Last updated on October 2nd, 2021 at 06:18 pm
Have you guys watched Season Three of Jessica Jones yet?
If not, you should.
I feel like we’re at the point in time where a spoiler warning isn’t even needed, but either way here it is. If you continue reading and haven’t watched the final season, you’ve been warned.
We’ve already seen Krysten Ritter, Rachael Taylor and supporting casts workout routines (like Mike Colter’s Luke Cage making appearances in the Jessica Jones series), but this will be one of the first character workouts we see from the series (unless you include other Marvel Netflix Series tie-ins like Daredevil and Punisher).
And (we’re at that point I warned you about), if you didn’t know, Rachael Taylor’s character becomes Hellcat in the final season, signing off with a line “I’m the bad guy”, when she finally realizes.
So here we are to give a little bit more of a sign off to the series itself.
Hellcat Stats:
Height: 5’8
Weight: 135 lbs.
Real Name: Patricia Walker
Powers: Yes
Hellcat (Patricia Walker) is actually the same exact height as Rachael Taylor.
Talk about some good casting, am I right?
Supergirl and Erza Scarlet were our shortest at 5’5 before Wasp came in at 5’4 and Kale, Anna and Nina Williams matching her there. BUT, now we have Caulifla at 4’8 and Sailor Moon at 4’11! Katana is just behind her at 5’2.
We had Wonder Woman come in standing 6’0 tall, Mockingbird and Hawkgirl at 5’9, Mystique, Miss Martian, and Sonya Blade at 5’10, and Storm 5’11.
But the average height for female celebrities on the site is generally more-so ranging from 5’4-5’6 – and our Black Widow is just above that at 5’7 with Spider-Gwen, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy at 5’8.
And, the tallest we’d seen before She-Hulk was Starfire at 6’4!
But don’t worry, either way.
Not only are these routines for all shapes and sizes – they also work for both men and women – regardless of the gender of the hero!

Grab The Unofficial Marvel Workout Booklet and Unleash Your Inner Superhero!
Hellcat Diet and Nutrition
**Keep in mind: this section will be nearly identical for each hero, unless I mentioned differently (for example someone like Hellboy may get something specifically different)**
Every hero needs to still have a good diet.
Unfortunately we can train like them, but I don’t think any of us are suddenly getting their powers, or the ability to magically stop caring about nutrition.
You can’t out train your diet, so I want to still give some pillars for nutrition.
You can start by checking out The Nutrition Pillars on the site, but I’ll break down some more information for you guys as well.
Guys like Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart incorporate 80/20 dieting with big weekly cheat meals, Hugh Jackman, Tom Hopper, Benedict Cumberbatch and Terry Crews utilize intermittent fasting (something I use daily as well), Ariana Grande, Mustafa Shakir and Madelaine Petsch are vegans, Brandon Routh and Frank Grillo opt for paleo, and tons of others utilize their own variations as well.
It’s all about sustainability.
AND, there are a thousand different ways to reach your goals, so finding the most sustainable way is what’s important.
Which is why our Academy utilizes multiple different Nutrition Classes (Greek Gods, Vikings, Spartans, Hunter Gatherers, Monks, Samurais, Minimalists, SuperHumans) to allow people to choose what is right for YOU!

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Hellcat Workout Routine Research
We’ve made it to “the fun part”.
And, if you don’t know by now, I say that every single time we get to the workout routine research section for character workouts.
This is where I get to break down the “how” and “why” of the workout we’re going to build based on the characters, in this case Hellcat’s, powers and/or abilities.
We’ll start off with what her Wiki Fandom describes as her “origin”:
An all-American human girl that could be you that became a superhero and gained supernatural powers
Those powers that she gains are listed as such:
- Enhanced Human: Patsy Walker has a near-superhuman level of physical prowess, including strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reflexes. Originally the Cat costume was designed to enhance the natural prowess of any woman who wore it. Over time, Patsy discovered that her physical abilities remained heightened even outside of her Cat costume.
- Titanian Mental Enhancements: Patsy once possessed enhanced psionic abilities, due to the mental stimulation of Moondragon’s Titanian technology. She could move small objects telekinetically, resist mental control, and on one occasion was able to generate a psychokinetic force-blast. Moondragon has since used her own advanced psionic powers to undo the effects of her psychic augmenter. Since then, Walker’s psychic abilities have returned but to a far lesser degree than at their peak. She no longer has any psychokinetic ability, but she is still sensitive to certain psychic phenomena.She can see into the infrared spectrum, detect mystical energy from a distance, and see through certain glamours or illusions especially those which are caused by demons. At one point, Hellcat was nearly choked to death by the Blob. With her air supply running out, Hellcat’s psionic powers were suddenly activated. She started blindly lashing out, blasting every hero and villain in her vicinity. She was eventually the only one left standing, while surrounded by the unconscious bodies of her friends and foes.
- Costume Summoning: Since returning from the dead, Hellcat has had the ability to summon her Hellcat costume on command, magically exchanging it for whatever clothing she was wearing at the time. She could also customize the costume design when it appeared and stated that the costume itself was an extension of her aura.
- Magical Resistance: Having spent time in Mephisto’s Realm she had learned about magic from repeated torturous exposure and was able to ‘twist and slide free of it, like a cat’ demonstrating the ability to tear free of magical bonds and cause magic to glance off her aura as well as possessing a ‘magical sight’ which can see through certain glamours and illusions caused by demons or demonic magic that even demons can’t see as well as warning her of magical based danger and increasing her sensitivity to magic which allows her to sense its location even at a distance.
So we don’t actually see all of this in Jessica Jones, but we definitely get the “enhanced human” part.
Which is good, because that’s exactly the part we’re going to be focusing in on for her workout routine.
Those abilities that are enhanced include her strength, agility, reflexes, and endurance.
In the show we see Patsy throw out of a window of Jessica’s apartment complex and easily land at the bottom; while other scenes have her scaling walls no problem.
So expect to have our parkour workout added to the programming.
We also see a different origin story in the show, but her Wiki Fandom gives her this for background information in becoming Hellcat:
While her husband was assigned to a security post at the heavily government-subsidized Brand Corporation in New Jersey, Patsy met the Beast and learned his secret identity. Walker had long idolized “super-heroes,” and she elicited the promise from him that in exchange for keeping his secret, he would help her become a “superheroine”. Walker’s marriage eventually came to a bitter end, and she sought out the Beast, who was now a member of the Avengers, to remind him of his promise.Tagging along with the Avengers to investigate criminal activities at the Brand Corporation, she became imprisoned along with the heroes by the Corporation and her ex-husband. After they freed themselves, Walker discovered the Cat Suit worn by Greer Nelson in her identity as the “Cat”. Putting the costume on, Walker dubbed herself “Hellcat” and used her natural athletic abilities to help the Avengers.
Time to build those natural athletic abilities.
You think you’re ready?
Check out all The SHJ Programs and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.
Hellcat Workout Routine

Training Volume:
3-5+ days per week
I’m going to build you 3 days of training that will focus on strength, endurance and agility. The other 2+ days of training will come by adding in our parkour workout listed along with Coach Derek’s mixed martial arts programs that can be added on top as well.
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & traditional pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Hellcat Workout Day One: Strength and Agility
Endurance Warm Up:
Light 3 Mile Jog
Strength Compounds:
Chest Press
Standing Overhead Press
Agility Training:
Superset One:
A. Tire Flips
3×50 meters
B. Burpees
Superset Two:
A. Fireman’s Carry
3×50 meters
B. Clap Push Ups
Superset Three:
A. Battle Ropes
3×30 seconds
B. Kettlebell Swings
Hellcat Workout Day Two: Strength and Agility
Endurance Warm Up:
Light 3 Mile Jog
Strength Compounds:
Chin Ups
Agility Training:
Superset One:
A. Light One Arm Snatches
3×25 each arm
B. Mountain Climbers
Superset Two:
A. Ball Slams
B. Jump Squats
Superset Three:
A. Light Clean and Press
B. Wide Push Ups
Hellcat Workout Day Three: Strength and Agility
Endurance Warm Up:
Light 3 Mile Jog
Strength Compounds:
Back Squats
Leg Press
Agility Training:
Superset One:
A. Jumping Lunges
3×25 each leg
B. Cable Pullthroughs
Superset Two:
A. Double Unders
B. Box Jumps
Superset Three:
A. Hanging Leg Raises
B. Cable Crunches
Hellcat Workout: Mixed Martial Arts and Parkour
If you want to step your game up and start training with mixed martial arts, these are some of the programs Coach Derek has created for us outside of The Academy to do so.
Check out programs on the site from Coach Derek here: Moon Knight, Deathstroke, Daredevil, and Sagat.
For some Thai Boxing fun check out Anna Diop’s routine.
The Parkour Workout (Nightrunner) designed by Academy member Felix.
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.

More than 10 Workouts for Future Avengers, SHIELD Agents, X-Men, New Warriors, Nova Corps and Everyone in Between!
(Unofficial Workouts Inspired by Characters)