Last updated on August 6th, 2021 at 08:14 pm
The SHJ Army loved our last listicle, which was the first ever that didn’t specifically function around the workout routines here at the site, so now we’re back for more.
Last time we saw The Top Ten Most Powerful Superheroes of All Time, and now we’re going to be taking a look at the Top Ten Most Powerful Superheroes WITH NO POWER!
These are some of my FAVORITE kinds of heroes.
I know some of you already know a handful that are going to be making this list, for obvious reasons, so I don’t feel like I’m spoiling anything by saying that Batman and The Bat Family have always been a HUGE fan favorite among The SHJ Army, so that’s why I prioritized this list specifically even though we have SO MANY to get through now that we’re opening the door to more nerdy listicles.
As I mentioned last time: our Superhero Workouts Database and Anime Workouts Database within our full Workout Database are growing in popularity each and every single day and it has got to the point where I think we need to expand on it and continue making it easier for you guys to find workout routines you may very well never find without these lists.
That being said, I do have a handful of other listicles you guys may enjoy if you are interested in checking out some more with a larger focus on the workouts themselves:
- Avengers Celeb and Character Workouts
- Top Ten Young Justice Inspired Character Workouts
- 50+ CW Celebrity Workout Routines
And, of course, so many more.
Just so you guys know: I will be including some bonuses and honorable mentions below, but for the main top ten list we do have at least some inspired workout (sometimes even more than one) for you guys to utilize for your favorite characters.
Without further ado, the strongest superheroes with no powers!!!

Number Ten: Green Lantern
At number ten we’re starting off with Green Lantern.
I’m personally indifferent to whether or not I think Green Lantern should be considered powerless or not, but I suppose if we’re including Iron Man and other tech-dependent heroes he at the very least needs to be included; even if I make the executive decision to put him at the number ten slot!
It’s also great because it gives us the opportunity to share some pretty awesome workout routines.
We have our original Green Lantern Workout Routine, and we also have our Ryan Reynold’s Workout Routine!
On top of that we’ve seen a bit more of Ryan Reynolds, if you guys are looking for some extra, with our Ryan Reynolds Deadpool 2 Circuit Workout, Ryan Reynolds Ab Workout, and Ryan Reynolds Deadpool 2 Workout.
It’s safe to say The SHJ Army is as obsessed with Reynolds as I am….
If you guys consider Green Lantern a DEFINITE character that should be included in the powerless heroes, and potentially even higher on this list, let me know in the comments.
You can check out The Green Lantern Inspired Workout Routine here.

Number Nine: Punisher
Next up is none other than Frank Castle!
If we ever make a list of the top ten most badass characters I’m pretty sure he has a strong chance of coming in as the top dawg on that one.
Punisher is one of my favorite characters and I absolutely LOVED his portrayal in the Netflix Original as well.
Finger crossed we see more; but either way he comes in as one of the most powerful powerless superheroes of all time.
We’ve been blessed to have a couple Punisher Inspired Workouts! We have our original Punisher Workout Routine, our Punisher Inspired Circuit Workout and even our Jon Bernthal Workout Routine!
So get out there and start taking on some Frank Castle training!
You can check out The Punisher Inspired Workout Routine here.

Number Eight: Katana
We’re actually going to have a few female characters on this list as well…AND our “bonus” (spoiler alert) will include even more females!
Number eight we’re starting with our first female character as Katana.
I WISH I could say we had a Karen Fukuhara Workout routine to share, who plays Katana in Suicide Squad, but instead we’re going to have to stick with our Katana Workout Routine, and if you guys are fanboys and/or girls for Fukuhara you could even check out our The Female Workout (from The Boys).
Don’t worry, I’m sure Karen will find a slot here at SHJ sooner rather than later. I AM a huge fanboy for The Boys…
You can check out The Katana Inspired Workout here.

Number Seven: Hawkeye
Number Seven is actually going to include a Seven AND a Seven and a Half….
For this slot I’m pairing together both Hawkeye and Green Arrow.
I saw this done on another list and I was like…”You know what? That’s a great idea and it frees up an extra slot for another character to be able to share”.
And yes, I was talking to myself in that situation…
Technically speaking the only FULL workout routine we have for Hawkeye is our Ronan Workout Routine, but we also have our Hawkeye Jump Rope Inspired Workout AND our Jeremy Renner Workout Routine as well.
Oh, and if you’re into it we have a Kate Bishop Workout Routine and Hailee Steinfeld Workout Routine as well!
You can check out the Ronan Inspired Workout here.

Number Seven and a Half: Green Arrow
Originally I was going to share both the workout routines we have for these characters right in the same section.
Then I remembered just how much The SHJ Army loves Green Arrow, Green Arrow inspired workouts and characters, and especially Stephen Amell!
We have a ton of different character workouts that are based around Green Arrow side characters from the comics, so for them you’ll have to use the search bar because we also have a ton of Green Arrow and Amell to share here!
We have our original Green Arrow Workout Routine, our Green Arrow Jump Rope Inspired Workout Routine, a Green Arrow Inspired Circuit Workout, our Stephen Amell Workout Routine, Stephen Amell’s Ab Workout, and Stephen Amell’s Calisthenics Workout!
Oh, and if you need a hint on what to search you can check out Arrowette and Arsenal!
You can check out the Green Arrow Inspired Workout here.

Number Six: Black Widow
Awe yeah we’re back to some badass females!
Starting with Black Widow the next two superheroes came so close to one another in which order I wanted to put I strictly decided on this order being that I went from Hawkeye to Green Arrow so I decided to go Marvel -> DC again as a Marvel character comes there-after as well.
Black Widow is EASILY in my top five superheroes, and if you really twisted my arm I’d say likely top three.
We’ve had our Black Widow Workout Routine, our Black Widow Calisthenics Workout Routine, and even our Scarlett Johansson Workout Routine.
And if you’re really looking to embody some Black Widow characters you can even check out Florence Pugh’s Workout Routine (starring as Yelena Belova), David Harbour’s Workout Routine (starring as Red Guardian), or even our Red Guardian Workout Routine!
I know…that’s a lot of Black Widow characters and celebs! 🙂
You can check out the Black Widow Inspired Workout here.

Number Five: Huntress
Time for Huntress! We’re in the top five, and she makes it.
I was a BIG fan of Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey, although I know it got some mixed feedback (or at least from the people I spoke to about it), and I’m so glad we got to see some Huntress in there as well.
From that movie it actually even led to us having our Huntress Workout Routine here on the site, so we can be double thankful or else this slot here in the list would have felt quite empty compared to our other heroes.
And now we’re almost at the top three!
You can check out the Hulk Inspired Jump Rope Workout here.

Number Four: Shang-Chi
This is one of my favorites because I feel like many people reading this list aren’t going to automatically think of him.
Well, at least until our new Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings comes out next year!
Shang-Chi is SO strong and I cannot wait to see what they do with his character in the movie. We’ve been lucky enough to have our Shang-Chi Workout Routine AND our Simu Liu Workout Routine here at SHJ for you guys to take advantage of.
Get ready for a ton of calisthenics!
You can check out the Shang-Chi Inspired Workout Routine here.

Number Three: Moon Knight
Okay. Top Three. And I know some of you guys saw this one coming while a ton of you didn’t!
Moon Knight, like Shang-Chi is getting some love after going under the radar for a long time and will have his own show on Disney+.
Actually, it was recently confirmed that Oscar Isaac will start as him, making Isaac move on from a huge role in Star Wars and Apocalypse in X-Men Apocalypse to now being confirmed as Moon Knight, and Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid [movie], making him in the running for the ultimate nerd actor!
That being said, Moon Knight is often compared to Batman as “Marvel’s version”, and he is one of the characters that would give Frank Castle a run for his money if we make the most badass character listicle I mentioned earlier.
We have our Moon Knight Workout Routine that is a favorite among SHJ Army members, and we also recently got our Oscar Isaac Workout Routine as well.
You can check out the Moon Knight Inspired Workout here.

Number Two: Iron Man
Remember what I said about tech when I started this list with Green Lantern?
Well Green Lantern has his ring and Tony Start has…well….a lot of freakin’ money.
Similar to our number one most powerful superhero with no power (spoiler alert again…it’s Batman) these two prove that being EXTREMELY rich can make you a pretty awesome superhero.
In this case I decided ultimately to put Batman in at the number one slot because here at SHJ we value the training it takes to master our physiques and bodies and all things training to become dominant or just a better version of ourself.
That being said, I did see a ton of different listicles our there going with Batman and Iron Man as the top two and there was a pretty even split.
For Iron Man we also haven’t seen (naturally) as many workout routines inspired off his character as we have for Batman, but we did recently get our Iron Man Calisthenics Workout Routine, and we’ve had our Robert Downey Jr. Workout as well.
On top of that I do want to make a honorable mention here with Iron Man that War Machine is another hero that could have easily made this list due to tech and we recently had our War Machine Workout and have our Don Cheadle Workout Routine as well.
You can check out the Thor Inspired Workout here.

Number One: Batman
And now it’s time for the one and only…The Batman….
The SHJ Army goes absolutely ridiculously hard for Batman and all of the Bat Family.
Batman, to me, easily takes the number one slot.
I can see how other articles and listicles split between Batman and Iron Man, but Batman just has the perfect mixture of ALL powers….without having any powers….
We have seen so many Batman workouts that I decided to include our first bonus and honorable mention (below) as the entire Bat-Family, so if you’re wondering how Nightwing and some others didn’t make this list…that’s why!
We have had our Batman Workout Routine, our Batman Calisthenics Workout, our Batman Inspired Jump Rope Workout, our Batman Inspired Circuit Workout, and even our Batman Beyond Workout!
On top of that we have a handful of celebrities who we need to name that have portrayed Batman.
Of course we have our Christian Bale Workout Routine and our Christian Bale Batman Workout Routine; and then on top of that we have George Clooney’s Workout, Ben Affleck’s Workout, and even Robert Pattinson’s Workout!
Don’t worry, you have PLENTY of ways to take on Batman inspired training here at SHJ.
You can check out the Batman Inspired Workout here.

Bonus: The Bat Family
I promised The Bat Family, and here we are.
I’m going to give a couple other honorable mentions below, but I wanted to give The Bat Family their own section because there are just so many that could have possibly made this list. We have a handful of Nightwing Workouts alone, and then a ton of others that are in The Bat Family that we use and share in so many different routines.
Luckily enough we just recently had another listicle covering The Top Ten Bat-Family Workout Routines so you can see a handful of them here.
You can check out the Bat-Family Inspired Workouts here.
And now it’s time for some honorable mentions.
These are the ones that made it on some lists that I can agree with but aren’t big enough characters to currently have a slot here at SHJ and/or did not show up on enough lsits for me to warrant including them!
If you include any of these in YOUR top ten make sure to let me know in the comment section.
Here we go:
- Karate Kid (not Ralph Macchio’s Karate Kid, although we do have a Cobra Kai Inspired Workout if you want that one)
- Wildcat
- Booster Gold
- Blue Beetle
- Kick-Ass Superheroes
- Nick Fury
- Bucky Barnes
As always, remember that all these routines should be paired with our Nutrition Pillars; and you can even check out our article on The Top Diets Used Among Celebrities as well.
If you want to step it up a notch on top of these workouts then you can also check out our Superhero Academy and Superhuman System as well.
Now get out there and begin unleashing your inner superhuman!
Until next time,
SHJ’s Nick Fury
Join The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.