I guess this could have been called “The Dwarf” Workout, but it’s technically going to be based on The Hobbit.
Plus, we’ve already seen a Gimli workout, which is something we’ll build off of here – while also having Legolas this week to compete against!
So to be clear we’ll have a good handful of characters to talk about in this one.
I’ll do my best to break as many down as possible, but at the end of the day we’re training to be a Dwarven Warrior!
But, with the release of Tolkien we’re celebrating him and his characters, so I thought this was definitely a good way to do just that.
We’ll also have Lily Collins who is starring in Tolkien, and Conan Stevens who played as Bolg in The Hobbit.
Tolkien’s Dwarves Stats:
Height: Average 4’6 but range 4-5′
Weight: (Fan Guesstimate) 150-250 lbs.
Names: Thorin Oakenshield, Dwalin, Balin, Bombur, Ori, Nori, Bofur, Gloin, Oin, Bifur, Fili, Kili
Powers: Dwarven
Dwarves are short, what did you expect?
But they can also be stocky as hell!
Vegeta were tied Wolverine for the shortest spot among comic characters we’ve seen at 5’3, prior to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles coming in at 5’2, (and Gimli even shorter) – but Damian Wayne (Robin) is only 5’4. Goku isn’t that tall either, though, standing only 5’7, with Miles Moralesonly an inch above him.
One Punch Man falls in at 5’9 right there with Ryu, Nightwing at 5’10, and then Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Green Arrow coming in around 5’11 and Beast joining them.
Just above them are Aquaman, Red Hood and Punisher standing only an inch or so taller.
We’ve had Superman and Eddie Brock’s Venom at 6’3, and Captain America, Scorpion and Batman at 6’2, and Carnage at 6’1. Thor and Cyborg are towering over them at 6’6, Thanos and King right there with them at 6’7, Bane at 6’8, and Deathstroke right below at 6’5, and Black Manta at 6’4.
And, of course, Hulk and Broly are both up there with them, and sometimes even portrayed much taller.
Yeah, that means All Might was the tallest at 7’2, only sometimes surpassed by The Hulk – and Zangief just missing the tallest spot at 7’0!
And I say “was” because Ronan and Sagat are 7’5, and Doomsday came in at 8’10, and I doubt any characters are touching that anytime soon.
But, don’t worry if you’re not the same height or weight range.
We write these routines to be utilized by anyone and everyone.

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The Hobbit’s Dwarves Diet and Nutrition
**Keep in mind: this section will be nearly identical for each hero, unless I mentioned differently (for example someone like Hellboy may get something specifically different)**
Every hero needs to still have a good diet.
Unfortunately we can train like them, but I don’t think any of us are suddenly getting their powers, or the ability to magically stop caring about nutrition.
You can’t out train your diet, so I want to still give some pillars for nutrition.
You can start by checking out The Nutrition Pillars on the site, but I’ll break down some more information for you guys as well.
Guys like Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart incorporate 80/20 dieting with big weekly cheat meals, Hugh Jackman, Tom Hopper, Benedict Cumberbatch and Terry Crews utilize intermittent fasting (something I use daily as well), Ariana Grande, Mustafa Shakir and Madelaine Petsch are vegans, Brandon Routh and Frank Grillo opt for paleo, and tons of others utilize their own variations as well.
It’s all about sustainability.
AND, there are a thousand different ways to reach your goals, so finding the most sustainable way is what’s important.
Which is why our Academy utilizes multiple different Nutrition Classes (Greek Gods, Vikings, Spartans, Hunter Gatherers, Monks, Samurais, Minimalists, SuperHumans) to allow people to choose what is right for YOU!

Hobbit Dwarves Workout Routine Research
We’ve made it to “the fun part”.
And, if you don’t know by now, I say that every single time we get to the workout routine research section for character workouts.
This is where I get to break down the “how” and “why” of the workout we’re going to build based on the characters, in this case the Dwarve’s, powers and/or abilities.
One thing we need to know about Dwarves for this article is the fact that they live a much longer life than use.
That’s one of the reasons, if we take a closer look at our party of 13, we can see Fili and Kili, who were the youngest, looking the most closely like shorter humans.
Fili and Kili were 82 and 77, where-as the oldest members of the company were as follows:
- Thorin: 195
- Balin: 178
- Dwalin: 169
- Oin: 167
- Gloin: 158
Yes, I believe it can be said that Thorin definitely seems to age well.
He is also one of the only members to have an “abilities” section on his Wiki, if we’ll call it that for the sake of this article.
For his weapons and abilites they state:
Weapons: Thorin fought using typical dwarven axes, a bow, and swords as well as an elven blade called Orcrist, which he had discovered on the journey to the Lonely Mountain. Under Thranduil’s imprisonment, the blade had been confiscated by the Wood-elves. At Thorin’s burial, Thranduil decided it was more appropriate to place it on Thorin’s tomb, and did so, along with the Arkenstone.
Abilities: Thorin was a fierce and formidable warrior, highly skilled in both swordsmanship and archery.
It’s also safe to be said that the majority of our party that set off to reclaim the lonely mountain.
And while we’re on the lore, it’s a fun note that Thorin was actually Fili and Kili’s uncle, and Gloin is Gimli’s father!
In analyzing the fact that Fili and Kili (and I think it’s safe to utilize them as a good reference point considering them, along with Thorin, Balin and maybe even Bombur, they were referenced the most as solo characters, instead of just as a group) were closely shown as shorter humans, we can also note the stocky and massive strength of the rest of the dwarves.
It’s this reason why this routine will be focusing around building a big, wide, stocky Dwarven build!
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The Hobbit Dwarves Workout Routine

Training Volume:
4-6 days per week
For this one we’re going to do a 4 day strength training split to get that wide Dwarven warrior strongman build – but I’m also going to list off some items for you to work on with your defensive training at well to make it a little more Dwarven styled and fun.
The Hobbit Dwarves Hammer, Mace and Club Workout
So the Dwarves we’ve seen utilize hammers, maces, clubs, and swords.
For this one we’re going to get some practice with most of those.
In Shao Kahn’s workout we had a hammer workout that looked like this:
Beginner Sledgehammer Workout
4 Rounds for Time:
A: Right Side Slams x 15
B: Left Side Slams x 15
C: Overhead Slams x 15
Advanced Sledgehammer Workout
After each circuit round, rest 15 seconds. Start with 15 reps for the first circuit and decrease reps for each progressive circuit until you are only performing one rep per exercise.
A: Tomahawks (Right Hand) x 15 to 1
B: Tomahawks (Right Hand) x 15 to 1
C: Double Arm Slams x 15 to 1
You can utilize this, as well as the SISU War Hammer, or even the Onnit Steel Clubs!
I’ve linked both to Rogue’s website, but neither is an affiliate link and I don’t earn anything from this suggestion.
Hobbit Dwarves Workout Day One: Chest and Triceps
Warm Up:
Dwarves don’t do cardio and Dwarves don’t stretch!
Bench Press
Skull Crushers
Incline Bench (DB or BB)
Tricep Kickbacks
Dumbbell Pullovers
Tricep Pushdown Variation
Hammer Blowout:
9 Rounds
- Do 20 sledge swings (10 on the right side and 10 on the left)
- Do 10 push-ups
- Do 20 alternating sprinter lunges
- Rest for 1 minute
Hobbit Dwarves Workout Day Two: Back and Biceps
Warm Up:
Dwarves don’t do cardio and Dwarves don’t stretch!
Standing EZ Bar Curls
Bent Over Rows w/ BB
Hammer Curls w/ DB
Wide Grip Lateral Pulldowns
Pull Ups or Chin Ups
Hammer Blowout:
You’re going to need to have a tire on hand for this one!
Do 9 Rounds on Each Side:
- Stand about two feet away from the tire
- Grip the sledgehammer
- Bring the sledgehammer up, your right hand sliding toward the head of the sledgehammer
- Swing the sledgehammer down, bringing your right hand to your left hand
- Slam the sledgehammer down as hard as you can against the tire
- Repeat this exercise on the other side of your body
Hobbit Dwarves Workout Day Three: Shoulders, Delts and Traps
Warm Up:
Dwarves don’t do cardio and Dwarves don’t stretch!
Military Press
Barbell Shrugs
Shoulder Front Raises
Lateral Raises
Face Pulls
Upright Rows
Hammer Blowout:
You’re going to need to grab a kettlebell and have a tire on hand for this one!
Complete one round.
- Do 10 sledge swings from each side (20 total)
- Rest 30 seconds
- Do 22 hand kettlebell swings
- Do 15 push-ups
- Rest for 2 minutes
- Do 20 sledge swings from each side
- Rest for 30 seconds
- Do 10 one-hand kettlebell swings with each hand
- Do fifteen push-ups
- Rest for two minutes
- Do 15 sledge swings from each side (30 total)
- Rest for 1 minute
- Do 30 two-hand kettlebell swings
- Do 15 push-ups
- Rest for 3 minutes
- Do 30 sledge swings from each side
- Rest for 1 minute
- Do 15 one-hand kettlebell swings with each hand
- Do 15 push-ups
Hobbit Dwarves Workout Day Four: Legs and Calves
Warm Up:
Dwarves don’t do cardio and Dwarves don’t stretch!
Back Squats
Leg Press
Calf Raise (seated or on Leg Press machine)
Hamstring Curls
Leg [Quad] Extension
Goblet Lunges w/ KB or DB
Hammer Blowout:
This one is going to be 10 minutes of Tabata training.
For those of you who don’t know what that is, you workout out hard for 20 seconds, and then rest for 10!
- Sledgehammer Swings
- Air Squats
- Sledgehammer Swings
- Jumping Lunges
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