Last updated on February 10th, 2021 at 09:10 am
When I saw Pom Klementieff for the first time…NOT as Mantis…
I was both a mix of confused and intrigued.
She’s a total babe is what I’m trying to get at.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was her first BIG role, and I’m glad we have her.
She’s also going to be basically wrapping up our Guardians of the Galaxy team, as we’ve seen a ton of members, including some randoms outside the team as well.
If you’re curious, we’ve now seen Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Batista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Michael Rooker, and Sylvester Stallone.
That’s a lot of Guardian celebs…
Pom Klementieff Stats:
Height: 5’7
Weight: (approximate) 130 lbs.
Age: 32 years old
Pom Klementieff is technically speaking JUST above average height for women celebs at SHJ.
I guess we’d consider her tall, but we’ve been seeing more and more around 5’7-5’8.
Normally the average height we see for women is around 5’4-5’6 with ladies such as Jennifer Aniston, Margot Robbie, Olivia Munn, Alicia Vikander, Sophia Bush, Tatiana Maslany, Evangeline Lilly, and a ton of others.
But then there is also that taller range, and amongst the tallest (even taller than the 5’7), are ladies like Gwendoline Christie, Gal Gadot, and a few others – with Gabrielle Union, Brie Larson, Nina Dobrev, Daisy Ridley, and so many more coming in around that 5’7-5’8 range.
And let’s not forget the shorter ladies of SHJ like Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis, Emilia Clarke, Lucy Hale, Julianne Hough and a good handful of others.
But, either way, don’t worry.
I write these routines to be utilized by anyone and everyone!

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Pom Klementieff Diet and Nutrition
An interview with Byrdie gives us some fun information about Klementieff, her diet, and her training.
Part of which starts with:
Klementieff is a regular at the restaurant, promptly ordering an almond milk latté (I copy her) and some garlicky, delicious-sounding breakfast plate. She requests the latter to go —“I don’t want you to smell my breath,” she says, smiling, “but what can I say? I’m French. I like to eat.”
And continues on with:
“I grew up eating amazing homemade French food. Now if I tell myself I can’t eat something, I’m just going to be obsessed with it. Like bread. I love bread. It’s in my culture. … So for me, it’s about quantity. Balance. I eat a little bit of everything.” I echo the sentiment that ruling out any singular food is hard. “I’m vegan in L.A., but not in Europe,” I admit. “It’s like being schizophrenic with your diet,”
So basically Klementieff likes to switch it up and work around her location and what she needs for her diet to be successful.
That’s what I like to call sustainability.
She knows what works for her, where it works for her, and what she needs to do to make her diet successful.
That’s why our Academy Nutrition Classes (Samurais, Spartans, Greek Gods, Minimalists, SuperHumans, Monks, Vikings, Hunter Gatherers) revolves around finding the dietary guidelines that work specifically for YOU.
But there’s other ways to find what works.
We also have Nutrition Pillars right here on the site you can read through as well. I personally like to build my pillars around intermittent fasting like we see with Hugh Jackman and Terry Crews.
But it’s important to realize that the majority of celebrities we see at SHJ revolve their dietary guidelines around what they’re able to sustain for the long term.
Occasionally we see them make incredible transformations that revolve around getting strict, but for the most part it’s finding what works for them and sticking to it.

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Pom Klementieff Workout Routine Research
Continuing on with the same article I sited earlier (Byrdie interview), we get more information about Klementieff’s workout routine as well.
Here’s some awesomeness from the interview:
What helps Klementieff stay in the tip-top physical (and mental) shape necessary to handle her demanding career is her one-of-a-kind fitness regimen. No Spin or hiking for her: Over the past few years, the actress’s workout routine has involved boxing, martial arts, and fight choreography, training with some of Hollywood’s most elite stunt doubles. “Right now I have to put on muscle for some fight scenes,” she says. (A few of her upcoming films include Guardians 3 and a secret project shooting soon in Brazil.) “I do kicking, punching. And I’m able to do the splits now!” She proudly whips out an iPhone video of her long legs gracefully stretching into an arrow-straight line, at which I involuntarily gasp. “I really want to do an action movie at some point, so I’m training on my own,” says Klementieff. “I really want to do my own stunts.”
We have been seeing more and more celebrities training with martial arts.
For example we recently just saw Rachael Taylor from Jessica Jones, and of course we know her co-star Krysten Ritter (who plays Jessica Jones), both utilize martial arts as the primary training source.
As for the men we’ve had a good handful as well.
Continuing to support these findings I have a short quote from an interview with Elle to wrap us up.
Klementieff and Elle say:
Klementieff was trained in boxing and Tae Kwon Do before even auditioning for the movie), it’s the actress’s offbeat sense of humor that will be her signature in the Marvel universe. “Female characters in Marvel films are usually cool and badass and strong, and I love that!”
Anyone else ready for an all-female Marvel film?
Hey, I support it.
But anyways, let’s do this workout routine, shall we?
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Pom Klementieff Workout Routine

Training Volume:
3-5 days per week
The Avengers have a Hulk, and we have a Coach Derek. Our MMA coach, Derek Mellino, has programmed us multiple MMA regimes for us to utilize, which I’ll be sharing some. That being said, it’s also good to get active when you’re not going to be training MMA. This can be hiking, sports, or any fun activity you want. I prefer to fit in 60 minutes of brisk walking outside on my off-days.
**I am going to provide the Daredevil workout below, but also be sure to check out Moon Knight and Deathstroke as well.”
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & tradition pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Day 1: The Battlin’ Murdocks /Fight like the Devil
Matt and his father were both boxers, while its impossible and dangerous to box blindfolded, and you are most certainly guaranteed to get injured hitting a heavy bag blindfolded, let’s focus on defensive maneuvers to give you that Daredevil like “Radar Sense” to avoid blows
Head Movement:
Crucial not only in Boxing, but all forms of combat. Used primarily not just to avoid, but to set up your strikes. A moving target is much more difficult to hit. The best way to practice this is with an partner using pool noodles. Have your partner swing at your head in straight and curved motions, simulating straights , uppercuts and hooks Doing this injury free drill will assist in turning flinching into slips, Parrys, Shoulder rolls , and bob n weaves
Bob n Weave to the Right or Left
Best Used when you’re approaching and getting into range. As soon as your opponent throws a punch, you quickly bend at the knees (not your waist) and move your head (like in a “V” or “U” shaped motion) stepping to the outside of the punch. Remember to keep your weight centered at all times. If you’ve done it correctly, you should end up on the outside of your opponent’s punch when you come back up,
- Off opponents’ center line
- Able to counter quickly
- Loaded for powerful counters
- Not effective on straight punches
- Wide open if faked
- Not effective for Uppercuts or multi combos
The Parry
Slightly deflecting your opponent’s punch away with your hand using the same side (when they throw a left you Parry with your right and vise versa) Never Reach across!!
Advantages :
- great for power , straight and long punches as well as push punchers
- creates vulnerability for counters, make them off balance or slows down arm recovery
- tires opponents, especially long-armed and power-punchers
- useful for shorter fighters to deflect punches to get inside
- ineffective against fast/light/non-committed punches,& curved punches
- not always effective against combinations
- can leave you open if you get faked
- difficult to do at close range
- not helpful against body punches
Shoulder Roll or Fade Right or Left side
The shoulder roll is naturally the next step up from the parry technique. Instead of deflecting punches with your hands, you use your body now. The shoulder roll is incredibly effective because your body can roll off your opponent’s best shots with ease ,it relies on rhythm for defense while neutralizing entire combinations at even close range.
- effective and easy against multiple punches
- frees up the hands for faster counter punching
- covers both head and body easily
- can work when unable to see momentarily or off-balanced
- will deflect power Punches even when they land
- saves shoulder energy & gives tricky counter angles
- ineffective/unnecessary against weaker punches it can also leave you highly vulnerable if you get faked and/or roll in the wrong direction
- less effective in cross-stance , extremely vulnerable to Leg kicks and take-downs in street, Thai Boxing or MMA
Slipping to the Right or Left
Slipping requires complete evasion of the punch by displacing the head or body to one side, MOSTLY by going to the outside of the oncoming punch,in a” V” step ice skating motion. .
Slipping is the best way (sometimes the only way) to counter against really fast opponents. On occasion it’s the only way to close distance against a taller opponent, .
- hands and body completely free to counter instantaneously
- creates huge vulnerabilities in opponent (they are wide open after missing)
- avoids punch entirely, no contact (assuming slip was successful )
- create escapes (great way to escape when trapped in the corner)
- allows you to advance forward while defending
- complete evasion easily breaks your opponent’s punching rhythm (combo-breaker)
- Used to set up position for counters
- requires lots of practice and skill
- highly vulnerable if caught or faked
- not recommended against multiple punches
- ineffective against body punches
Now that we have a basic understanding, work them into your shadowboxing, focus mitt or heavy bag session. Remember your striking table
- Jab
- Cross
- Hook
- Uppercut
- Left Upper Cut
- Right upper cut
Now work on:
Slip left, slip right
Bob n weave Left then Right
Slip Left, shoulder roll left, bob n weave left, repeat on other side.
Now add strikes, using your movement to position you.
1-2-1-2 slip Left, Slip Right
1- Shoulder roll Right -2-3-2
Bob n weave Right- 6-3-2
1- slip Left
2 -slip Right
1-2-3-4- bob n weave Right
3- bob n weave Left-3
2- slip Right -2
1-parry Right -2 Parry Left -shoulder roll Right -2
1-2-1-2- shoulder roll Right- 2-3
1-2-3 Slip Left , Rear Slip Left-Shoulder roll Left
Parry Left-2- Bob N weave Right-2-3
Slip Left -5-4-3
The best defensive technique?
Like the Super Soldier Serum, it does not exist. Use the one that fits your situation and feels the most natural in that moment. If you have to think about it too much, its not natural. Evade your opponent’s punches any way that you can and be sure to counter immediately Different techniques will work against different opponent’s styles. Great Fighters are forever adapting their offense to get around opponents defense, so keep changing up your defensive game to keep up
Day 2: Full Body Training
Warm up:
3 x 6 Minute rounds on Heavy bag
Equipment needed:
Medicine ball, Swiss Ball, Med to Heavy Dumbbells
Half Kneeing Overhead medicine ball slam:
Hold a medicine ball over your head . put your Right knee forward and your Left knee on the ground, brace your core and explosively slam the ball against the wall, catch the ball, switch legs and repeat
3 times 10 each leg
Box Jumps or tuck jumps
3 x 8
With Weights:
Goblet squat with Heavy weight 3×8
Sitting on Swiss Lat Pull downs ( or Shoulder Press) with Medium Dumbbell 3×8
Swiss ball lying bench press with Med or Heavy Dumbbell 3×8
Lying Swiss ball hip Bridges 3×8
Using Bodyweight :
12 minute Tabata
Sprint 30 seconds
Inchworms 30 seconds
Day 3: Baton And Grappling
Billy Club or Baton Basics:
When deploying club don’t flail, Keep club up by shoulder (hands in a boxing stance ) keep club close to body
Without winding up ,Strike down ,at an angle Using rotation of shoulder and power from the hips immediately bringing the club back to starting position at shoulder after impacting not following through the swing .
Swinging backhand not recommended as you can get jammed up in close quarters
Main targets should be shoulder, elbow, ribs and knees Do not strike at head as it could potentially be lethal
Blindfolded or eyes closed Grappling basics
What is needed to fight are the ability to See, Think and Breathe
Grappling is a small component of fighting and can be done safely with eyes closed or blindfolded in a controlled manner
Both partners start either blindfolded or eyes closed start from their knees. using touch , sticking control and sensitivity work to get your opponent into a dominant top position (Mount, or cross body/Side Control)
If partner A gets top position , keep your chin & weight down and try to keep / maintain top position. Partner B on bottom should bridge hips, try to trap top person’s limbs and use shrimping to get partner A into guard position or escape.
Day 4 : Endurance & Stamina
Muscle Endurance is a key element in fighting. On this day, use little to no rest to fatigue muscle groups
Warm up:
5 x 50 yard wind sprints
50 crunches
50 leg raises
Muscle Endurance – Equipment Needed : Light & Medium Dumbbells
Asymmetrical Training Using Med Dumbbell, ( works Bicep , Lats , Forearms) Option A, 12 Reps , Option B, 30 seconds . On one arm, do a bicep curl , then wide row , Switch to other arm when completed
Using Light Dumbbells ( 10-15 libs max) Lateral Raise , hold at the top for 30 seconds , when complete , perform forward raise , hold at the top for 30 seconds
Shadowboxing using light weights : (Builds shoulder endurance as gravity works downwards , use your Delts to help keep punches straight , stay in place and hone your punches or move around to add footwork
(option A 30 seconds, option B, 1 minute)
Speed Squats (using light dumbbells ) Hold light dumbbells at chin level in a boxing stance, squat deep for 30 seconds, when time’s completed , stay in low squat position and hop staying low for 30 seconds
Muscle Stamina:
-Equipment needed: Medicine ball
Now Hold Medicine Ball in a fighters stance ( have a lead leg ) do 4 small lunges per leg
Hold Medicine ball over your head with straight arms do Oblique Pendulums for 8 reps
Bob N weave 4 High , 4 Low
Sprawl 4 reps
For round 1: do two circuits of all stamina exercises
Round 2: Do three circuits of all stamina exercises
Round 3: Do Four circuits of all stamina exercises
Day 5: Resistance & Grip Training
If you plan on emulating Daredevil’s swinging/ climbing you will need to work grip training and resistance.
Warm up
3 x 5 minute rounds on Heavy bag
Equipment needed:
Resistance Bands, Medium Dumbbells
Rope Climbs ( if unable to do , tie rope to a secure area and play tug of war for 30 seconds
Tie a resistance band to a pole, tree or post grab an end with both hands with your back facing the post
Standing chest press 20 reps
Lunges (same grip as above ) 20 reps
Standing row with Resistance band ( facing post now ) 20 reps
Straight Punches 20 Each arm
Secure one end of resistance band to post and the other to your ankle
20 knee strikes per leg
Remove resistance band, wrap around your back, grab dumbbells
you should be holding Dumbbell & end of resistance band
20 alternating chest press (laying On floor )
20 Standing rotating bicep curl ,(at top rotate palms out, go back down repeat ,)
20 Pushups with Resistance band
20 standing crunches With Resistance band
Day 6: Agility & Parkour – The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen
Warm up: 5 -15 Minute Jog
Ricochets for 7 minutes ( find a medium sized square or rectangle shape, jump all around feet together ,various directions inside of square , side to side back & forth , trace the square etc )
Find a playground or someplace safe to attempt
Forward Walking Lunge 10 per leg
Wall Handstands 30 seconds
Frog/ Long Jumps 30 seconds
Squat to explosive pull up: Get into a squat stance (knees bent) under a pull up bar, swing set or whatever is being used to execute a pull up, Explosively jump up and catch bar, do one pull up and let go dropping into squat stance 10 reps
Air Squats 30 reps
Balance on 1 leg , as long as you can hold, repeat on other side
Monkey Plant -go to a wall or obstacle around waist level or higher, , place both palms on surface and lift yourself using your legs to fully stand on obstacle – 10 reps
Jump to soft landing, jump off box, allotted steps or other knee high items, try to land as softly and quietly as possible – 5 to 7 reps
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