Last updated on June 29th, 2022 at 01:11 pm
I know what you’re thinking.
“Wait a second. We already have a Wolverine character workout, AND a Hugh Jackman workout” (which is awesome by the way).
Well, guess what: If I was right, you were right.
We do already have both of those routines.
The same way we’re updating celebrity workouts and giving them different versions; and the same way characters has different versions of themselves in the comes…is what we’re bringing to some of the characters.
And, thanks to Coach Derek, we’re starting with Wolverine’s version two.
It’s time to train like the beast….again!
Wolverine (Weapon X) Stats:
Height: 5’3
Weight: 195 (300+ as Weapon X)
Real Name: James Howlett
Powers: Yes
Wolverine is one of the shortest characters on the site.
But I guess not as short as Gimli, who we just saw last time.
Vegeta were tied Wolverine for the shortest spot among comic characters we’ve seen at 5’3, prior to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles coming in at 5’2, (and Gimli even shorter) – but Damian Wayne (Robin) is only 5’4. Goku isn’t that tall either, though, standing only 5’7.
One Punch Man falls in at 5’9 right there with Ryu – and then Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Green Arrow coming in around 5’11 and Beast joining them.
Just above them are Aquaman, Red Hood and Punisher standing only an inch or so taller.
We’ve had Superman and Eddie Brock’s Venom at 6’3, and Captain America, Scorpion and Batman at 6’2, and Carnage at 6’1. Thor and Cyborg are towering over them at 6’6, Thanos and King right there with them at 6’7, Bane at 6’8, and Deathstroke right below at 6’5.
And, of course, Hulk and Broly are both up there with them, and sometimes even portrayed much taller.
Yeah, that means All Might was the tallest at 7’2, only sometimes surpassed by The Hulk – and Zangief just missing the tallest spot at 7’0!
And I say “was” because Doomsday came in at 8’10, and I doubt any characters are touching that anytime soon.
But, don’t worry if you’re not the same height or weight range.
We write these routines to be utilized by anyone and everyone.

Grab The Unofficial Marvel Workout Booklet and Unleash Your Inner Superhero!
The Weapon X Diet and Nutrition
**Keep in mind: this section will be nearly identical for each hero, unless I mentioned differently (for example someone like The Hulk may get something specifically different**
Every hero needs to still have a good diet.
Unfortunately we can train like them, but I don’t think any of us are suddenly getting their powers, or the ability to magically stop caring about nutrition.
You can’t out train your diet, so I want to still give some pillars for nutrition.
You can start by checking out The Nutrition Pillars on the site, but I’ll break down some more information for you guys as well.
Guys like Hugh Jackman and Terry Crews utilize intermittent fasting daily, and I also use it myself in conjunction with cyclical ketosis.
That being said, I also recommend tracking and paying attention to protein intake.
BUT, there are a thousand different ways to reach your goals, so finding the most sustainable way is what’s important.
Which is why our Academy utilizes multiple different Nutrition Classes (Greek Gods, Vikings, Spartans, Hunter Gatherers, Monks, Samurais, Minimalists, SuperHumans) to allow people to choose what is right for YOU!
Oh, and if you’re down with calorie counting instead, that’s always an option as well. It’s just important to be aware of specific rules and precision while counting.

Take The Marvel Workout Placement Quiz Now!
The Weapon X Workout Routine Research
We’ve made it to “the fun part”.
And, if you don’t know by now, I say that every single time we get to the workout routine research section for character workouts.
This is where I get to break down the “how” and “why” of the workout we’re going to build based on the characters, in this case Weapon X’s, powers and/or abilities.
Okay, we’ve obviously already researched Wolverine, so I’m going to immediately share that, and then finish off with some fun notes on Weapon X, prior to getting into Coach Derek’s routine.
Here we go:
I’m going to start with the basics, strictly utilizing Wiki for a second:
He is a mutant who possesses animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, powerful regenerative ability known as a healing factor, and three retractable claws in each hand.
Easy enough to take that in, right?
I start here because Marvel goes way in depth, and I didn’t want to go crazy and scare you away!
What I want to take from Marvel is actually more-so Wolverine’s abilities.
Let’s take a look:
Due to his extensive training as a soldier, a C.I.A. operative, a samurai, a spy, and a member of the X-Men, Wolverine is an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant, having mastered virtually every fighting style on Earth. He is also a trained expert in multiple types of weapons, vehicles, computer systems, explosives, and assassination techniques. Wolverine is fluent in many languages, including Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Cheyenne, Lakota, and Spanish; he has some knowledge of French, Thai, and Vietnamese
And we’re back to THIS article.
Alright, so real quick before getting into this new awesome routine, let’s talk about the Weapon X story arc and plot:
The series begins with Logan being captured and prepared for the adamantium bonding process. There are several mentions of his being tough, and the Professor, the director of the Weapon X program, along with his assistants Dr. Cornelius and Miss Hines, wipe his mind and bond him to adamantium, the hardest known substance on Earth, to prepare him to be a mindless, soulless killing machine. Prior to Wolverine volume 2, #75, the plot had too much adamantium bonded to his forearms, resulting in his claws, leading to the development of tubes in his flesh to keep the skin apart for claw extraction.
Throughout the program, Logan is constantly referred to not as a person but as a subject, and his humanity is almost completely disregarded in the course of the experiments. Logan frequently comes to odds with his mental programming, and eventually escapes into the wilderness after killing all of the soldiers there (except for one, future Weapon X Director Malcom Colcord) while the Professor, Cornelius, and Hines lock themselves in a secured room that Logan cannot break into.
I’m not trying to say this workout will make you crazy…
But I am trying to say it’s going to make you a badass!
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.
Weapon X Workout Routine

Training Volume:
5+ days
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
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Wolverine Workout Day One: Hunting or Hiking
Workout for Hiking:
Goblet Squats 3×15
10-16 inch step Step-Ups 3 x 30 seconds
Downhill Lunges 50 yards
Hanging Knee Raises 3x 10
Kettlebell Deadlift 3×10
Stairmaster or stairs 20 minutes
Workout for Hunting:
Core: for traversing the rough terrain with a heavy backpack. :
Plank walk out to 5 shoulder tags 2 minutes
Medicine ball around the world 30 seconds each direction
Legs and Lower back: for packing in gear to scaling the mountain
Barbell Squats 3 x10
Weighted sled. Struggle with the sled, and excel on the mountain push 30 seconds , pull 30 seconds
Trap Bar deadlift to strengthen your legs, back, and core 3 x10
Weighted pull ups for Whether you’re hanging a new set , scaling the final boulder to get to a better vantage point for glassing an opposing mountain range, 3 x 8 or 10
Shoulder press : For Hoisting gear, Hanging tree stand sets. Drawing your bow. Anything at eye level or above uses these muscles. 3×10
TRX or Dumbell Rows 3×10 This exercise is critical for shot execution and being able to stay at full draw
Wolverine Workout Day 2: Lumberjack and Outdoorsman
Workout One: Lumberjack Strength
wood chops with dumbbell or medicine ball
50 each side, 50 straight down
3 sets, 8-12 reps
Tricep Pushdown/Extensions
3 sets, 8-12 reps
Rowing Machine
5-7 minutes, 30 second intervals
5 sets, 30 seconds each
Farmers Carry
30 feet
Kettlebell Massive Swings
Two minutes, 24 reps
Box Jumps
Two minutes, as many reps as possible (AMRAP)
Kettlebell Clean And Squat
Two minutes, AMRAP
Two minutes, AMRAP
Workout Two: Outdoorsman option using logs and boulder
Bearcrawl 100 feet
Boulder toss 3 x15
Tree Branch pull ups 4 times to failure
Log Squats
3 sets of 10
Incline push ups 60 reps
walking Lunges with log
3 sets of 15 per leg
Log shoulder press
3 sets of 8
Tree Branch Leg raises
3 sets of 15
Wolverine Workout Day Three: Samurai Activity Day
Samurai spent their days practicing their weapon attacks , combat skills , such as jujitsu , meditation, calligraphy , visiting and bathing in Japan’s hot springs. Often times they would spend the evening getting drunk, as well as testing their endurance being scantily clad in sub zero weather.
While we don’t condone the last 2, use this day to be active.
Go hiking, spend time outdoors meditate, learn calligraphy, train MMA, do yard work, hit the sauna or steam room or if you really want to challenge yourself, take in an ice bath or freezing shower. Either way get creative and take some time to yourself
Wolverine Workout Day Four: Canadian Military Basic Training and World War Two Fitness Test
Canadian Military Basic Training
- run five kilometers
- run 2.4 kilometers within an appropriate time (see chart below)
- complete push-ups with a full range of motion and sit-ups
- complete a hand-grip test
- tread water for at least two minutes and swim 20 meters without a life jacket
Age range | Acceptable range | |
Men | Women | |
Under 30 years | 10:13 – 11:56 | 12:36 – 14:26 |
30 – 34 | 10:35 – 12:26 | 12:57 – 14:55 |
35 – 39 | 10:58 – 12:56 | 13:27 – 15:25 |
40 – 44 | 11:12 – 13:25 | 13:57 – 15:55 |
45 – 49 | 11:27 – 13:56 | 14:26 – 16:25 |
50 – 54 | 11:57 – 14:25 | 14:56 – 16:54 |
55 and over | 12:27 – 14:56 | 15:27 – 17:24 |
By the time you complete basic training, you will be able to:
- complete a 13-kilometer march in full combat gear
- complete push-up and sit-up tests
- run up to six kilometers
- complete swimming tests
- scale walls and cross ditches
World War II Fitness Test
2 Minutes per exercise. One point given per proper form and range of motion of each exercise. Choose either indoor or outdoor
1. Pullups | 1. Pullups |
2. Squat Jumps | 2. Squat Jumps |
3. Pushups | 3. Pushups |
4. Situps | 4. Situps |
5. 300-yard Run | 5A. Indoor Shuttle Run |
5A(1). 60-Second Squat Thrusts |
Wolverine Workout Day Five: Danger Room Session
Choose either ab circuit (or test your mutant healing factor and try both)
Complete each circuit 3 times!
Snikt pack abs :
Hanging leg raises 15 reps
Hip ups 20 reps
Bicycle crunches 25 reps
Regular crunches 30 reps
Toes to bar 15 reps
Reverse bicycle crunches 25 reps
Mountain climbers 20 reps each leg
Crunches 30 reps
Jab , cross, jab , cross sprawl : 90 seconds
Perform 12-15 reps per exercise
Box jump
Push ups
Circuit training
No rest in between exercises. Rest 45 seconds between circuit for 3 total circuits
Tuck jumps 20 reps
Bear crawl 20 feet
Pushup to Burpee 5 reps
Pull ups 8 reps
Wolverine Workout Day Six: Spy Workout
In the Intelligence Field, you never know where you are going to be and there’s a good chance you wont be able to find weights or a gym.
One Round For Time:
- Push ups-31
- Hindu squats-57
- Tricep dips-11
- Sit ups-40
- Hip thrusts-35
- Pull ups-5
- Push ups-20
- Wall sit for 60 seconds
- Hip Hinges-25
- Curl ups- 6
- Leg lifts-21
- Pull ups-2
- Lunges-26
- Push ups-17
- Curl ups-3
- Flutter kicks-225
- Pike push ups-13
- Regular squats-27
- Plank for 60 seconds
- Push up-15
- Windshield wiper abs-24
Option B
High intensity workout routine: 30 seconds on and 10 seconds rest, do this 8 times.
- Burpees
- Jumping jacks
- Mountain climbers
- Star jumps
- High knees
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More than 10 Workouts for Future Avengers, SHIELD Agents, X-Men, New Warriors, Nova Corps and Everyone in Between!
(Unofficial Workouts Inspired by Characters)

A Dozen Workouts for X-Men, The Brotherhood, and mutants of all shapes and sizes - with workouts from both characters and celebrities!
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