Last updated on September 16th, 2021 at 04:36 pm
It’s finally time to roll this one out for one of the most powerful clans in the Naruto series.
Workout after workout has been rolled out for this anime, as well as various articles. We have done the most powerful and popular characters. We have discussed the most powerful villains of all time. It’s now time to take a look at one of the oldest and most powerful clans to exist in the series.
And you can find the best routines out of ALL of these characters in our Naruto Inspired Workout Database or by using our Naruto Workout Placement Quiz!
And just look at those dope eyes they have…
Many characters in the series deserve recognition, but only 10 shall be chosen. However, I will be sure to throw in some runner-ups as well.
BUT, before I get into the power of these characters, I want to mention that Naruto is a part of our ever growing Workout Database and has it’s very own mini-database specific to the anime within our Anime Workout Database.
If you like listicles like this one, here are a few more I think you might like:
- Most Powerful Naruto Characters Of All Time
- Most Popular Naruto Characters Of All Time
- Most Powerful Villains In Naruto
Of course we’ve also done a handful more “Most Powerful” and “Most Popular” for other anime so if you’d like to check those out you can visit our other listicles here.
For this one I scoured the internet for help and almost every single listicle has a different take on who are the most powerful Uchiha Clan Members. So what I decided to do was compile ALL of them together and then took the average of all the compiled ratings and placed them in their slot accordingly. Additional characters who did not make it in the top ten that I want to mention as well can be seen in the runner-up section.
As always, leave your comments below if you were expecting other characters!

Number Ten: Sakura
Starting off our list of the most powerful Uchiha is a woman capable of saving your life or sending you flying: Sakura!
You must be wondering, how is Sakura in a list of Uchiha Members, but remember guys that marriage gives you a new last name…
Let’s start off this discussion with the sheer physical prowess this girl possesses. She is constantly seen throughout the Naruto series beating the ever living hell out of Naruto and those who cause her irritation. Especially later in the series, Sakura is seen causing craters below her unfortunate victims simply from an overhead punch. She can also utilize the same summoning jutsu as Tsunade, as well as use the Strength of a Hundred Seal, which rapidly heals her wounds while the seal is in effect. She is also an amazingly proficient medical ninja who is able to even heal some of the most fatal of injuries.
Sakura at SHJ:

Number Nine: Kagami
Coming in at number nine of the most powerful Uchiha is the highly devoted Kagami!
Kagami was one of the earliest graduates of the Village Hidden in the Leaves Academy. Unlike many Uchiha who unlock the Sharingan, he never fell to the Curse of Hatred that typically coincides with the Kekkei Genkai. He held such loyalty and passion within himself that he overcame this curse with the Will of Fire. He was known to be quite proficient with the predicative capabilities of the Sharingan, many times providing excellent support to his comrades, especially his friend at the time Danzo.
Go ahead and tell me all Uchiha members are inherently evil…
Kagami at SHJ:
Coming Soon!
Number Eight: Izuna
At number eight among the most powerful Uchiha is Madara’s younger brother Izuna!
Izuna was one of the most powerful Uchiha of his time, only falling below the overwhelming abilities of his brother Madara. He was particularly proficient with Fire Style Jutsu, being able to use the Great Fireball Technique which was able to disperse the powerful Water Dragon Bullet Technique. He was also a very proficient sword wielder, able to switch grips easily to change up his attack patterns. Izuna gained the Uchiha’s Sharingan at a young age, becoming quite proficient with it. He possessed the second stage Mangekyo Sharingan, but was rarely, if at all, seen utilizing it as he believed in his basic Sharingan’s capabilities for battle.
Izuna at SHJ:
Coming Soon!

Number Seven: Fugaku
Coming in at number seven of our most powerful Uchiha was once the leader of the Konoha Military Police Force: Fugaku.
Fugaku was father to two of our most powerful Uchiha, Sasuke and Itachi. He was one of only two Uchiha at the time that had absolute control of Fire Release and was a powerful wielder of Fire Nature jutsu. He was also proficient with the Shadow Clone Jutsu, which is a dangerous skill to have as an Uchiha. With his Sharingan, Fugaku was able to create elaborate and immense genjutsu, similar to the ability displayed by his son Itachi. In the martial arts, Fugaku was a master wielder of the Shuriken, which can be seen in the abilities of his sons.
Fugaku at SHJ:
Coming Soon!

Number Six: Indra
Number six of our most powerful Uchiha is the creator of ninjutsu: Indra!
Though Indra is actually of the Otsutsuki Clan, he is known as the progenitor of the Uchiha Clan. Indra was born a prodigy with immense chakra reserves and a focused attitude towards his studies of chakra control and utilization. He was known for possessing immense taijutsu skills, utilizing his chakra control to enhance his strikes. A lot of the later abilities of Sasuke Uchiha can be attributed to Indra, being as Sasuke is actually a resurrection of Indra. He utilized both Lightning and Fire Release, which allowed him to move at high-speeds and emit a massive lightning blast from his body. He also began the art of using hand signs to direct chakra into various attacks that are now seen in the Naruto series.
Indra at SHJ:
Coming Soon!

Number Five: Shisui
Coming in at number five of our most powerful Uchiha is Shisui of the Body Flicker!
Shisui was another prodigy of the Uchiha Clan who rose to Jonin in four short years. As a master of the Body Flicker Technique, Shisui was able to fade completely out of sight and move around undetected by sensory-type ninja. He was also able to leave behind an afterimage that could strike with actual force, similar to a shadow clone. Interestingly enough, one of Shisui’s other iconic abilities was summoning a flock of crows, which is often seen being used in Itachi’s genjutsu, which makes sense since one of his eyes actually belonged to Shisui himself. Shisui was known to be quite skilled with his dojutsu as well, the Sharingan. Having been one of a few to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan, he was quite capable of elaborate genjutsu as well as paralyzing even some of the most powerful ninja just by meeting their eyes with his own.
Shisui at SHJ:

Number Four: Itachi
At number four among the most powerful Uchiha is the slaughterer of his own clan: Itachi!
Itachi is first and foremost a master of the Uchiha’s unique genjutsu prowess. Simply by pointing at his target, he could send them into an elaborate genjutsu, typically involving some sort of psychological nightmare which reflected the fears within the target or within general human nature. He was also capable of summoning crows like Shisui, often using them to distract enemies as well as in a unique clone jutsu known as the Crow Clone Techinque. This is not to say that Itachi’s general jutsu abilities weren’t powerful as well. From a young age, Itachi was able to master the Great Fireball Technique typically used by Uchiha Clan members. He was also able to use some Water Release abilities, such as the Water Dragon Bullet Technique.
Honestly watching this guy fight is amazing…
Itachi at SHJ:
Itachi Inspired Jump Rope Workout
Number Three: Obito
Coming into the top three of the most powerful Uchiha is the false Madara: Obito!
This guy seriously throws you for a loop before revealing who he really is…
Obito was not always the power house that you witness in the anime as both Tobi and the Ten Tails’ Jinchuriki. During his early years, Obito was an underperformer that required a lot of work to make it to chunin level. However, coming under the tutelage of Madara Uchiha, Obito’s true potential came forth and he dramatically increased his skill and power. One of Obito’s most unique and notable abilities is the Kamui, which seemingly allows him to teleport any part, or all of, his body at will into a dimensional space. This move makes it appear as if he moves through attacks, returning to the present world to attack. He is also able to teleport others he captures in the Kamui to this space. Obito is one of the only Uchiha to possess the Rinnegan, an eye of heavenly ability that he gained from Nagato, also known as Pain, after his death.
Obito at SHJ:
Number Two: Sasuke
Coming in at number two among the most powerful Uchiha is the dark avenger Sasuke!
Sasuke, just as his brother Itachi, was a prodigy of the Leaf Village. He is the reincarnation of Indra, possessing innate abilities equal to a Sage of the Six Paths. Even without Indra’s abilities though, Sasuke is a force to be reckoned with. He is capable of using all of the basic nature transformations, though as with all Uchiha, he shows particular skill with Fire and Lightning Natures. One of Sasuke’s most deadly attacks lies in his Mangekyo Sharingan, known as the Amaterasu. Sasuke is able to produce black flames from his eye that engulf it’s target and burn them until they are incinerated. He is later capable of manipulating this ability to both shape his attacks as well as use Amaterasu for defensive purposes. When Hagoromo gives Sasuke half of his power to awaken his incarnate power from Indra, Sasuke gains the Rinnegan. His unique ability gained from this powerful dojutsu is known as Amenotejikara. This ability allows him to shift places with up to two targets instantaneously, basically making it impossible to restrain or capture him.
Sasuke at SHJ:
Number One: Madara
Coming in at number one of the most powerful Uchiha is one of the greatest shinobi of all time: Madara!
Not even death stopped this man from pursuing his dreams…
Madara Uchiha is something akin to a god amongst men. He possesses a massive amount of chakra, giving him immense jutsu capabilities and damage output. Just with taijutsu alone, Madara is able to eliminate thousands of footsoldiers through sheer force. As an Uchiha, Madara has a powerful affinity towards Fire Release jutsu, and possessed a particularly powerful ability known as Great Fire Annihilation. This ability produced a literal sea of flames before Madara, which required several skilled Water Release users to extinguish. Madara was also augmented with Senju DNA, giving him access to powerful Wood Release skills, as well as the ability to use Sage Mode, a powerful manifestation of nature energy. Even after his death, Madara was busy manipulating the world and eventually bringing about his return amongst the souls Kabuto awoke to begin the Fourth Great Ninja War. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Madara had it in his plans all along to physically manipulate Obito Uchiha to use his Rinne Rebirth to fully restore Madara to life once more, negating the effects of the Reanimation Jutsu which would have removed him from the world once more upon release.
Madara at SHJ:
But I’d also love to hear who YOU think should be on this list!
The Most Powerful Uchiha In Naruto (Runner Ups):
- Sarada
- Shin
- Naori
- Rai
- Mikoto
- Baru
- Tekka
- Tajima
- Setsuna
- Naka
Don’t forget to comment your thoughts below.
As always, remember that all these routines should be paired with our Nutrition Pillars; and you can even check out our article on The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities as well.
If you want to step it up a notch on top of these workouts, you can also check out our Superhero Academy and Superhuman System as well.
Now get out there and begin unleashing your inner superhuman!
Until next time,
SHJ’s Green Arrow/Uncle Iroh
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.

More than 10 Workouts for Ninjas of All Ranks and Clans looking to Step It Up a Notch and One Day Become a Shinobi!
(Unofficial Workouts Inspired by Characters)