Last updated on December 8th, 2021 at 07:24 pm
We already saw some Alita: Battle Angel celebs, but now it’s time for the character.
And she’s a badass. So be ready.
We saw Rosa Salazar’s routine, who is playing Alita, and we also saw some opponents of hers in their celebrity form: Eiza Gonzalez and Ed Skrein.
Alita isn’t the first character originating from a manga, though.
We’ve also had tons of other anime characters and quite a few that started in manga.
We have seen tons of Dragon Ball characters (like Goku for one…), Attack on Titan’s Mikasa Ackerman, Tippu’s Natsu Ishido, and more!
Alita Stats:
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Real Name: Alita
Powers: Yes
Technically Alita has the appearance of an average height and weight young girl.
But it’s important to note that both are variable depending on her changing into different variations of cyborg!
Supergirl and Erza Scarlet were our shortest at 5’5 before Wasp came in at 5’4 and Kale, Anna and Nina Williams matching her there. BUT, now we have Caulifla at 4’8 and Sailor Moon at 4’11! Katana is just behind her at 5’2.
We had Wonder Woman come in standing 6’0 tall, Mockingbird and Hawkgirl at 5’9, Mystique and Sonya Blade at 5’10, and Storm 5’11.
But the average height for female celebrities on the site is generally more-so ranging from 5’4-5’6 – and our Black Widow is just above that at 5’7 with Spider-Gwen, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy at 5’8.
And, the tallest we’d seen before She-Hulk was Starfire at 6’4!
But don’t worry, either way.
Not only are these routines for all shapes and sizes – they also work for both men and women – regardless of the gender of the hero!

Grab you Anime Calisthenics Workouts Booklet and Unleash Your Inner Superhuman!
Alita Diet and Nutrition
**Keep in mind: this section will be nearly identical for each hero, unless I mentioned differently (for example someone like The Hulk may get something specifically different)**
Every hero needs to still have a good diet.
Unfortunately we can train like them, but I don’t think any of us are suddenly getting their powers, or the ability to magically stop caring about nutrition.
You can’t out train your diet, so I want to still give some pillars for nutrition.
You can start by checking out The Nutrition Pillars on the site, but I’ll break down some more information for you guys as well.
Guys like Hugh Jackman and Terry Crews utilize intermittent fasting daily, and I also use it myself in conjunction with cyclical ketosis.
That being said, I also recommend tracking and paying attention to protein intake.
BUT, there are a thousand different ways to reach your goals, so finding the most sustainable way is what’s important.
Which is why our Academy utilizes multiple different Nutrition Classes (Greek Gods, Vikings, Spartans, Hunter Gatherers, Monks, Samurais, Minimalists, SuperHumans) to allow people to choose what is right for YOU!
Oh, and if you’re down with calorie counting instead, that’s always an option as well. It’s just important to be aware of specific rules and precision while counting.

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Alita Workout Routine Research
We’ve made it to “the fun part”.
And, if you don’t know by now, I say that every single time we get to the workout routine research section for character workouts.
This is where I get to break down the “how” and “why” of the workout we’re going to build based on the characters, in this case Alita’s, powers and/or abilities.
Here’s some information on her from the Alita Wiki:
Alita’s appearance is that of a young woman of average height with shoulder-length dark hair. She maintains this appearance through her different cyborg bodies.
That’s specifically to talk more about what I mentioned when I listed her height and weight as “variable”.
Here’s some information that will better support the style we’re going to train for her:
Panzer Kunst: Alita is a highly skilled practitioner of Panzer Kunst although she still has not fully recalled all that she learned. Her memory is usually jogged under the stress of combat or her life is endangered. Although ranked as a Geselle when she carried out Operation Maulwurf, Caerula Sanguis rated Alita as being at least at the Höher Krieger level after she defeated Qu Tsang in Round 1 of the Tenth Zenith of Things Tournament.
And, being that it’s important to know what Panzer Kunst is, I’ll list that from it’s Wiki Page as well:
Panzer Kunst (more properly panzerkunst, German for “armored art”) is the first martial art to anticipate combat in zero gravity, originating on Mars. It is the fighting style used by Alita and with the exception of a handful of practitioners is nearly extinct. The names of all Panzer Kunst moves and disciplines are in German and practitioners are called Künstler, German for “artist”.
Panzer Kunst seeks oneness between the senses and is commonly referred to as the strongest of the cyborg martial arts. Especially effective at disabling and destroying larger opponents, it is the basis of other space martial arts such as Space Karate.
No, I’m not going to teach you how to become a cyborg.
But we can work hard to train like one and defend ourselves against them!
Let’s do this.
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.
The Alita Workout Routine

Training Volume:
6 days per week
Each week or month (your choice) we’re going to vary our mixed martial arts training to a different style that Coach Derek has provided us. On top of that we’re going to be training in bodyweight style calisthenic movements with a weighted vest. This will prepare us to feel lighter, or like zero gravity, when we take it off. I will list the different programs and parkour training from Coach Derek, myself, and Felix, and it’ll be your job to go week to week. Also utilize the calisthenics training 3-5 days a week on top of the mixed martial arts, with a 25-50 lb vest.
Alita Mixed Martial Arts Training
**As stated above: swap week to week or month to month through these routines to slowly master different styles**
Choose a mixed martial arts program below:
Check out MMA programs on the site from Coach Derek here: Moon Knight, Deathstroke, Daredevil.
For some Thai Boxing fun check out Anna Diop’s routine.
The Parkour Workout (Nightrunner) designed by Academy member Felix also has body weight programming attached to it you should be utilizing on this day.
**And the Daredevil workout also has some beginner Parkour as well.**
Alita Weighted Calisthenics Gravity Training
Complete the following calisthenics reps with a 25-50 lb weighted vest on.
These can all be broken down into whatever rep scheme you’d like including circuits or supersets.
150 Push Ups
150 Air Squats
100 Dips
100 Sit Ups (no vest)
50 Push Ups
50 Lunges (each leg)
50 Hanging or Lying Leg Raises (no vest)
Check out all The SHJ Programs and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.

Over a Dozen of The Top Anime Inspired Calisthenics/Bodyweight Workouts from The SHJ Databases based on Your Favorite Characters from A Wide Variety of Fandoms and Themes
(Unofficial Workouts Inspired by Characters)