utilized by any shape and size.

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Conor McGregor Diet and Nutrition
Being that everyone wants to know what Conor McGregor’s workout is like and what he eats, and essentially everything about him; it’s only natural that there’s a decent amount of information for us to utilize.
To start us off, Business Insider shares some information about Conor’s typical breakfast, lunch and dinner.
They state:
The rest of the day is made up of him eating on fancy boats, private jets, and other places if you’re interested in checking it out, but the rest of the meals vary depending on whether or not he is prepping for a fight.
Conor also reportedly shares:
We recently updated our Top Five Protein Supplements for you guys, if you’re interested in also supplementing some extra protein into your diet.
In an interview with Men’s Health McGregor also states:
“I don’t eat takeaways. I don’t eat none of that.
“I’ll eat good-quality meats, good-quality greens, good-quality carbohydrates like sweet potato and butternut squash, and that is it.
“I have a sweet tooth — that would be where I’d put on some weight out of fighting, if somebody brings in a pack of cakes and coffee.”
Man of Many also has a ton of great information straight from McGregor’s diet coach.
They tell us:
Conor McGregor diet coach Georges Lockhart knows that no two UFC fighters train or fight the same way, which is why he takes an individual approach to any given client. To quote Lockhart directly: “What works for one person may not be optimal for another.”
Nevertheless, Lockhart does abide by some core principles. One is consistency, which we mentioned above. Another is that certain types of foods should be consumed in direct correlation to when the fighter is either training or competing. When there’s a fight that night, for example, Lockhart takes the following approach:
- The fighter’s muscle mass levels are calculated
- Carb intake is then worked out depending on the muscle mass levels
- The carb intake figure is spread out over the day’s meals
- The exact number of meals depends on the time of the fight
They also share a TON of information about his daily diet and meals he has been seen eating or shared regarding his daily diet:
- Water – Upon waking, McGregor stretches, rehydrates, and performs about 30 minutes of fasted cardio.
- Coffee or Americano – The Irish UFC fighter gets his morning jolt by way of fresh coffee or an Americano, the latter of which involves mixing a shot of espresso with hot water.
- Eggs – Eating an omelet or poached eggs is one surefire way to avoid excess carbs.
- Smoked Salmon – McGregor is often known to incorporate an additional protein into his breakfast or brunch.
- Fruit and Veggies – Perhaps some kale, avocado, baked apple slices, or a side of cherry tomatoes.
Snack #1
- Greek yoghurt – Throw in some nuts for good measure.
- Red Meat – McGregor loves “high-quality” meats and that likely means grass-fed beef or steak.
- Fish – When not in the mood for red meat, he helps himself to fish.
- Chicken Breast – No list of quality protein is complete without chicken breast, which McGregor is known to enjoy.
- Salad – A lunchtime staple, salad is one terrific way to get your veggies. In keeping with the Sirt food diet influence, McGregor reportedly eats lots of kale.
Snack #2 (Pre-Workout)
- Nuts – Conor McGregor diet coach Georges Lockhart recommends eating protein before a workout, as it will help manage insulin levels and trigger the body to unlock fat for energy burning.
- Fruit – In lieu of (or in addition to) a protein, fruits such as blackberries, blueberries, apples, strawberries, and grapefruit will also suffice. Each one contains fructose, which gets metabolised in the liver and doesn’t cause dramatic insulin spikes.
Snack #3 (Post-Workout)
- Protein Shake – Conor McGregor and diet supplements are less synonymous than one might imagine, but he is known to down the occasional protein shake while recovering from a workout.
- Coconut Water – Hydration is essential.
- Carbohydrates – According to Lockhart, it’s okay to eat carbs after a workout as a means to replenish. Think sweet potatoes, rice, oats, and maybe a glass of milk.
- Chicken – Another important meal means more protein for McGregor, who eats impressive amounts of chicken in one sitting.
- Fish – From sushi dinners to tuna steak to baked cod, McGregor enjoys himself plenty of fish.
- Steak – Please remember that you should eat one and not all of these protein sources for dinner.
- Green Beans – Here’s a side that no nutritionist will argue with.
- Sweet Potatoes – McGregor’s a big fan.
- Rice – As per McGregor’s Instagram feed, his dinners often incorporate rice.
- Beer, tequila, or whisky – We’re not going to resort to Irish jokes, but McGregor definitely partakes in the occasional beer or shot.
Late Night
- Hot tea – If he’s sticking to the Sirt food diet, that tea will be green.
Being that Conor McGregor is all too happy to share…well…everything about himself, we thought it might be nice to do the same with you. Here are some specific meals and snacks that McGregor has eaten in the past:
- Baked apple slices with peanut butter, avocado, and eggs
- Scrambled egg with jalapenos, spinach, and meat along with sliced potatoes
- Ginger, honey chicken with rice
- Rice curry with fish
- Sliced potatoes, apple, chicken, and avocado
- Smoked onion, spinach, paprika, and egg with sliced avocado, potato wedges, and bison, topped with Sriracha sauce
- Tequila chicken, lime shrimp, rice
- Sliced avocado and potatoes, scrambled egg with cauliflower and spinach
- Tuna steak with chili powder, salt, pepper, and smoked paprika
We’ve seen a lot of celebs opt for specific restrictions.
For example: Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart incorporate 80/20 dieting with big weekly cheat meals, Hugh Jackman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hopper, and Terry Crews utilize intermittent fasting(something I use daily as well), Mustafa Shakir and Madelaine Petsch are vegans, Brandon Routh and Frank Grillo opt for paleo, and tons of others utilize their own variations as well.
And, that’s just to name a few celebs from each, by the way.
You can check out our Nutrition Pillars for more information and articles on all of the above and more.
Curious what the Top Diets Among Celebrities actually are? Check it out.

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Conor McGregor Workout Routine Research
Conor McGregor’s workout routine is extremely variable and constantly changing and adapting.
This is especially true when prepping for specific fights.
That being said, there are some specific ways we can train LIKE him, and also a ton of things we can learn from him as well.
To get us started, here are five tips McGregor shares with Men’s Health:
- Variety is Key– “People are so caught in a routine, doing the same things over and over. I want to be an expert in different fighting styles, new training methods, new ways of thinking.”
- Knowing When To Stop – Over training is scary, and being able to allow for recovery is extremely important. Here’s what McGregor says: “I didn’t lose [to Diaz] on skill; I lost on stamina,” says McGregor. “My greatest strength is my work ethic. And my greatest weakness is my work ethic. Leading up to Diaz, I was fucked from overtraining.”
- Mobility is Key – McGregor says: “We’re the only animal that wakes up and doesn’t stretch.”
- Bodyweight = Better – McGregor states: “Machines don’t use machines. And I am a machine.”
- Con’t Complicate Foods – We’ve heard a lot about McGregor’s diet already, so you have this part covered; but here’s one last quote from the man: “I just try to eat clean. I’ll eat good quality meats, good-quality greens, good-quality carbohydrates like sweet potatoes and butternut squash, and that’s it.”
The “variety is key” portion of this really rings home to me lately.
After publishing my book “Superhuman Secrets: The Secrets To Unleashing Your Inner Superhuman” and our release of our SHJ Legacy Program, I know this to be more true than I’ve ever felt.
More celebrities and athletes are training with an extremely diversified routine than ever before.
And, if they’re not changing daily, then they’re switching up their programming on a consistent basis that adapts to their goals and lifestyle changes.
Also within that Men’s Health article they share some good calisthenics movements that we’ll use to build McGregor’s routine.
On top of that we’ll be building this routine with other sources like:
- Stretching and Flexibility Routine
- McGregor states you need to be flexible and stretch, so this will be something we use often.
- Calisthenics Workouts and Training
- I’ll give you other celebrities calisthenics routines (making sure they’re intense) and tons of resources.
- Mixed Martial Arts Resources
- We also have a good handful of mixed martial arts resources as well that I’ll be sharing.
Other than that we also know that McGregor is an advocate of the Fighter Anaerobic System of Training (F.A.S.T), which includes both high-intensity aerobic training and perpetual endurance exercises. According to a recent interview, McGregor revises the timings of each endurance phase to coincide with the type of fight he’s training for.
Please do note that I am building you this routine based around what we know from McGregor’s interviews, but that does not mean it can come anywhere near the type of training he puts himself through with the help of his coaches and team. His training changes A LOT, and he likely does a different routine daily, paired with all sorts of training we could not even begin to replicate. This is a great starting point for wanting to train LIKE McGregor.
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Conor McGregor Workout Routine

Training Volume:
5+ days per week
As I mentioned above, McGregor’s workout is extremely diverse and ever-changing. That being said, I will be building this routine with resources from all over Superhero Jacked to make it as diverse as we can. Keep in mind McGregor’s training is EXTREMELY high volume, and he admits himself to over-training (which takes a lot when you’re an athlete as his level), so we’re not going to want to come anywhere near that amount of volume while beginning to train like him.
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Conor McGregor Workout: Sample Schedule
Monday: Calisthenics, Cardio and Core
Tuesday: Calisthenics Circuit and Endurance
Wednesday: Calisthenics, Cardio and Core
Thursday: Calisthenics Circuit and Endurance
Friday: Calisthenics, Cardio and Core
Saturday: Active Rest Day
Sunday: Rest Day
**Mixed Martial Arts Can & Should Be Added On Top Of This Training With The Resources I Share**
Conor McGregor Workout: Stretching and Flexibility
Dynamic Stretching and Flexibility Routine
Perform each of the following exercises for one minute.
- Muay Thai Knees
- Shoulder Rotations
- Leg Swings
- Hip Circles
- Neck Bridge
Static Stretching
Hold each of the following stretches for 30 seconds.
- Back Roll
- Sit-Through Abdominal Stretch
- Sit-Back Shoulder Stretch
- Lying Leg Stretch
- Seated Butterfly
Locomotion Conditioning
- Duck Walk (decreases knee pain)
- Horse Walk (develops hip and groin strength)
- Lizard Walk (improves hip mobility and core control)
- Ostrich Walk (increases posterior-chain flexibility)
Conor McGregor Workout: Calisthenics Training
For calisthenics we’re going to be utilizing a ton of different resources.
Thankfully I have put together a main source when everyone was stuck at home with no gym access, so we’ll start with that, but we also have other athletes training regimes (including Tyson) that we can throw in and utilize as well.
Here are some calisthenics workouts to utilize:
- The Ultimate Calisthenics Workout & Guide
- Mike Tyson’s Workout Routine
- Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Workout Routine
Conor McGregor Workout: Core Training
For McGregor’s Core Training we’re going to diversify it by swapping it each day.
Here are three routines to swap in and out of:
Core Training A:
Complete 3 Giant Sets:
- 30 Hanging Leg Raises
- 30 Seated In & Outs
- 30 Second Hollow Hold
- 60 Second Plank
Core Training B:
Complete 3 Giant Sets:
- 30 Lying Leg Raises w/ Hip Thrust
- 30 Sit Ups
- 30 Superman Hold
- 60 Second Plank
Core Training C:
Complete 3 Giant Sets:
- 30 Hanging Knee Raises w/ Twist
- 30 V-Ups
- 30 Side Plank Each Side
- 60 Second Plank
Conor McGregor Workout: Cardio and Endurance Training
We’re going to treat “endurance training” and “cardio training” differently for the schedule above.
For Cardio Training we’ll be utilizing a jump rope circuit.
Cardio Training:
Complete 5 Rounds
- 30 Jump Ropes
- 20 Air Squats
- 30 Jump Ropes
- 20 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 30 Jump Ropes
- 20 Plank to Push Ups
- 30 Jump Ropes
- 20 Sit Ups
Endurance Training
For endurance training we’ll be running.
Beginner: 1-3 Miles
Intermediate: 3-5 Miles
Advanced: 5+ Miles
Conor McGregor Workout: Mixed Martial Arts Training
Last, but certainly not least, we have mixed martial arts resources for you.
These will not live up to Conor McGregor’s martial arts training, of course, but it is a good starting point and addition into this programming.
Mixed Martial Arts Resources:
- Deathstroke Workout Routine
- Daredevil Workout Routine
- Moon Knight Workout Routine
- Sagat Workout Routine
- Anna Diop Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- Frank Grillo Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- Ryan Potter Workout Routine and Diet Plan
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