Last updated on March 13th, 2025 at 06:31 pm
Natsuki Subaru wasn’t originally a priority within our Anime Workouts Database, but you guys have recently been requesting him (and Re:Zero in general) a lot!
For that reason I figured we should get him his slot on the site before we move into a week of some characters we’ve already seen here before (that are getting different styles created for their workouts).
Similar to some other anime characters, we’ll have to switch up the way we’re going about training for this one (which I’ll explain more in our research section below), but it’s good if you know Natsuki obviously isn’t going to be training the same way we see someone like Baki or Vegeta train.
It will be good to add a more “beginner” calisthenics workout to our Anime Workout Placement Quiz, though – so if you want a fun starting point you’re in the right place.
Natsuki Subaru Stats:
Real Name: Natsuki Subaru
Height: 5’8
Weight: N/A
Anime: Re:Zero
Powers: Yes
Natsuki isn’t that tall, but he also wouldn’t be considered short compared to male anime characters we’ve seen.
He does have a slim physique, so if we needed a guesstimate for his weight it would likely be 140-160 range, at most.
Wolverine was the shortest spot among comic characters we’ve seen at 5’3, prior to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles coming in at 5’2, (and Gimli even shorter) – but Damian Wayne (Robin) is only 5’4. Goku isn’t that tall either, though, standing only 5’7, with Miles Morales only an inch above him.
One Punch Man falls in at 5’9 right there with Ryu, Nightwing at 5’10, and then Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Green Arrow coming in around 5’11 and Beast joining them.
We’ve had Superman and Eddie Brock’s Venom at 6’3, and Captain America, Scorpion and Batman at 6’2, and Carnage at 6’1. Thor and Cyborg are towering over them at 6’6, Thanos and King right there with them at 6’7, Bane at 6’8, and Deathstroke right below at 6’5, and Black Manta at 6’4.
Ronan and Sagat are 7’5, and Doomsday came in at 8’10, and I doubt any characters are touching that anytime soon.
But, don’t worry if you’re not the same height or weight range.
We write these routines to be utilized by anyone and everyone.

Grab you Anime Calisthenics Workouts Booklet and Unleash Your Inner Superhuman!
Natsuki Subaru Diet and Nutrition
**Keep in mind: this section will be nearly identical for each hero.**
Every hero needs to still have a good diet.
Unfortunately we can train like them, but I don’t think any of us are suddenly getting their powers, or the ability to magically stop caring about nutrition.
You can’t out train your diet, so I want to still give some pillars for nutrition.
You can start by checking out The Nutrition Pillars on the site, but I’ll break down some more information for you guys as well.
Guys like Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart incorporate 80/20 dieting with big weekly cheat meals, Hugh Jackman, Tom Hopper, Benedict Cumberbatch and Terry Crews utilize intermittent fasting (something I use daily as well), Ariana Grande, Mustafa Shakir and Madelaine Petsch are vegans, Brandon Routh and Frank Grillo opt for paleo, and tons of others utilize their own variations as well.
It’s all about sustainability.
AND, there are a thousand different ways to reach your goals, so finding the most sustainable way is what’s important.
Which is why our Academy utilizes multiple different Nutrition Classes (Greek Gods, Vikings, Spartans, Hunter Gatherers, Monks, Samurais, Minimalists, SuperHumans) to allow people to choose what is right for YOU!
Curious where over a hundred celebs fall in their dietary choices ranging from High Protein and Keto to Vegetarian, Vegan and Intermittent Fasting? Want exclusive celeb meal plans? Check this out.

Take The Anime Calisthenics Workout Placement Quiz Now!
Natsuki Subaru Workout Routine Research
We’ve made it to “the fun part”.
And, if you don’t know by now, I say that every single time we get to the workout routine research section for character workouts.
To learn more about Natsuki Subaru we’re going to be pulling right from his Wiki Fandom page, which leads us off with a hefty bio section:
Natsuki Subaru is the main protagonist of Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu. He was a hikikomori that was transported to Lugnica through unknown means, and given the ability to Return by Death by Satella. He officially became Emilia’s knight and subsequently became a knight of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugnica (though he has no duties towards the Kingdom as the title was only granted to him so he could be given the right to officially become Emilia’s knight), following the incident at the Sanctuary and is later revealed to have the necessary qualifications to become a Sage Candidate.
Currently, Subaru is situated in the neighbouring Sacred Empire of Vollachia; more precisely, in the Demon City of Chaosflame with the former 77th Emperor Vincent Abellux, Al, Medium O’Connell, Taritta and Louis Arneb, trying to prevent the 7th ranking Divine General Yoruna Mishigure to join the enemy’s side. Upon delivering the letter to the Divine General and narrowly escaping the Red Lapis Castle after being attacked by Vincent’s body double’s escorts–the 3rd ranking Divine General Olbart Dunkelkenn and a Second-Class General Kafma Irulux–Subaru woke up within his own 10-year-younger body, seemingly aging backwards 10 years over night.
As you can tell right from this bio, and what you could likely already tell if you’re a Re:Zero fan is that Natsuki does not have regular physical abilities or powers that we’re used to seeing here at SHJ.
BUT, that doesn’t mean we haven’t built workouts around characters like him before.
We have had characters of all different powers and abilities end up in our Workout Database, so we’ve been here before – for this one we’re going to be building it around:
- Natsuki’s Aesthetics (Overall Lean and Slim Physique)
- Natsuki’s Abilities/Powers (We’ll need Endurance and some Strength)
- Natsuki’s Athletic Ability (Swords/Melee Fighter/Etc.)
- Natsuki’s Parkour Ability (Will cover this below)
Some of this will make more sense when we move into the his powers and abilities section, but I wanted to give a brief overview ahead of time because Natsuki’s “powers and abilities” section is LONG.
We’re going to start off with an overview of “Return by Death”:
Return by Death: Subaru’s trump card and the most recognised ability from the series, Return by Death, allows Subaru to return to an unspecified, unpredictable and uncontrollable “save point”, that was set some time before his death. It happens instantly after his life was taken, there’s no lag between the point of death and the point of resurrection, and there is no known limit to how many times Subaru can “Return by Death”, making this ability an effective way of permanently bypassing death as it currently stands in the latest chapter of Arc 7. To Subaru, it looks exactly as if someone switched camera angles inside his head and the sudden influx of new information and sensations often makes him feel dizzy and confused. In Volume 11, it is revealed by the Witch of Greed that Return by Death is actually an Authority[2] given to him by the Witch of Envy in order to prevent him from being shackled by mortality, granting him a means to challenge fate itself and beat impossible odds in which he’s destined to die in the most cruelest of ways. Having said that, Subaru’s application of this Authority – namely to use it to save his friends and loved ones from their untimely demises – is something willingly and consciously done by Subaru alone. This often results in Subaru being given almost absurdly short times between his save points and deaths, and at times, even preventing him from saving some of his friends such as when Rem’s name and memories were eaten by the Sin Archbishop of Gluttony in Arc 3’s second interlude, while Subaru was given a save point hours after Gluttony and Greed’s attack on Rem’s carriage convoy.
From there we can talk about Natsuki as a Magic User and his two Authorities, which are still not extremely relevant to our training, but need to be mentioned for his background information:
Authority: Subaru is currently able to use two Authorities: Sloth and Greed. According to Echidna, Return by Death also seems to be an Authority gifted to him by Satella, but no actual conclusions of which Sin it represents, have been drawn yet.
Magic User: In the world Subaru was summoned to, individuals were capable of manipulating magical energy known as mana because of a “gate” that existed within every person’s body. This gate would draw mana into a body as well as expel it out, functioning as a kind of faucet for magical energy. Each person possesses a different elemental attribute that allow them to produce magical spells related to that element. Of the six elements, Subaru’s designated element is Yin Magic, a fairly rare attribute. Although he was a novice, Subaru had the capability to cast very basic-level Yin Magic spells. However, after overusing his gate, it became defective, meaning he could no longer cast any kind of magic. He is still able to use Yin magic through Beatrice, though Beatrice has run out of her mana supply when fighting the Oousagi, rendering both unable to use any kind of spell that isn’t too complex. According to the author, Subaru could learn how to use other types of magic if he dedicates his life to that.
And all of this is expanded on in his full Wiki Fandom page, along with tons of information about his spirit use, spirity affinity, spirit arts, Dragon’s Blood, deductive ability, and so much more.
But, to move into some areas we’ll be utilizing, we have his Melee Skills, Swordsmanship and Parkour/Survival Skills!
Here’s how they break it all down for us:
Melee Fighter: Subaru grew up an active athlete in his early years in his school, and although he drifted from partaking in any school activities prior to his transportation to the new world, he nevertheless still maintain a strict fitness regimen and as a result, he has raw athletic prowess and a high degree of physical strength, reflex and stamina. Despite all that, Subaru is not a skilled as the very vast majority of the warriors he has met in his two years of living in the New World and can barely hold his own against normal people–according to the author, a fistfight between Otto and Subaru would always end in Otto’s win. To somewhat make up for his fighting shortcomings, Subaru has sharp reflexes and demonstrated it when he was able to dodge Felt’s confused swings when she confused him for an intruder and Rem’s flail attack in the second attempt for his life.
- Sword Skills: He did kendo in middle school for a bit, so he has some basics in swordsmanship. After his humiliating defeat at the hands of Julius, Subaru received some rough sword training, under Wilhelm van Astrea at the Karsten mansion, Subaru unlocked a basic grasp on swordsmanship that was helped by the kendo he did when he was younger. However, it should be mentioned that despite the combative skills Subaru picked up from his time in Japan as well as his time in the other world, he was still a low-level combatant overall who would lose to almost every opponent he faced in terms of battle power as he’s completely talentless with a blade and is unable to hold his own against anyone who’s at least fairly skilled with a sword.
- Subaru personally mentions that he is able to bench 80kg (176 lbs). Before being teleported into the new world, he maintained a fitness regimen of one hundred push-ups, sit-ups, and squats a day, allowing him extremely above average physical ability, especially for a hikikomori whose diet consisted of mostly convenience store items.
Parkour and Survival Skills: During the following year after the incident at the Sanctuary, Subaru learned the basics of parkour from Clind and began training himself. The butler also provided Subaru with essential survival skills, which came in handy to Subaru in the start of Arc 7.
This is where we’ll really be focusing.
They even talk about how he doesn’t have much of a diet, but he was able to bench 176 lbs. and even discussed his fitness regime!!!
So we’re going to be taking that and then adding in some optional training on top of that to work around the magic endurance, parkour maneuvering and swordsmanship training (as well as some parkour and MMA resources I’ll throw in for you).
So get ready!
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Natsuki Subaru Workout Routine

Training Volume:
5-7 days per week
Natsuki has a fitness regime that is basically a super scaled down version of Saitama, and then we’ll also be tacking on some extra work on top to really enhance our physique and abilities to revolve around his parkour and swordsmanship skills.
Want To Upgrade This Workout?
The Superhero Academy now comes with an Upgrade Your Workout Tool that allows Academy members to turn any SHJ workout into a 4-8 week fully planned regime detailing exact weights to lift and including reverse & traditional pyramid training, straight sets, super sets, progressive overload and more.
Natsuki Subaru Workout Routine: Sample Schedule
Monday: Basic Natsuki Daily Calisthenics + Optional Parkour or MMA
Tuesday: Swordsman Parkour Circuit Test
Wednesday: Basic Natsuki Daily Calisthenics + Optional Parkour or MMA
Thursday: Magic and Spirit Endurance Work
Friday: Basic Natsuki Daily Calisthenics + Optional Parkour or MMA
Saturday: Basic Natsuki Daily Calisthenics + Optional Parkour or MMA
Sunday: Basic Natsuki Daily Calisthenics + Optional Parkour or MMA
Natsuki Subaru Workout: Basic Natsuki Daily Calisthenics + Optional Parkour or MMA
Complete this workout every single day of the week, and add on the optional HIIT, Parkour and/or MMA resources as you feel fit.
You can also tack on extra varied cardio to increase your stamina and/or fat burn over time, which I recommend doing 20-60 minutes of per day depending on your overall activity and fitness level.
The Natsuki Workout:
Push Ups
100 Total
Sit Ups
100 Total
Squats (Air Squats)
100 Total
(These can all be broken down into sets/reps such as 4 sets of 25 or 5 sets of 20, etc.)
MMA/Parkour Resources:
Parkour Training Resources:
- The Nightrunner Parkour Workout Routine
- The Assassin’s Creed Parkour Workout Routine
- The Robbie Amell Parkour Workout Routine
Main MMA Training Resources
- Anna Diop Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- Ryan Potter Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- Frank Grillo Boxing Workout
Other MMA Training Resources:
- Deathstroke Workout Routine
- Daredevil Workout Routine
- Moon Knight Workout Routine
- Sagat Workout Routine
HIIT Resources:
- The Best HIIT Workouts
- Jump Rope Workout Database
- Academy Members: Insert a Benchmark Hero Workout (Circuit) or SHJ Core Circuit Test
Natsuki Subaru Workout: Swordsman Parkour Circuit Test
In a perfect world our Academy members or 90 Day System members will use this day to work in our Benchmark Workouts to continue testing and improving scores and tracking them against other members; especially our SHJ Core Benchmarks (although our Hero Benchmarks are just as awesome).
If you are not an Academy member or you don’t have access to a 90 Day System, you can also sub in different circuits here from some of the HIIT resources I provide.
(Another note: You should continue coming back and re-trying to workout every so often to see how much you can improve your score!)
Swordsman Parkour Circuit Test: Complete 3 Rounds
Run 400M
20 Push Ups
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Air Squats
30 Jump Rope Skips (or Jumping Jacks)
20 Sit Ups
30 Box Jumps (or Step Ups)
20 Dips
Natsuki Subaru Workout: Magic and Spirit Endurance Work
For your endurance, HIIT or MMA/Parkour days you have quite a few options.
You can utilize enforced endurance training that I will program for you based on your fitness level like we do with other workouts here at SHJ…OR you can do 45-60+ minutes of varied cardio (bike, treadmill, elliptical, stairs, row, swim, etc.)…OR you can even use the HIIT resources I’ll provide.
I’ll break it down in that order:
Option One – Run Based on Overall Fitness Level:
Beginner: 1-3 Miles
Intermediate: 3-5 Miles
Advanced: 5+ Miles
Endurance Work Resources:
- Constance Wu Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- Ewan McGregor Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- Kid Flash Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- Grant Gustin Workout Routine and Diet Plan
- How To Continue Training After Your First 5K (Workout Included)
Option Two – Varied Cardio for 45-60 Minutes:
Split your cardio up however you’d like but complete 45-60+ minutes using:
- Treadmill Walk/Run
- Rower Machine
- StairMaster
- Elliptical
- Swim
- Bike
Option Three – Complete HIIT Training Using SHJ Resources:
- The Best HIIT Workouts
- Jump Rope Workout Database
- Academy Members: Insert a Benchmark Hero Workout (Circuit) or SHJ Core Circuit Test
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.

Over a Dozen of The Top Anime Inspired Calisthenics/Bodyweight Workouts from The SHJ Databases based on Your Favorite Characters from A Wide Variety of Fandoms and Themes
(Unofficial Workouts Inspired by Characters)