Last updated on February 28th, 2023 at 09:01 am
The Most Powerful DC Characters have a lot of the same characters from our list of The Most Popular Superheroes of All Time, but with a few new characters added in!
We’ve already done a Fastest DC Characters of All Time list, so the logical step was to continue in that trajectory and do a Most Powerful list.
DC, like Marvel, (I never thought those two would be in the same sentence) has an amazing roster of characters and a multiverse to boot. That means that there’s multiple versions of each hero across each earth and reality.
So, yeah – we have the pick of the litter.
The DC Multiverse has a lot of heroes that could claim to be the most powerful among them. I searched across several websites and there was very little consensus as to who the most powerful characters were, except for a few famous characters who many of us are familiar with like Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. What is common among the websites though is the fact that many of the Leaguers in the JLA are present, and there are some mystical beings among the Top 10.
If you want to delve even deeper into more superhero workouts available in SHJ, I highly recommend checking out Jump Rope Workouts Inspired by Superheroes. You can also check out our Justice League Character Quiz to find out which character you should train as.
If you like listicles like this one, here are a few more I think you might like:
- The Most Powerful DC Titans Characters
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Of course we’ve also done a handful of “Most Powerful” and “Most Popular” for other anime and comics so if you’d like to check those out you can visit our other listicles here.
For this one I scoured the internet for help and almost every single listicle has a different take on who The Most Powerful DC Characters are so what I decided to do was compile ALL of them together and place each character in the slot they averaged most as well as keeping the list to base TEN most powerful and then increasing the length of the normal runner-up slots I normally do in no specific order.
As always, leave your comments below if you were expecting other characters!

Number Ten: Damage (Ethan Avery)
Race: Human
Hero or Villain: Anti-Hero
Starting off our list of The Most Powerful DC Characters of All Time we have the anti-villain named Damage! Ethan Avery underwent an experimental procedure that allowed him to gain super strength, invulnerability and speed for one hour each day (a lot like Rex Tyler aka Hour Man)
Damage is able to transform into an unstoppable beast for an hour a day. While in his beast form, he has the abilities of superhuman strength, invulnerability, superhuman stamina and speed, magic resistance, and an enhanced healing factor. However, Ethan has no control over the creature after he transforms, unlike other heroes who transform and remain cognizant of their surroundings (like Beast Boy of the Teen Titans)
Do you agree with Damage’s placement in the top ten or would you push him down to the honorable mentions and bring someone else up into his slot?
Damage at SHJ:

Number Nine: Shazam (Billy Batson)
Race: Human
Hero or Villain: Hero
Coming in at number nine on the list of the most powerful DC Characters is the Champion of the Gods, Shazam!
Shazam is hero with the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury. He transforms from his human alter ego of Billy Batson into the superhero Shazam by saying the word ‘SHAZAM’. In the recent live-action adaptation with the same name, Shazam is able to lend his powers to his adoptive siblings when they say his name while holding the staff of power.
It’s worth noting that Shazam is a lot like Superman, except he draws his strength from magic and not the radiation from the Yellow Sun. Because of this, Shazam is also immune to magical effects unlike Superman. In the New 52’s Future End arc, Shazam even impersonates Superman by wearing an armored suit with an ‘S’ and covering his face.
Shazam at SHJ:
Shazam Inspired Workout Routine
Shazam Inspired Circuit Workout Routine
Number Eight: Wonder Woman (Diana Prince)
Race: Amazons
Hero or Villain: Hero
At number eight among the most powerful DC characters is the Princess of Themyscira, Diana Prince, also known to Man’s world as Wonder Woman!
Diana is most definitely one of the most powerful Justice Leaguers and one of the most powerful characters in DC. Being the daughter of Zeus, she has been gifted with the abilities of superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and of course, flight. In Justice League Unlimited, not even the combined strength of Batgirl, Vixen, Hawkgirl and Black Canary is enough to defeat the Princess of Power.
What makes Diana powerful is not just her physical abilities, but also her compassion and her willingness to help others. In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, we see Diana use her gifts to deflect every single one of the terrorists’ bullets, and afterwards, she even tells the young girls, ‘You can be anything you want to be.’ Giving hope to a child: now that’s a real super power!
Wonder Woman at SHJ:
Gal Gadot Workout Routine and Diet
Wonder Woman Inspired Workout Routine
Wonder Woman Inspired Calisthenics Workout Routine
Wonder Woman Inspired Jump Rope Routine

Number Seven: Orion
Race: New Gods
Hero or Villain: Hero
Next up among our most powerful DC characters of all time, we move to an actual god – the son of Darkseid and the protector of New Genesis – Orion! Orion is a cosmic being who knows what battling a great evil is – literally. He is the spawn of Darkseid and Tigra, but was raised on the paradise planet of New Genesis as part of a peace treaty between the High Father and Darkseid.
In addition to having immense strength, speed, and durability, Orion is the wielder of the Astro Force, a volatile cosmic force that grants him the ability of flight via his astro harness and energy projection in the form of the astro beam – beams of concentrated godfire that can hurt Superman and Darkseid.
Orion at SHJ:

Number Six: Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El)
Race: Kryptonian
Hero or Villain: Hero
Just missing the top 5 is the Man of Steel, Superman! This may actually come as a shock to many people that Superman didn’t even make it to the Top 5. Let me make it clear – Superman is extremely powerful and is one of the strongest in the DC universe, however, he isn’t the strongest being in the multiverse.
Unlike the other heroes in the Top 5, Kal-El’s abilities are reliant on Yellow Sun energy. If the sun were to be rendered red, he would lose all his abilities and be a regular man. If you’ve seen DC’s Flashpoint animated movie, you’ll know that in that universe, Superman was so weak because the military kept him underground and exposed to red star energy.
Superman at SHJ:
Henry Cavill Workout Routine and Diet
Superman Inspired Workout Routine
Superman Inspired Circuit Workout Routine

Number Five: Lobo “The Main Man”
Race: Czarnian
Hero or Villain: Anti-Hero
Making it to the top five among the most powerful DC characters of all time is “The Main Man” himself, Lobo the Bounty Hunter!
While not technically a villain, Lobo has tangled with the Justice League on several occasions, primarily when the League is protecting a bounty that he sets his sights on. Lobo is a Czarnian, an alien race much like Krypton, except that the reason they’re dead is not because the planet was destroyed, but because Lobo himself killed them for fun.
What makes him so powerful is because of his Czarnian physiology, allowing him to heal and regenerate any part of his body almost instantaneously. Like Superman, he has immense physical strength and durability and even was able to stand toe-to-toe against the Man of Steel. He is even said to be immortal as he does not seem to change his appearance between encounters with the Justice League and other DC heroes.
Lobo at SHJ:

Number Four: Martian Manhunter (J’onn J’onzz)
Race: Martian
Hero or Villain: Hero
At number four among the most powerful DC characters of all time, we have the Last Son of Mars, J’onn J’onzz – The Martian Manhunter!
J’onn is an alien like Superman, but he’s brought more to the table than just his strength. He’s a founding member of the JLA, and he was able to help them develop the Javelin ship technology and the orbital laser weapon kept in the Watchtower. Being a Martian, he has immense strength, durability, and speed.
His Martian physiology gifts him with the abilities of telepathy, shape-shifting, and intangibility. He uses these abilities during fights to read the opponents’ minds and come up with a strategy to defeat them.
Martian Manhunter at SHJ:
Workout Coming Soon (We do have Miss Martian!)
Number Three: Doctor Fate (Nabu)
Race: Human
Hero or Villain: Hero
Coming in and making the top three among the most powerful DC characters of all time is the DC multiverse’s Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Fate!
Fate is actually a human possessed by the presence of the god Nabu, and is able to wield all forms of magical power and energy. Because of the fact that he is possessed by a god, Doctor Fate has access to Nabu’s powers of strength, flight, speed, and a vast knowledge of magic. While wearing the helmet of Nabu, Fate can see the future and predict when a major disaster is coming, and alerts the Justice League to prepare beforehand.
His abilities go beyond the physical however. He is capable of telepathy, teleportation, force field generation, and is able to travel between parallel universes and realities. In the Justice League Unlimited series, Doctor Fate’s appearance is always preceded by an ankh, an Egyptian symbol of power.
Doctor Fate at SHJ:

Number Two: Phantom Stranger (Judas Iscariot)
Race: Human
Hero or Villain: Hero
Coming in at number two among the most powerful DC characters of all time the mysterious being known as the Phantom Stranger. Not much is known about him except that he appears to be similar to the Watcher in the sense that he observes events unfold and watches man’s history from afar.
There are several theories as to how he came to be. One theory is that he’s a fallen angel who remained neutral during Lucifer’s rebellion and was cast down to earth to wander it for eternity. Another theory is that he’s actually Judas Iscariot (yeah the same one from Sunday school), and is cursed to wander the earth never being able to be at peace.
Phantom Stranger is said to be immortal. He cannot be hurt by conventional means and even survived having his heart removed from his body. Like the name suggests, he can become intangible like a phantom, and is able to produce magical concussive blasts and can transmute any object he so desires into another form.
Phantom Stranger at SHJ:

Number One: The Spectre (Jim Corrigan)
Race: Universal Presence
Hero or Villain: Hero
Coming in at number one among the most powerful DC characters of all time is the embodiment of God’s vengeance, The Spectre!
The Spectre is by far the most powerful being in the DC multiverse. He uses his divine and cosmic powers to punish the truly wicked, killing them in ironic and creative ways. He has the ability to manipulate reality, time, space, and has immeasurable strength and invulnerability.
However, as the Spectre is merely a presence, he needs a human soul to be bonded to. There have been three hosts so far – Jim Corrigan of the JSA, Hal Jordan of the Green Lantern Corps, and most recently, Crispus Allen, a GCPD officer who was killed by a dirty cop.
Would you place The Spectre at number one or does Phantom Stranger give him a run for his money?
Who else would you pull from the honorable mentions to bring up to this list?
The Spectre at SHJ:
But I’d also love to hear who YOU think should be on this list!
The Most Powerful DC Characters of All Time (Runner Ups):
- Lucifer Morningstar
- Parallax
- Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Darkseid
- Anti-Monitor
- Mon-El
Don’t forget to comment your thoughts below.
As always, remember that all these routines should be paired with our Nutrition Pillars; and you can even check out our article on The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities as well.
If you want to step it up a notch on top of these workouts then you can also check out our Superhero Academy and Superhuman System as well.
Now get out there and begin unleashing your inner superhuman!
Until next time,
SHJ’s Aqualad
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.